8 research outputs found

    The Latin Music Database

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    In this paper we present the Latin Music Database, a novel database of Latin musical recordings which has been developed for automatic music genre classification, but can also be used in other music information retrieval tasks. The method for assigning genres to the musical recordings is based on human expert perception and therefore capture their tacit knowledge in the genre labeling process. We also present the ethnomusicology of the genres available in the database as it might provide important information for the analysis of the results of any experiment that employs the database

    On music genre classification via compressive sampling

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    Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Algorithms for Music Recommendations on Chinese Music Data

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    In this thesis, I explored Collaborative Filtering algorithms used in music recommendation tasks in the Music Information Retrieval field. To find out if those CF algorithms work on Chinese music data, I developed a new dataset from the mainstream Chinese music streaming platform NetEase Could Music, and compared the performance of a series of Memory-based and Model-based collaborative filtering algorithms on our dataset. Our experimental results prove that these CF algorithms aiming at users’ information are effective on our dataset, and they have the predictive ability of music recommendation tasks on Chinese music data. In general, Model-based algorithms perform better than Memory-based algorithms. Within them, the SVD++ algorithm from Matrix Factorization-based methods reaches the best overall accuracy.Bachelor of Scienc

    Fusion multi-niveaux par boosting pour le tagging automatique

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    Tags constitute a very useful tool for multimedia document indexing. This PhD thesis deals with automatic tagging, which consists in associating a set of tags to each song automatically, using an algorithm. We use boosting techniques to design a learning which better considers the complexity of the information expressed by music. A boosting algorithm is proposed, which can jointly use song descriptions associated to excerpts of different durations. This algorithm is used to fuse new descriptions, which belong to different abstraction levels. Finally, a new learning framework is proposed for automatic tagging, which better leverages the subtlety ofthe information expressed by music.Les tags constituent un outil trĂšs utile pour indexer des documents multimĂ©dias. Cette thĂšse de doctorat s’intĂ©resse au tagging automatique, c’est Ă  dire l’association automatique par un algorithme d’un ensemble de tags Ă  chaque morceau. Nous utilisons des techniques de boosting pour rĂ©aliser un apprentissage prenant mieux en compte la richesse de l’information exprimĂ©e par la musique. Un algorithme de boosting est proposĂ©, afin d’utiliser conjointement des descriptions de morceaux associĂ©es Ă  des extraits de diffĂ©rentes durĂ©es. Nous utilisons cet algorithme pour fusionner de nouvelles descriptions, appartenant Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux d’abstraction. Enfin, un nouveau cadre d’apprentissage est proposĂ© pour le tagging automatique, qui prend mieux en compte les subtilitĂ©s des associations entre les tags et les morceaux