36 research outputs found

    A study of how Chinese ink painting features can be applied to 3D scenes and models in real-time rendering

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    Past research findings addressed mature techniques for non-photorealistic rendering. However, research findings indicate that there is little information dealing with efficient methods to simulate Chinese ink painting features in rendering 3D scenes. Considering that Chinese ink painting has achieved many worldwide awards, the potential to effectively and automatically develop 3D animations and games in this style indicates a need for the development of appropriate technology for the future market. The goal of this research is about rendering 3D meshes in a Chinese ink painting style which is both appealing and realistic. Specifically, how can the output image appear similar to a hand-drawn Chinese ink painting. And how efficient does the rendering pipeline have to be to result in a real-time scene. For this study the researcher designed two rendering pipelines for static objects and moving objects in the final scene. The entire rendering process includes interior shading, silhouette extracting, textures integrating, and background rendering. Methodology involved the use of silhouette detection, multiple rendering passes, Gaussian blur for anti-aliasing, smooth step functions, and noise textures for simulating ink textures. Based on the output of each rendering pipeline, rendering process of the scene with best looking of Chinese ink painting style is illustrated in detail. The speed of the rendering pipeline proposed by this research was tested. The framerate of the final scenes created with this pipeline was higher than 30fps, a level considered to be real-time. One can conclude that the main objective of the research study was met even though other methods for generating Chinese ink painting rendering are available and should be explored

    Ortho-Litho Film

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    The purpose of this design was to create modern surface design employing traditional analog photography and chemistry technology with Ortho Litho film, a series of chemical and light exposures, cotton yarn, and sand

    Peanut Butter Jelly: An Animated Short Film

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    Peanut Butter Jelly is an animated short film based on the concept of two species of Jellyfish clashing over a jar of peanut butter. The production spanned a year and involved the artistic effort of 12 Digital Production Arts graduate students as well as a support team of 10 students from various programs within the University

    Restricted set classification: Who is there?

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    We consider a problem where a set X of N objects (instances) coming from c classes have to be classified simultaneously. A restriction is imposed on X in that the maximum possible number of objects from each class is known, hence we dubbed the problem who-is-there? We compare three approaches to this problem: (1) independent classification whereby each object is labelled in the class with the largest posterior probability; (2) a greedy approach which enforces the restriction; and (3) a theoretical approach which, in addition, maximises the likelihood of the label assignment, implemented through the Hungarian assignment algorithm. Our experimental study consists of two parts. The first part includes a custom-made chess data set where the pieces on the chess board must be recognised together from an image of the board. In the second part, we simulate the restricted set classification scenario using 96 datasets from a recently collated repository (University of Santiago de Compostela, USC). Our results show that the proposed approach (3) outperforms approaches (1) and (2).Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through project TIN 2015-67534-

    A survey on human performance capture and animation

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    With the rapid development of computing technology, three-dimensional (3D) human body models and their dynamic motions are widely used in the digital entertainment industry. Human perfor- mance mainly involves human body shapes and motions. Key research problems include how to capture and analyze static geometric appearance and dynamic movement of human bodies, and how to simulate human body motions with physical e�ects. In this survey, according to main research directions of human body performance capture and animation, we summarize recent advances in key research topics, namely human body surface reconstruction, motion capture and synthesis, as well as physics-based motion sim- ulation, and further discuss future research problems and directions. We hope this will be helpful for readers to have a comprehensive understanding of human performance capture and animatio


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    Adapting Period Plays to Modern Staging, Using Platforms and Step Units

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    Seeds to support future growth : (re)establishment of the dormant Protea Village

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    This thesis addresses and critiques housing delivery processes currently realised by South African national government. It is argued that a major flaw in this process is resultant from the role taken by government as provider rather than facilitator. Government takes pride in the x-amount of new housing units being built but in effect is rolling out suburbs which stifles quality living. The resultant environments that are created very few people can call home and be proud to do so. Government housing in many cases results in housing that _ does not respond to user requirement and need, _does not reflect shifting family structures and creates environments which is mono-functional. In many 'completed' housing projects the result is that as soon as residents move into newly built homes a process of alteration and extension is undertaken as to respond to individual needs or provide some form of economic support. Within this thesis I would like to challenge these issues and propose a solution whereby we allow for some sense of uncertainty and change; a solution whereby the user plays an active role in the process of creating their homes. This premise is investigated through an approach of incremental development initiated by a core/starter unit. The process of expansion and alteration is then also explored with the promise of providing economic opportunities within communities

    Acquisition and reconstruction of 3D objects for robotic machining

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    With the evolution of the techniques of acquisition of Three-Dimensional (3D) image it became possible to apply these in more and more areas, as well as to be used for research and hobbyists due to the appearance of low cost 3D scanners. Among the application of 3D acquisitions is the reconstruction of objects, which allows for example to redo or remodel an existing object that is no longer on the market. Another rise tech is industrial robot, that is highly present in the industry and can perform several tasks, even machining activities, and can be applied in more than one type of operation. The purpose of this work is to acquire a 3D scene with low-cost scanners and use this acquisition to create the tool path for roughing a workpiece, using an industrial robot for this machining task. For the acquisition, the Skanect software was used, which had satisfactory results for the work, and the exported file of the acquisition was worked on the MeshLab and Meshmixer software, which were used to obtain only the interest part for the milling process. With the defined work object, it was applied in Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, Fusion 360, to generate the tool path for thinning in G-code, which was converted by the RoboDK software to robot code, and this also allowed to make simulation of the machining with the desired robot. With the simulation taking place as expected, it was implemented in practice, performing the 3D acquisition machining, thus being able to verify the machining technique used. Furthermore, with the results of acquire, generation of toolpath and machining, was possible to validate the proposed solution and reach a conclusion of possible improvements for this project.Com a evolução das técnicas de aquisição de imagem 3D tornou-se possível aplicá-las em cada vez mais áreas, bem como serem utilizadas por pesquisadores e amadores devido ao surgimento de scanners 3D de baixo custo. Entre as aplicações de aquisições 3D está a reconstrução de objetos, o que permite, por exemplo, refazer ou remodelar um objeto existente que não está mais no mercado. Outra tecnologia em ascensão é o robô industrial, que está muito presente na indústria e pode realizar diversas tarefas, até mesmo atividades de fabrico, e ser aplicado em mais de um tipo de operação. O objetivo deste trabalho é adquirir uma cena 3D com scanners de baixo custo e utilizar esta aquisição para criar o caminho da ferramenta para o desbaste de uma peça, utilizando um robô industrial nesta tarefa de usinagem. Para a aquisição foi utilizado o software Skanect, que obteve resultados satisfatórios para o trabalho, e o arquivo exportado da aquisição foi trabalhado nos softwares MeshLab e Meshmixer, os quais foram utilizados para obter apenas a parte de interesse para o processo de fresagem. Com o objeto de trabalho defino, este foi aplicado em software CAM, Fusion 360, para gerar o caminho de ferramentas para o desbaste em G-code, o qual foi convertido pelo Software RoboDK para código de rôbo, e este também permitiu fazer simulação da maquinação com o rôbo pretendido. Com a simulação ocorrendo de acordo com o esperado, esta foi implementada em prática, realizando a maquinação da aquisição 3D, assim podendo verificar a técnica de maquinação utilizada. Além disso com os resultados de aquisição, geração de toolpath e maquinação, foi possível validar a solução proposta e chegar a uma conclusão de possíveis melhorias para este projeto