427,843 research outputs found

    NASA experimental airborne doppler radar and real time processor for wind shear detection

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    The topics are presented in viewgraph form and include the following: experimental radar system capabilities; an experimental radar system block diagram; wind shear radar signal and data processor (WRSDP); WRSDP hardware architecture; WRSDP system design goals; DSP software development tools; OS-9 software development tools; WRSDP digital signal processing; WRSDP display operational modes; WRSDP division of functions; structure of WRSDP signal and data processing algorithms; and the wind shear radar flight experiment

    Interactive software tools for teaching signal processing

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá vytvořením čtyř interaktivních nástrojů pro podporu výuky zpracování signálů. Cílem práce je vytvořit aplikace které budou vizuálně interpretovat jednotlivé metody zpracování signálů. Toto zahrnuje aplikace pro lineární regresi a metodu nejmenších čtverců, interpolaci a rekonstrukce signálu z jeho vzorků, diskrétní lineární konvoluci a diskrétní křížovou korelaci. Aplikace jsou vytvořeny v programovacím jazyce JavaScript.This thesis deals with creation of four interactive applications for educational purposes in the field of digital signal processing. The goal of this work is to create four applications which will visually interpretate each of the methods of signal processing. This involves applications for linear regression and least squares method, interpolation and signal reconstruction from its samples, discrete linear convolution and discrete cross-correlation. Applications are created using JavaScript programming language.

    The Modern FPGA as Discriminator, TDC and ADC

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    Recent generations of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become indispensible tools for complex state machine control and signal processing, and now routinely incorporate CPU cores to allow execution of user software code. At the same time, their exceptional performance permits low-power implementation of functionality previously the exclusive domain of dedicated analog electronics. Specific examples presented here use FPGAs as discriminator, time-to-digital (TDC) and analog-to-digital converter (ADC). All three cases are examples of instrumentation for current or future astroparticle experiments.Comment: 7 pages, v3 minor JINST editorial correction

    Wireless Health Monitoring using Passive WiFi Sensing

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    This paper presents a two-dimensional phase extraction system using passive WiFi sensing to monitor three basic elderly care activities including breathing rate, essential tremor and falls. Specifically, a WiFi signal is acquired through two channels where the first channel is the reference one, whereas the other signal is acquired by a passive receiver after reflection from the human target. Using signal processing of cross-ambiguity function, various features in the signal are extracted. The entire implementations are performed using software defined radios having directional antennas. We report the accuracy of our system in different conditions and environments and show that breathing rate can be measured with an accuracy of 87% when there are no obstacles. We also show a 98% accuracy in detecting falls and 93% accuracy in classifying tremor. The results indicate that passive WiFi systems show great promise in replacing typical invasive health devices as standard tools for health care.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, conference pape

    Interactive software tools for teaching signal and image processing

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a programováním čtyř webových appletů pro pozdější výuku. Jsou zde použity programovací jazyky HTML, CSS a JavaScript.This thesis describes the design and programming of the four web applets for later learning. There are used programming languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

    Interactive software tools for teaching signal and image processing

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá tvorbou Java apletů pro podporu výuky zpracování signálů a obrazů. Teoretická část práce se krátce věnuje historii a výhodám jazyka Java, následně pak teoriemi k jednotlivým apletům a popisem zdrojových kódů, kterými jsou aplety tvořeny. Praktickou část tvoří návrh a tvorba apletů pro lineární kombinace obrazů, metodu nejmenších čtverců a doporučení mířicího bodu při hodu šipkami na terč.The bachelor’s thesis deals with creating Java applets to support teaching signal and image processing. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly describes the history and advantages of the Java language; subsequently the theories for individual applets and descriptions of the source codes are presented. The practical part consists of the design and creation of applets for linear combinations of images, the least squares method and recommendation of an aiming point on the darts target.