5 research outputs found

    Data Analytics for Effectiveness Evaluation of Islamic Higher Educationusing K-Means Algorithm

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    The aim of this research is to utilize data analytics technology in evaluating the development of Indonesian national curriculum based on Indonesian National Qualification Framework, especially in universities. This research uses Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and several clusterization method, among others K-Means, K-Means++, MiniBatch K-Means, and MiniBatch K-Means++. The result of this research is not to measure the accuracy of clasterization result, but to discover the insight and interpretasion information from data collections that related with national curriculum in Indonesia. Based on the EDA and claterization methods with 30 variables of quetions and 67 students as respondent, MiniBatch K-Means with 2 cluster has the best pattern that reliable with highest Silhouette Coefficient value. However, on average K-Means++ has better interpretation than the others, with the average of Silhouette Coefficient value is highest. From that result, thisresearch found that generally around 77,67% students can understand and feel the application of the Indonesian national curriculum well, but specifically only about 19.4% of students really understand and feel the impact of the curriculum very well. This is important to be evaluated by curriculum users in this case students and tertiary educational institution to improve the quality of academic services in the application of the Indonesian national qualification network

    Data science for digital culture improvement in higher education using K-means clustering and text analytics

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    This study aims to investigate the meaningful pattern that can be used to improve digital culture in higher education based on parameters of the technology acceptance model (TAM). The methodology used is the data mining technique with K-means algorithm and text analytics. The experiment using questionnaire data with 2887 respondents in Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The data analysis and clustering result show that the perceived usefulness and behavioral intention to use information systems are above the normal value, while the perceived ease of use and actual system use is quite low. Strengthened with text analytics, this research found that the EDA and K-means result in harmony with the hope or desire of academic society the information system implementation. This research also found how important the socialization and guidance of information systems, especially the new one information system, in order to improve digital culture in higher education

    Driving Style Recognition Based on Electroencephalography Data From a Simulated Driving Experiment

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    Driving style is a very important indicator and a crucial measurement of a driver's performance and ability to drive in a safe and protective manner. A dangerous driving style would possibly result in dangerous behaviors. If the driving styles can be recognized by some appropriate classification methods, much attention could be paid to the drivers with dangerous driving styles. The driving style recognition module can be integrated into the advanced driving assistance system (ADAS), which integrates different modules to improve driving automation, safety and comfort, and then the driving safety could be enhanced by pre-warning the drivers or adjusting the vehicle's controlling parameters when the dangerous driving style is detected. In most previous studies, driver's questionnaire data and vehicle's objective driving data were utilized to recognize driving styles. And promising results were obtained. However, these methods were indirect or subjective in driving style evaluation. In this paper a method based on objective driving data and electroencephalography (EEG) data was presented to classify driving styles. A simulated driving system was constructed and the EEG data and the objective driving data were collected synchronously during the simulated driving. The driving style of each participant was classified by clustering the driving data via K-means. Then the EEG data was denoised and the amplitude and the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of four frequency bands were extracted as the EEG features by Fast Fourier transform and Welch. Finally, the EEG features, combined with the classification results of the driving data were used to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model and a leave-one-subject-out cross validation was utilized to evaluate the performance. The SVM classification accuracy was about 80.0%. Conservative drivers showed higher PSDs in the parietal and occipital areas in the alpha and beta bands, aggressive drivers showed higher PSD in the temporal area in the delta and theta bands. These results imply that different driving styles were related with different driving strategies and mental states and suggest the feasibility of driving style recognition from EEG patterns

    Silhouette coefficient based approach on cell-phone classification for unknown source images

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    Silhouette coefficient based approach on cell-phone classification for unknown source image

    Photo response non-uniformity based image forensics in the presence of challenging factors

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    With the ever-increasing prevalence of digital imaging devices and the rapid development of networks, the sharing of digital images becomes ubiquitous in our daily life. However, the pervasiveness of powerful image-editing tools also makes the digital images an easy target for malicious manipulations. Thus, to prevent people from falling victims to fake information and trace the criminal activities, digital image forensics methods like source camera identification, source oriented image clustering and image forgery detections have been developed. Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU), which is an intrinsic sensor noise arises due to the pixels non-uniform response to the incident, has been used as a powerful tool for image device fingerprinting. The forensic community has developed a vast number of PRNU-based methods in different fields of digital image forensics. However, with the technology advancement in digital photography, the emergence of photo-sharing social networking sites, as well as the anti-forensics attacks targeting the PRNU, it brings new challenges to PRNU-based image forensics. For example, the performance of the existing forensic methods may deteriorate due to different camera exposure parameter settings and the efficacy of the PRNU-based methods can be directly challenged by image editing tools from social network sites or anti-forensics attacks. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and design effective methods to mitigate some of these challenges on PRNU-based image forensics. We found that the camera exposure parameter settings, especially the camera sensitivity, which is commonly known by the name of the ISO speed, can influence the PRNU-based image forgery detection. Hence, we first construct the Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which contains images taken with diverse exposure parameter settings to facilitate further studies. To address the impact from ISO speed on PRNU-based image forgery detection, an ISO speed-specific correlation prediction process is proposed with a content-based ISO speed inference method to facilitate the process even if the ISO speed information is not available. We also propose a three-step framework to allow the PRNUbased source oriented clustering methods to perform successfully on Instagram images, despite some built-in image filters from Instagram may significantly distort PRNU. Additionally, for the binary classification of detecting whether an image's PRNU is attacked or not, we propose a generative adversarial network-based training strategy for a neural network-based classifier, which makes the classifier generalize better for images subject to unprecedented attacks. The proposed methods are evaluated on public benchmarking datasets and our Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which is released to the public as well. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the methods proposed in this thesis