231 research outputs found

    Simulation and parameter optimization of polysilicon gate biaxial strained silicon MOSFETs

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    Abstract: Although cryptography constitutes a considerable part of the overall security architecture for several use cases in embedded systems, cryptographic devices are still vulnerable to the diversity types of side channel attacks. Improvement in performance of Strained Silicon MOSFETs utilizing conventional device scaling has become more complex, because of the amount of physical limitations associated with the device miniaturization. Therefore, a great deal of attention has recently been paid to the mobility improvement technology through applying strain to CMOS channels. This paper reviews the characteristics of strained-Si CMOS with an emphasis on the mechanism of mobility enhancement due to strain. The device physics for improving the performance of MOSFETs is studied from the viewpoint of electronic states of carriers in inversion layers and, in particular, the sub-band structures. In addition, design and simulation of biaxial strained silicon NMOSFET (n-channel) is done using Silvaco’s Athena/Atlas simulator. From the results obtained, it became clear that biaxial strained silicon NMOS is one of the best alternatives to the current conventional MOSFET

    Design for Test and Hardware Security Utilizing Tester Authentication Techniques

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    Design-for-Test (DFT) techniques have been developed to improve testability of integrated circuits. Among the known DFT techniques, scan-based testing is considered an efficient solution for digital circuits. However, scan architecture can be exploited to launch a side channel attack. Scan chains can be used to access a cryptographic core inside a system-on-chip to extract critical information such as a private encryption key. For a scan enabled chip, if an attacker is given unlimited access to apply all sorts of inputs to the Circuit-Under-Test (CUT) and observe the outputs, the probability of gaining access to critical information increases. In this thesis, solutions are presented to improve hardware security and protect them against attacks using scan architecture. A solution based on tester authentication is presented in which, the CUT requests the tester to provide a secret code for authentication. The tester authentication circuit limits the access to the scan architecture to known testers. Moreover, in the proposed solution the number of attempts to apply test vectors and observe the results through the scan architecture is limited to make brute-force attacks practically impossible. A tester authentication utilizing a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) to encrypt the operating frequency of both DUT/Tester has also been presented. In this method, the access to the critical security circuits such as crypto-cores are not granted in the test mode. Instead, a built-in self-test method is used in the test mode to protect the circuit against scan-based attacks. Security for new generation of three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuits has been investigated through 3D simulations COMSOL Multiphysics environment. It is shown that the process of wafer thinning for 3D stacked IC integration reduces the leakage current which increases the chip security against side-channel attacks

    Transmission gate based dual rail logic for differential power analysis resistant circuits

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    Cryptographic devices with hardware implementation of the algorithms are increasingly being used in various applications. As a consequence, there is an increased need for security against the attacks on the cryptographic system. Among various attack techniques, side channel attacks pose a significant threat to the hardware implementation. Power analysis attacks are a type of side channel attack where the power leakage from the underlying hardware is used to eavesdrop on the hardware operation. Wave pipelined differential and dynamic logic (WDDL) has been found to be an effective countermeasure to power analysis. This thesis studies the use of transmission gate based WDDL implementation for the differential and dynamic logic. Although WDDL is an effective defense against power analysis, the number of gates needed for the design of a secure implementation is double the number of gates used for non-secure operations. In this thesis we propose transmission gate based structures for implementation of wave pipelined dynamic and differential logic to minimize the overhead of this defense against power analysis attacks. A transmission gate WDDL design methodology is presented, and the design and analysis of a secure multiplier is given. The adder structures are compared in terms of security effectiveness and silicon area overhead for three cases: unsecured logic implementation, standard gate WDDL, and transmission gate WDDL. In simulation, the transmission gate WDDL design is seen to have similar power consumption results compared to the standard gate WDDL; however, the transmission gate based circuit uses 10-50% fewer gates compared to the static WDDL

    First principle leakage current reduction technique for CMOS devices

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    Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study of leakage reduction techniques applicable to CMOS based devices. In the process, mathematical equations that model the powerperformance trade-offs in CMOS logic circuits are presented. From those equations, suitable techniques for leakage reduction as pertaining to CMOS devices are deduced. Throughout this research it became evident that designing CMOS devices with high-κ dielectrics is a viable method for reducing leakages in cryptographic devices. To support our claim, a 22nm NMOS device was built and simulated in Athena software from Silvaco. The electrical characteristics of the fabricated device were extracted using the Atlas component of the simulator. From this research, it became evident that high-κ dielectric metal gate are capable of providing a reliable resistance to DPA and other form of attacks on cryptographic platforms such as smart card.The fabricated device showed a marked improvement on the I on/I off ratio, where the higher ratio means that the device is suitable for low power applications. Physical models used for simulation included Si3N4 and HfO2 as gate dielectric with TiSix as metal gate. From the simulation result, it was shown that HfO2 was the best dielectric material when TiSix is used as the metal gate

    A Novel Methodology for Testing Hardware Security and Trust Exploiting On-Chip Power Noise Measurements (Extended Version)

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    Testing of electronic components is indispensable to minimize malfunction and failure of complex electronic systems. Currently, functionality and performance of these electronic components are the main parameters tested. However, validation of performance is not enough when the applications are safety or security critical. Therefore the security and trust of devices must also be tested before validation for such applications. In this paper, we promote the use of On-Chip Power noise Measurements (OCM), in order to test security using side-channel techniques. We then propose for the first time a standard side-channel measurement setup using OCM. Finally, we provide some key ideas on methodology to integrate the validation of hardware security and trust in the standard testing flow, exploiting OCM

    Enhanced Hardware Security Using Charge-Based Emerging Device Technology

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    The emergence of hardware Trojans has largely reshaped the traditional view that the hardware layer can be blindly trusted. Hardware Trojans, which are often in the form of maliciously inserted circuitry, may impact the original design by data leakage or circuit malfunction. Hardware counterfeiting and IP piracy are another two serious issues costing the US economy more than $200 billion annually. A large amount of research and experimentation has been carried out on the design of these primitives based on the currently prevailing CMOS technology. However, the security provided by these primitives comes at the cost of large overheads mostly in terms of area and power consumption. The development of emerging technologies provides hardware security researchers with opportunities to utilize some of the otherwise unusable properties of emerging technologies in security applications. In this dissertation, we will include the security consideration in the overall performance measurements to fully compare the emerging devices with CMOS technology. The first approach is to leverage two emerging devices (Silicon NanoWire and Graphene SymFET) for hardware security applications. Experimental results indicate that emerging device based solutions can provide high level circuit protection with relatively lower performance overhead compared to conventional CMOS counterpart. The second topic is to construct an energy-efficient DPA-resilient block cipher with ultra low-power Tunnel FET. Current-mode logic is adopted as a circuit-level solution to countermeasure differential power analysis attack, which is mostly used in the cryptographic system. The third investigation targets on potential security vulnerability of foundry insider\u27s attack. Split manufacturing is adopted for the protection on radio-frequency (RF) circuit design

    Self-powered Time-Keeping and Time-of-Occurrence Sensing

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    Self-powered and passive Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices (e.g. RFID tags, financial assets, wireless sensors and surface-mount devices) have been widely deployed in our everyday and industrial applications. While diverse functionalities have been implemented in passive systems, the lack of a reference clock limits the design space of such devices used for applications such as time-stamping sensing, recording and dynamic authentication. Self-powered time-keeping in passive systems has been challenging because they do not have access to continuous power sources. While energy transducers can harvest power from ambient environment, the intermittent power cannot support continuous operation for reference clocks. The thesis of this dissertation is to implement self-powered time-keeping devices on standard CMOS processes. In this dissertation, a novel device that combines the physics of quantum tunneling and floating-gate (FG) structures is proposed for self-powered time-keeping in CMOS process. The proposed device is based on thermally assisted Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling process across high-quality oxide layer to discharge the floating-gate node, therefore resulting in a time-dependent FG potential. The device was fully characterized in this dissertation, and it does not require external powering during runtime, making it feasible for passive devices and systems. Dynamic signature based on the synchronization and desynchronization behavior of the FN timer is proposed for authentication of IoT devices. The self-compensating physics ensure that when distributed timers are subjected to identical environment variances that are common-mode noise, they can maintain synchronization with respect to each other. On the contrary, different environment conditions will desynchronize the timers creating unique signatures. The signatures could be used to differentiate between products that belong to different supply-chains or products that were subjected to malicious tampering. SecureID type dynamic authentication protocols based on the signature generated by the FN timers are proposed and they are proven to be robust to most attacks. The protocols are further analyzed to be lightweight enough for passive devices whose computational sources are limited. The device could also be applied for self-powered sensing of time-of-occurrence. The prototype was verified by integrating the device with a self-powered mechanical sensor to sense and record time-of-occurrence of mechanical events. The system-on-chip design uses the timer output to modulate a linear injector to stamp the time information into the sensing results. Time-of-occurrence can be reconstructed by training the mathematical model and then applying that to the test data. The design was verified to have a high reconstruction accuracy

    LeakyOhm: Secret Bits Extraction using Impedance Analysis

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    The threats of physical side-channel attacks and their countermeasures have been widely researched. Most physical side-channel attacks rely on the unavoidable influence of computation or storage on current consumption or voltage drop on a chip. Such data-dependent influence can be exploited by, for instance, power or electromagnetic analysis. In this work, we introduce a novel non-invasive physical side-channel attack, which exploits the data-dependent changes in the impedance of the chip. Our attack relies on the fact that the temporarily stored contents in registers alter the physical characteristics of the circuit, which results in changes in the die's impedance. To sense such impedance variations, we deploy a well-known RF/microwave method called scattering parameter analysis, in which we inject sine wave signals with high frequencies into the system's power distribution network (PDN) and measure the echo of the signals. We demonstrate that according to the content bits and physical location of a register, the reflected signal is modulated differently at various frequency points enabling the simultaneous and independent probing of individual registers. Such side-channel leakage challenges the tt-probing security model assumption used in masking, which is a prominent side-channel countermeasure. To validate our claims, we mount non-profiled and profiled impedance analysis attacks on hardware implementations of unprotected and high-order masked AES. We show that in the case of the profiled attack, only a single trace is required to recover the secret key. Finally, we discuss how a specific class of hiding countermeasures might be effective against impedance leakage

    Side-channel attacks and countermeasures in the design of secure IC's devices for cryptographic applications

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    Abstract--- A lot of devices which are daily used have to guarantee the retention of sensible data. Sensible data are ciphered by a secure key by which only the key holder can get the data. For this reason, to protect the cipher key against possible attacks becomes a main issue. The research activities in hardware cryptography are involved in finding new countermeasures against various attack scenarios and, in the same time, in studying new attack methodologies. During the PhD, three different logic families to counteract Power Analysis were presented and a novel class of attacks was studied. Moreover, two different activities related to Random Numbers Generators have been addressed
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