783 research outputs found

    An Overview on Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Optical Networks

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    Today's telecommunication networks have become sources of enormous amounts of widely heterogeneous data. This information can be retrieved from network traffic traces, network alarms, signal quality indicators, users' behavioral data, etc. Advanced mathematical tools are required to extract meaningful information from these data and take decisions pertaining to the proper functioning of the networks from the network-generated data. Among these mathematical tools, Machine Learning (ML) is regarded as one of the most promising methodological approaches to perform network-data analysis and enable automated network self-configuration and fault management. The adoption of ML techniques in the field of optical communication networks is motivated by the unprecedented growth of network complexity faced by optical networks in the last few years. Such complexity increase is due to the introduction of a huge number of adjustable and interdependent system parameters (e.g., routing configurations, modulation format, symbol rate, coding schemes, etc.) that are enabled by the usage of coherent transmission/reception technologies, advanced digital signal processing and compensation of nonlinear effects in optical fiber propagation. In this paper we provide an overview of the application of ML to optical communications and networking. We classify and survey relevant literature dealing with the topic, and we also provide an introductory tutorial on ML for researchers and practitioners interested in this field. Although a good number of research papers have recently appeared, the application of ML to optical networks is still in its infancy: to stimulate further work in this area, we conclude the paper proposing new possible research directions

    The Emerging Trends of Multi-Label Learning

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    Exabytes of data are generated daily by humans, leading to the growing need for new efforts in dealing with the grand challenges for multi-label learning brought by big data. For example, extreme multi-label classification is an active and rapidly growing research area that deals with classification tasks with an extremely large number of classes or labels; utilizing massive data with limited supervision to build a multi-label classification model becomes valuable for practical applications, etc. Besides these, there are tremendous efforts on how to harvest the strong learning capability of deep learning to better capture the label dependencies in multi-label learning, which is the key for deep learning to address real-world classification tasks. However, it is noted that there has been a lack of systemic studies that focus explicitly on analyzing the emerging trends and new challenges of multi-label learning in the era of big data. It is imperative to call for a comprehensive survey to fulfill this mission and delineate future research directions and new applications.Comment: Accepted to TPAMI 202

    Finding the best not the most: Regularized loss minimization subgraph selection for graph classification

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Classification on structure data, such as graphs, has drawn wide interest in recent years. Due to the lack of explicit features to represent graphs for training classification models, extensive studies have been focused on extracting the most discriminative subgraphs features from the training graph dataset to transfer graphs into vector data. However, such filter-based methods suffer from two major disadvantages: (1) the subgraph feature selection is separated from the model learning process, so the selected most discriminative subgraphs may not best fit the subsequent learning model, resulting in deteriorated classification results; (2) all these methods rely on users to specify the number of subgraph features K, and suboptimally specified K values often result in significantly reduced classification accuracy. In this paper, we propose a new graph classification paradigm which overcomes the above disadvantages by formulating subgraph feature selection as learning a K-dimensional feature space from an implicit and large subgraph space, with the optimal K value being automatically determined. To achieve the goal, we propose a regularized loss minimization-driven (RLMD) feature selection method for graph classification. RLMD integrates subgraph selection and model learning into a unified framework to find discriminative subgraphs with guaranteed minimum loss w.r.t. the objective function. To automatically determine the optimal number of subgraphs K from the exponentially large subgraph space, an effective elastic net and a subgradient method are proposed to derive the stopping criterion, so that K can be automatically obtained once RLMD converges. The proposed RLMD method enjoys gratifying property including proved convergence and applicability to various loss functions. Experimental results on real-life graph datasets demonstrate significant performance gain

    Deep learning in food category recognition

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    Integrating artificial intelligence with food category recognition has been a field of interest for research for the past few decades. It is potentially one of the next steps in revolutionizing human interaction with food. The modern advent of big data and the development of data-oriented fields like deep learning have provided advancements in food category recognition. With increasing computational power and ever-larger food datasets, the approach’s potential has yet to be realized. This survey provides an overview of methods that can be applied to various food category recognition tasks, including detecting type, ingredients, quality, and quantity. We survey the core components for constructing a machine learning system for food category recognition, including datasets, data augmentation, hand-crafted feature extraction, and machine learning algorithms. We place a particular focus on the field of deep learning, including the utilization of convolutional neural networks, transfer learning, and semi-supervised learning. We provide an overview of relevant studies to promote further developments in food category recognition for research and industrial applicationsMRC (MC_PC_17171)Royal Society (RP202G0230)BHF (AA/18/3/34220)Hope Foundation for Cancer Research (RM60G0680)GCRF (P202PF11)Sino-UK Industrial Fund (RP202G0289)LIAS (P202ED10Data Science Enhancement Fund (P202RE237)Fight for Sight (24NN201);Sino-UK Education Fund (OP202006)BBSRC (RM32G0178B8

    AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Biased or Scarce Data (AIBSD)

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    This book is a collection of the accepted papers presented at the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Biased or Scarce Data (AIBSD) in conjunction with the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022. During AIBSD 2022, the attendees addressed the existing issues of data bias and scarcity in Artificial Intelligence and discussed potential solutions in real-world scenarios. A set of papers presented at AIBSD 2022 is selected for further publication and included in this book

    Visual Representation Learning with Limited Supervision

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    The quality of a Computer Vision system is proportional to the rigor of data representation it is built upon. Learning expressive representations of images is therefore the centerpiece to almost every computer vision application, including image search, object detection and classification, human re-identification, object tracking, pose understanding, image-to-image translation, and embodied agent navigation to name a few. Deep Neural Networks are most often seen among the modern methods of representation learning. The limitation is, however, that deep representation learning methods require extremely large amounts of manually labeled data for training. Clearly, annotating vast amounts of images for various environments is infeasible due to cost and time constraints. This requirement of obtaining labeled data is a prime restriction regarding pace of the development of visual recognition systems. In order to cope with the exponentially growing amounts of visual data generated daily, machine learning algorithms have to at least strive to scale at a similar rate. The second challenge consists in the learned representations having to generalize to novel objects, classes, environments and tasks in order to accommodate to the diversity of the visual world. Despite the evergrowing number of recent publications tangentially addressing the topic of learning generalizable representations, efficient generalization is yet to be achieved. This dissertation attempts to tackle the problem of learning visual representations that can generalize to novel settings while requiring few labeled examples. In this research, we study the limitations of the existing supervised representation learning approaches and propose a framework that improves the generalization of learned features by exploiting visual similarities between images which are not captured by provided manual annotations. Furthermore, to mitigate the common requirement of large scale manually annotated datasets, we propose several approaches that can learn expressive representations without human-attributed labels, in a self-supervised fashion, by grouping highly-similar samples into surrogate classes based on progressively learned representations. The development of computer vision as science is preconditioned upon the seamless ability of a machine to record and disentangle pictures' attributes that were expected to only be conceived by humans. As such, particular interest was dedicated to the ability to analyze the means of artistic expression and style which depicts a more complex task than merely breaking an image down to colors and pixels. The ultimate test for this ability is the task of style transfer which involves altering the style of an image while keeping its content. An effective solution of style transfer requires learning such image representation which would allow disentangling image style and its content. Moreover, particular artistic styles come with idiosyncrasies that affect which content details should be preserved and which discarded. Another pitfall here is that it is impossible to get pixel-wise annotations of style and how the style should be altered. We address this problem by proposing an unsupervised approach that enables encoding the image content in such a way that is required by a particular style. The proposed approach exchanges the style of an input image by first extracting the content representation in a style-aware way and then rendering it in a new style using a style-specific decoder network, achieving compelling results in image and video stylization. Finally, we combine supervised and self-supervised representation learning techniques for the task of human and animals pose understanding. The proposed method enables transfer of the representation learned for recognition of human poses to proximal mammal species without using labeled animal images. This approach is not limited to dense pose estimation and could potentially enable autonomous agents from robots to self-driving cars to retrain themselves and adapt to novel environments based on learning from previous experiences

    Broad Learning for Healthcare

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    A broad spectrum of data from different modalities are generated in the healthcare domain every day, including scalar data (e.g., clinical measures collected at hospitals), tensor data (e.g., neuroimages analyzed by research institutes), graph data (e.g., brain connectivity networks), and sequence data (e.g., digital footprints recorded on smart sensors). Capability for modeling information from these heterogeneous data sources is potentially transformative for investigating disease mechanisms and for informing therapeutic interventions. Our works in this thesis attempt to facilitate healthcare applications in the setting of broad learning which focuses on fusing heterogeneous data sources for a variety of synergistic knowledge discovery and machine learning tasks. We are generally interested in computer-aided diagnosis, precision medicine, and mobile health by creating accurate user profiles which include important biomarkers, brain connectivity patterns, and latent representations. In particular, our works involve four different data mining problems with application to the healthcare domain: multi-view feature selection, subgraph pattern mining, brain network embedding, and multi-view sequence prediction.Comment: PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Chicago, March 201

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMachine learning is the science of building predictive models from data that automatically improve based on past experience. To learn these models, traditional learning algorithms require labeled data. They also require that the entire dataset fits in the memory of a single machine. Labeled data are available or can be acquired for small and moderately sized datasets but curating large datasets can be prohibitively expensive. Similarly, massive datasets are usually too huge to fit into the memory of a single machine. An alternative is to distribute the dataset over multiple machines. Distributed learning, however, poses new challenges as most existing machine learning techniques are inherently sequential. Additionally, these distributed approaches have to be designed keeping in mind various resource limitations of real-world settings, prime among them being intermachine communication. With the advent of big datasets machine learning algorithms are facing new challenges. Their design is no longer limited to minimizing some loss function but, additionally, needs to consider other resources that are critical when learning at scale. In this thesis, we explore different models and measures for learning with limited resources that have a budget. What budgetary constraints are posed by modern datasets? Can we reuse or combine existing machine learning paradigms to address these challenges at scale? How does the cost metrics change when we shift to distributed models for learning? These are some of the questions that have been investigated in this thesis. The answers to these questions hold the key to addressing some of the challenges faced when learning on massive datasets. In the first part of this thesis, we present three different budgeted scenarios that deal with scarcity of labeled data and limited computational resources. The goal is to leverage transfer information from related domains to learn under budgetary constraints. Our proposed techniques comprise semisupervised transfer, online transfer and active transfer. In the second part of this thesis, we study distributed learning with limited communication. We present initial sampling based results, as well as, propose communication protocols for learning distributed linear classifiers
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