6 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of Business Model Notations

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    Although there were many comparative literatures of Business Models, there were not clear comparison criteria. Therefore, these comparisons were fragmented based on different viewpoints. In general, questions on business models can be categorized by interrogatives. In other words, the interrogatives imply a set of key features of business model notations. The feature category of business models using the interrogative will provide a unified way to compare different business models. The paper first defines the fifteen key features of Business Model Notations with five interrogatives. Then we concretely compare typical Business Model Notations based on the key features. The result clarifies the difference of Business Model Notations by using the proposed comparison framework. The result also implies a method to choose appropriate business model notations by using a set of interrogatives which correspond to important questions on business models

    Detecting Semantic Business Process Model Clones

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    Process modeling with languages like BPMN allows process designers to create the same business process model in various ways. Detecting model clones, i.e., pairs of business process models sharing a certain degree of similarity can be difficult. In this paper, we propose an approach to process model clone detection based upon dominator trees and targeted at detecting semantically though not necessarily syntactically similar process models of business processes

    LS3: Latent Semantic Analysis-based Similarity Search for Process Models

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    Large process model collections in use today contain hundreds or even thousands of conceptual process models. Search functionalities can help in handling such large collections for purposes such as duplicate detection or reuse of models. One popular stream of search functionalities is similarity-based search which utilizes similarity measures for finding similar models in a large collection. Most of these approaches base on an underlying alignment between the activities of the compared process models. Yet, such an alignment seems to be quite difficult to achieve according to the results of the Process Model Matching contests conducted in recent years. Therefore, the Latent Semantic Analysis-based Similarity Search (LS3) technique presented in this article does not rely on such an alignment, but uses a Latent Semantic Analysis-based similarity measure for retrieving similar models. An evaluation with 138 real-life process models shows a strong performance in terms of Precision, Recall, F-Measure, R-Precision and Precision-at-k, thereby outperforming five other techniques for similarity-based search. Additionally, the run time of the LS3 query calculation is significantly faster than any of the other approaches

    Propuesta de estandarizaci贸n y mejora de procesos del 谩rea de gerencia de proyectos de construcci贸n aplicando herramientas de Lean construction y BPM

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    El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n, tiene como objetivo, disminuir el tiempo de retraso en la entrega de obras de construcci贸n. Cabe mencionar que estos retrasos ocasionan p茅rdidas y penalidades a la empresa e insatisfacci贸n por parte del cliente. El estudio se basa en desarrollar un m茅todo de mejora integral a las 谩reas de calidad, planificaci贸n y procura. Para ello, se detalla la situaci贸n actual de la empresa, luego se establecen mejoras a tratar a partir de las causas de los problemas identificados y de esta manera obtener beneficios econ贸micos para la empresa. Se inicia el trabajo de investigaci贸n desarrollando un marco te贸rico sobre la situaci贸n del rubro de construcci贸n y las herramientas y metodolog铆as a emplear, estos ayudar谩n a entender el contenido del informe. Posteriormente, se describe la situaci贸n actual de la empresa, c贸mo se encuentra organizada, sus unidades de negocio, misi贸n y visi贸n. Por 煤ltimo, se identifican las causas principales de los problemas de las 谩reas anteriormente mencionadas. A partir de los problemas identificados, se trabajar谩n las propuestas de mejoras, las cuales se enfocan en la implementaci贸n de las herramientas Business Process Management (BPM), Last Planner (LP) y Visual Management (VM). Evaluando los tiempos de trabajo en una obra realizada en el a帽o 2018 como indicadores para evaluar las posibilidades y poder tomar decisiones a partir de ello mediante la simulaci贸n. Finalmente, este trabajo de investigaci贸n busca beneficios econ贸micos mediante la reducci贸n del pago de gastos y penalidades a la empresa mediante la informaci贸n obtenida del sistema simulado. La metodolog铆a BPM reduce un 30% de tiempo a las actividades que se encuentran asociadas, el LP un 15.57% y VM un 33.3%. Por otra parte, el ahorro en p茅rdidas y penalidades en un escenario conservador equivale un 22.13%.The purpose of this research work is to reduce the time of delay in the delivery of work. It should be mentioned that delays cause losses and penalties to the company. This study is based on developing a method of integral improvement to the areas of quality, planning and procurement. The current situation of the company is detailed, then improvements are established to deal with the causes of identified problems and thus obtain economic benefits for the company. The research work begins by developing a theoretical framework on the situation of the construction sector and the tools and methodologies to be used; these will help understand the content of the report. Subsequently, the current situation of the company is described: how it is organized, its business units, mission and vision. The main causes of the problems in the aforementioned areas are identified. Based on the problems identified, proposals for improvements will be worked on, which focus on the implementation of Business Process Management (BPM), Last Planner System (SLP) and Visual Management (VM) tools. Evaluating the work times in a work carried out in 2018 as indicators, this study evaluates the possibilities and is able to make decisions from them through simulation. Finally, this research work seeks economic benefits by reducing the payment of expenses and penalties to the company through the information obtained from the simulated system. The BPM methodology reduces the associated activities by 30% of time, the LP 15.57% and VM 33.3%. On the other hand, the savings in losses and penalties in a conservative scenario are equivalent to 22.13%.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona

    脛hnlichkeitsbasierte Suche in Gesch盲ftsprozessmodelldatenbanken

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    Die Wiederverwendung von Prozessmodellen bietet sich zur Reduzierung des hohen Modellierungsaufwands an. Allerdings ist das Auffinden von 盲hnlichen Modellen in gro脽en Modellsammlungen manuell nicht effizient m枚glich. Hilfreich sind daher Suchm枚glichkeiten nach relevanten Modellen, die als Vorlage zur Modellierung genutzt werden k枚nnen. In dieser Arbeit werden Ans盲tze beschrieben, um innerhalb von Prozessmodellbibliotheken nach 盲hnlichen Modellen und Aktivit盲ten zu suchen