20 research outputs found

    A Multi-criteria Decision Support System for Ph.D. Supervisor Selection: A Hybrid Approach

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    Selection of a suitable Ph.D. supervisor is a very important step in a student’s career. This paper presents a multi-criteria decision support system to assist students in making this choice. The system employs a hybrid method that first utilizes a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to extract the relative importance of the identified criteria and sub-criteria to consider when selecting a supervisor. Then, it applies an information retrieval-based similarity algorithm (TF/IDF or Okapi BM25) to retrieve relevant candidate supervisor profiles based on the student’s research interest. The selected profiles are then re-ranked based on other relevant factors chosen by the user, such as publication record, research grant record, and collaboration record. The ranking method evaluates the potential supervisors objectively based on various metrics that are defined in terms of detailed domain-specific knowledge, making part of the decision making automatic. In contrast with other existing works, this system does not require the professor’s involvement and no subjective measures are employed

    Information Retrieval and Machine Learning Methods for Academic Expert Finding

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    In the context of academic expert finding, this paper investigates and compares the performance of information retrieval (IR) and machine learning (ML) methods, including deep learning, to approach the problem of identifying academic figures who are experts in different domains when a potential user requests their expertise. IR-based methods construct multifaceted textual profiles for each expert by clustering information from their scientific publications. Several methods fully tailored for this problem are presented in this paper. In contrast, ML-based methods treat expert finding as a classification task, training automatic text classifiers using publications authored by experts. By comparing these approaches, we contribute to a deeper understanding of academic-expert-finding techniques and their applicability in knowledge discovery. These methods are tested with two large datasets from the biomedical field: PMSC-UGR and CORD-19. The results show how IR techniques were, in general, more robust with both datasets and more suitable than the ML-based ones, with some exceptions showing good performance.Spanish “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” under grants PID2019-106758GB-C31 and PID2020-113230RB-C22Spanish “FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades” under grant A-TIC-146-UGR20European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-FEDER

    Information retrieval and machine learning methods for academic expert finding

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    In the context of academic expert finding, this paper investigates and compares the performance of information retrieval (IR) and machine learning (ML) methods, including deep learning, to approach the problem of identifying academic figures who are experts in different domains when a potential user requests their expertise. IR-based methods construct multifaceted textual profiles for each expert by clustering information from their scientific publications. Several methods fully tailored for this problem are presented in this paper. In contrast, ML-based methods treat expert finding as a classification task, training automatic text classifiers using publications authored by experts. By comparing these approaches, we contribute to a deeper understanding of academic-expert-finding techniques and their applicability in knowledge discovery. These methods are tested with two large datasets from the biomedical field: PMSC-UGR and CORD-19. The results show how IR techniques were, in general, more robust with both datasets and more suitable than the ML-based ones, with some exceptions showing good performance.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-106758GB-C31Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-113230RB-C22FEDER/Junta de Andalucía | Ref. A-TIC-146-UGR2

    Fuzzy rule based profiling approach for enterprise information seeking and retrieval

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    With the exponential growth of information available on the Internet and various organisational intranets there is a need for profile based information seeking and retrieval (IS&R) systems. These systems should be able to support users with their context-aware information needs. This paper presents a new approach for enterprise IS&R systems using fuzzy logic to develop task, user and document profiles to model user information seeking behaviour. Relevance feedback was captured from real users engaged in IS&R tasks. The feedback was used to develop a linear regression model for predicting document relevancy based on implicit relevance indicators. Fuzzy relevance profiles were created using Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TF/IDF) analysis for the successful user queries. Fuzzy rule based summarisation was used to integrate the three profiles into a unified index reflecting the semantic weight of the query terms related to the task, user and document. The unified index was used to select the most relevant documents and experts related to the query topic. The overall performance of the system was evaluated based on standard precision and recall metrics which show significant improvements in retrieving relevant documents in response to user queries