49 research outputs found

    A Fault-Based Model of Fault Localization Techniques

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    Every day, ordinary people depend on software working properly. We take it for granted; from banking software, to railroad switching software, to flight control software, to software that controls medical devices such as pacemakers or even gas pumps, our lives are touched by software that we expect to work. It is well known that the main technique/activity used to ensure the quality of software is testing. Often it is the only quality assurance activity undertaken, making it that much more important. In a typical experiment studying these techniques, a researcher will intentionally seed a fault (intentionally breaking the functionality of some source code) with the hopes that the automated techniques under study will be able to identify the fault\u27s location in the source code. These faults are picked arbitrarily; there is potential for bias in the selection of the faults. Previous researchers have established an ontology for understanding or expressing this bias called fault size. This research captures the fault size ontology in the form of a probabilistic model. The results of applying this model to measure fault size suggest that many faults generated through program mutation (the systematic replacement of source code operators to create faults) are very large and easily found. Secondary measures generated in the assessment of the model suggest a new static analysis method, called testability, for predicting the likelihood that code will contain a fault in the future. While software testing researchers are not statisticians, they nonetheless make extensive use of statistics in their experiments to assess fault localization techniques. Researchers often select their statistical techniques without justification. This is a very worrisome situation because it can lead to incorrect conclusions about the significance of research. This research introduces an algorithm, MeansTest, which helps automate some aspects of the selection of appropriate statistical techniques. The results of an evaluation of MeansTest suggest that MeansTest performs well relative to its peers. This research then surveys recent work in software testing using MeansTest to evaluate the significance of researchers\u27 work. The results of the survey indicate that software testing researchers are underreporting the significance of their work

    Combining Fault Localization with Information Retrieval: an Analysis of Accuracy and Performance for Bug Finding

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    Debugging is a key activity in the software development process. It has been used extensively by developers to attempt to localize faults, while enhancing the quality and performance of software in general. There has been a significant amount of study in developing and enhancing fault localization techniques, which are used in assisting developers to locate faults within a body of code. However, identifying fault locations using individual techniques is not always effective; combining different techniques, which represent distinct forms of analysis, might help to overcome this issue. There has been a very limited amount of research that suggests that combining more than one approach to fault localization may have benefits, principally because information from different sources is included in the localization process. In this thesis, I attempt to more precisely address the question of whether combining different fault localization techniques can more effectively and efficiently find faults in code, when contrasted with a single technique. To answer this, I have carried out experiments that combine the use of three fault localization techniques: Information Retrieval (IR), Spectrum Based Fault Localization (SBFL), and Text Based Search. These techniques are representative of both dynamic and static fault localization. My hypothesis is that a combination of dynamic and static fault localization analysis can assist developers in better fault localization. I have evaluated the various combinations of techniques in identifying faults against real-world programs, Defects4j, where 395 faults and bug reports have been analyzed. The experimental results demonstrate that the combination of three techniques (SBFL, Text Search, and IR) is the most accurate, with 86.84% accuracy for 343 faults located from a total of 395. This finding contributes positively towards concretely recommending techniques for assisting developers in locating faults in code. Guidelines are provided on which combination of techniques, with maximal accuracy of result, should be applied especially when there is no prior knowledge about the fault

    Small business innovation research. Abstracts of 1988 phase 1 awards

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    Non-proprietary proposal abstracts of Phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects supported by NASA are presented. Projects in the fields of aeronautical propulsion, aerodynamics, acoustics, aircraft systems, materials and structures, teleoperators and robots, computer sciences, information systems, data processing, spacecraft propulsion, bioastronautics, satellite communication, and space processing are covered

    Technology 2004, Vol. 2

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    Proceedings from symposia of the Technology 2004 Conference, November 8-10, 1994, Washington, DC. Volume 2 features papers on computers and software, virtual reality simulation, environmental technology, video and imaging, medical technology and life sciences, robotics and artificial intelligence, and electronics

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface

    PROGRAM, THE NEBRASKA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: One Hundred-Thirty-First Annual Meeting, APRIL 23-24, 2021. ONLINE

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    AFFILIATED SOCIETIES OF THE NEBRASKA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INC. 1.American Association of Physics Teachers, Nebraska Section: Web site: http://www.aapt.org/sections/officers.cfm?section=Nebraska 2.Friends of Loren Eiseley: Web site: http://www.eiseley.org/ 3.Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club: Web site: http://www.lincolngemmineralclub.org/ 4.Nebraska Chapter, National Council for Geographic Education 5.Nebraska Geological Society: Web site: http://www.nebraskageologicalsociety.org Sponsors of a $50 award to the outstanding student paper presented at the Nebraska Academy of SciencesAnnual Meeting, Earth Science /Nebraska Chapter, National Council Sections 6.Nebraska Graduate Women in Science 7.Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences: Web site: http://www.nebraskajunioracademyofsciences.org/ 8.Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union: Web site: http://www.noubirds.org/ 9.Nebraska Psychological Association: http://www.nebpsych.org/ 10.Nebraska-Southeast South Dakota Section Mathematical Association of America: Web site: http://sections.maa.org/nesesd/ 11.Nebraska Space Grant Consortium: Web site: http://www.ne.spacegrant.org/ CONTENTS AERONAUTICS & SPACE SCIENCE ANTHROPOLOGY APPLIED SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY BIOLOGICAL & MEDICAL SCIENCES COLLEGIATE ACADEMY: BIOLOGY COLLEGIATE ACADEMY: CHEMISTRY & PHYSICS EARTH SCIENCES ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES GENERAL CHEMISTRY GENERAL PHYSICS TEACHING OF SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS 2020-2021 PROGRAM COMMITTEE 2020-2021 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FRIENDS OF THE ACADEMY NEBRASKA ACADEMY OF SCIENCS FRIEND OF SCIENCE AWARD WINNERS FRIEND OF SCIENCE AWARD TO DR PAUL KAR

    Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space 1994

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    The Third International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS 94), held October 18-20, 1994, in Pasadena, California, was jointly sponsored by NASA, ESA, and Japan's National Space Development Agency, and was hosted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the California Institute of Technology. i-SAIRAS 94 featured presentations covering a variety of technical and programmatic topics, ranging from underlying basic technology to specific applications of artificial intelligence and robotics to space missions. i-SAIRAS 94 featured a special workshop on planning and scheduling and provided scientists, engineers, and managers with the opportunity to exchange theoretical ideas, practical results, and program plans in such areas as space mission control, space vehicle processing, data analysis, autonomous spacecraft, space robots and rovers, satellite servicing, and intelligent instruments

    The Federal Conference on Intelligent Processing Equipment

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    Research and development projects involving intelligent processing equipment within the following U.S. agencies are addressed: Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, NASA, National Institutes of Health, and the National Science Foundation