5 research outputs found

    A decision- theoretic model for M&A sale processes

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Double Degree in Economics and International Business from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics and Insper Instituto de Ensino e PesquisaPRANDO, Thiago Gonzaga de Camargo Ferreira Prando. A decision-theoretic model for M&A sale processes. Dissertation (Mastership) – NOVA School of Business and Economics and Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, São Paulo, 2016. When potential buyers receive invitations from target companies to engage in competitive M&A sale processes they face a challenging decision. Considering significant due diligence investments, target value uncertainty and unclear competitive environment, should they accept such invites? The main purpose of this study is to formulate a decision rule for prospective acquirers to enter takeover contests according to these relevant factors. In addition, this dissertation explores the formation of optimal bids in the decisive stage of controlled sales (sealed-bid auctions) with uncertain presence of one competitor. A decision-theoretic model is designed where a potential buyer (Player A) is invited to participate in an M&A sale process. Its due diligence investments are modeled as the purchase of real options and the optimal bid value is calculated according to its expected payoff maximization. The participant has incomplete information regarding the existence of rivals and their strength and takes decisions that seek robustness with respect to misspecifications. Due diligence investments decision rules are established according to Player A’s capabilities to create value through the acquisition, its beliefs regarding the potential rivalry, and required spending to analyze the target. Optimal bidding strategies ultimately depend on our participant’s beliefs concerning the potential competition. Our findings show that an uncertain strong second bidder might prevent Player A to place a higher offer. This is an exciting result that prompts re-thinking on competition’s threat. Sellers and their financial advisors should take these results into account when tailoring efficient sale processes, especially managing a proper perceived competitive environment

    Fusões e aquisições : influências da competição na avaliação da empresa alvo

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Programa de Pós-Graduação de Administração, 2016.Este trabalho analisou os fatores que importam na estimação do prêmio ofertado à empresa alvo. Ao mesmo tempo que analisou a competição no mercado corporativo, entendido como um fator exógeno à empresa alvo, avaliou condições internas à empresa alvo, como por exemplo seu endividamento, entendido como fator endógeno. A literatura sobre aquisição hostil tem substancialmente avançado, mas ainda existe interesse crescente em pesquisar o processo de aquisição hostil do lance inicial até o resultado do leilão pelo controle da empresa. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. Primeiramente, com o objetivo de subsidiar a base teórica sobre determinantes do prêmio de aquisição foi realizado uma revisão de literatura. O objetivo dessa primeira parte foi revisar, classificar e analisar artigos publicados em importantes periódicos acadêmicos entre 2004 e 2015 que abordaram o processo de aquisição. Os artigos foram classificados, resumidos e codificados para identificar as diversas características, como, por exemplo, tipo de abordagem, técnica utilizada, etc. O estudo dos trabalhos já publicados indica que estudos futuros poderiam enfatizar testes empíricos para os modelos desenvolvidos; aplicação de técnicas quantitativas mais elaboradas e análises comparativas com uso de dados de aquisições de diversos países. Em segundo lugar, foi desenvolvido um artigo empírico que teve como objetivo geral analisar os determinantes do valor do prêmio relacionados a fatores exógenos e endógenos à empresa alvo durante negociações bilaterais no período de 2007 a 2015. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de uma análise multivariada dos determinantes do prêmio. Foram utilizadas duas variáveis dependentes para esse estudo, todas relacionadas ao prêmio do lance vencedor e dadas em percentual. A amostra foi obtida por meio do banco de dados Thomson Reuters Eikon e o dados são de negociações anunciadas entre 1o de Janeiro de 2007 e 30 de setembro de 2015. A amostra resultante foi composta de 550 observações. Os resultados demonstraram que as medidas relacionadas a competição latente, em geral, não possuem elevada significância em explicar a variável dependente. Enquanto isso, a medida do endividamento da empresa alvo apresentou comportamento regular entre todos os modelos apresentados, sendo significante e positivamente influente na estimação do prêmio. Por fim, a principal contribuição é oferecer uma perspectiva teórica sobre as pesquisas contemporâneas na área de fusão e aquisição e uma abordagem empírica sobre o processo de estimação do prêmio vencedor em negociações bilaterais. Assim, este trabalho auxilia na consolidação do conhecimento sobre a consequência dos fatores endógenos e exógenos à empresa alvo nesse processo.The present work analyzed the factors that influence the estimation of the offered premium to the target company. While analyzed the competition in the corporate market, as an exogenous factor to the target company, evaluated internal conditions of the target company, such as its debt ratio, assumed as an endogenous factors. The literature on merger and acquisition has substantially advanced the understanding of the relationship of industrial organization and in the matter of identifying the purchasers. Still, there is growing interest in researching the hostile takeover process from initial bid to the auction result. In this context, this work was divided into two stages. First, a literature review was produced to support the theoretical basis for determining the purchase premium. The purpose of this first part was to review, classify and review articles published in important academic journals between 2004 and 2015 that address the acquisition process. The articles were classified, encoded and summarized to identify the various characteristics, such as, approach technique, main research technique, ecc. The study of published papers indicates that future studies could emphasize empirical tests for the developed models; application of more elaborate quantitative techniques and comparative analyzes with the use of acquistion and merger data from different countries. Second, we developed an empirical article that aimed to analyze the determinants of the premium related to exogenous and endogenous factors to the companies, from 2007 to 2015. The survey was conducted through a multivariate analysis of the premium determinants. Two dependent variables were used for this study, all related to the winner premium and given in percentage. The sample was obtained through the database Thomson Reuters Eikon and the extraction period of the data is from 1st January 2007 to 30 September 2015. The resulting sample consisted of 590 observations. The results showed that the measures related to latent competition, in general, are not significative in explaining the dependent variable. Meanwhile, the measurement of the target company’s debt ratio showed regular behavior among all the models presented, being significant and positively influential in estimate the winner premium. Finally, the main contribution is to provide a theoretical perspective on contemporary research in the area of mergers and acquisitions and an empirical approach to the estimation process of the winning premium in bilateral negotiations. Thus, helping to consolidate the knowledge of the consequence of endogenous and exogenous factors to the company in this process

    Similar bidders in takeover contests

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