1,414 research outputs found

    An Alternative Fuel Refueling Station Location Model considering Detour Traffic Flows on a Highway Road System

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    With the development of alternative fuel (AF) vehicle technologies, studies on finding the potential location of AF refueling stations in transportation networks have received considerable attention. Due to the strong limited driving range, AF vehicles for long-distance intercity trips may require multiple refueling stops at different locations on the way to their destination, which makes the AF refueling station location problem more challenging. In this paper, we consider that AF vehicles requiring multiple refueling stops at different locations during their long-distance intercity trips are capable of making detours from their preplanned paths and selecting return paths that may be different from original paths for their round trips whenever AF refueling stations are not available along the preplanned paths. These options mostly need to be considered when an AF refueling infrastructure is not fully developed on a highway system. To this end, we first propose an algorithm to generate alternative paths that may provide the multiple AF refueling stops between all origin/destination (OD) vertices. Then, a new mixed-integer programming model is proposed to locate AF refueling stations within a preselected set of candidate sites on a directed transportation network by maximizing the coverage of traffic flows along multiple paths. We first test our mathematical model with the proposed algorithm on a classical 25-vertex network with 25 candidate sites through various scenarios that consider a different number of paths for each OD pair, deviation factors, and limited driving ranges of vehicles. Then, we apply our proposed model to locate liquefied natural gas refueling stations in the state of Pennsylvania considering the construction budget. Our results show that the number of alternative paths and deviation distance available significantly affect the coverage of traffic flows at the stations as well as computational time

    Optimal Pricing to Manage Electric Vehicles in Coupled Power and Transportation Networks

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    We study the system-level effects of the introduction of large populations of Electric Vehicles on the power and transportation networks. We assume that each EV owner solves a decision problem to pick a cost-minimizing charge and travel plan. This individual decision takes into account traffic congestion in the transportation network, affecting travel times, as well as as congestion in the power grid, resulting in spatial variations in electricity prices for battery charging. We show that this decision problem is equivalent to finding the shortest path on an "extended" transportation graph, with virtual arcs that represent charging options. Using this extended graph, we study the collective effects of a large number of EV owners individually solving this path planning problem. We propose a scheme in which independent power and transportation system operators can collaborate to manage each network towards a socially optimum operating point while keeping the operational data of each system private. We further study the optimal reserve capacity requirements for pricing in the absence of such collaboration. We showcase numerically that a lack of attention to interdependencies between the two infrastructures can have adverse operational effects.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems on June 1st 201

    Robustness Generalizations of the Shortest Feasible Path Problem for Electric Vehicles

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    Electric Vehicle routing is often modeled as a Shortest Feasible Path Problem (SFPP), which minimizes total travel time while maintaining a non-zero State of Charge (SoC) along the route. However, the problem assumes perfect information about energy consumption and charging stations, which are difficult to even estimate in practice. Further, drivers might have varying risk tolerances for different trips. To overcome these limitations, we propose two generalizations to the SFPP; they compute the shortest feasible path for any initial SoC and, respectively, for every possible minimum SoC threshold. We present algorithmic solutions for each problem, and provide two constructs: Starting Charge Maps and Buffer Maps, which represent the tradeoffs between robustness of feasible routes and their travel times. The two constructs are useful in many ways, including presenting alternate routes or providing charging prompts to users. We evaluate the performance of our algorithms on realistic input instances

    Finding an energy efficient path for plug-in electric vehicles with speed optimization and travel time restrictions

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    Transportation is one of the main factors when global total energy consumption is considered and is a significant contributor to emissions of harmful gases including carbon dioxide (CO2). Due to their lower tailpipe CO2 emissions compared to the vehicles with internal combustion engines, electric vehicles provide an opportunity to reduce environmental impacts of transportation. In this direction, a problem for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is studied where the aim is to find an energy efficient path. Given an origin–destination pair over a directed network, this problem involves determining a path joining origin and destination, the speed of the PEV on each road segment, i.e., arc, along the path, the charging stations the PEV will stop by, and how much to recharge at each stop so as to minimize the total amount energy consumption. There are speed limits on each road segment, and PEV has to arrive at the destination on or before a given total time limit. For this problem, firstly, a mixed-integer second order cone programming formulation (MISOCP) is proposed. Secondly, to be able to solve larger size instances, a matheuristic is developed. Lastly, an iterated local search (ILS) algorithm is designed for this problem. Solution quality and computation times of the heuristics and the exact algorithm are compared on different instances. Differently from the literature, the speed values of the PEV on the arcs are considered as continuous decision variables in all proposed solution approaches. Moreover, consideration of the speed limits which can be legal limits or limits imposed by congestion makes our problem more realistic. The analysis of the results of the computational experiments gives the user an insight to select the proper solution approach based on the instance settings. MISOCP formulation becomes inadequate for larger instances. On the other hand, the heuristic solution approaches can solve such instances within reasonable computational times and therefore they have the potential to be integrated in some software to dynamically find energy efficient paths.</p

    Consumption Profiles in Route Planning for Electric Vehicles: Theory and Applications

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    In route planning for electric vehicles (EVs), consumption profiles are a functional representation of optimal energy consumption between two locations, subject to initial state of charge. Efficient computation of profiles is a relevant problem on its own, but also a fundamental ingredient to many route planning approaches for EVs. In this work, we show that the complexity of a profile is at most linear in the graph size. Based on this insight, we derive a polynomial-time algorithm for the problem of finding an energy-optimal path between two locations that allows stops at charging stations. Exploiting efficient profile search, our approach also allows partial recharging at charging stations to save energy. In a sense, our results close the gap between efficient techniques for energy-optimal routes (based on simpler models) and NP-hard time-constrained problems involving charging stops for EVs. We propose a practical implementation, which we carefully integrate with Contraction Hierarchies and A* search. Even though the practical variant formally drops correctness, a comprehensive experimental study on a realistic, large-scale road network reveals that it always finds the optimal solution in our tests and computes even long-distance routes with charging stops in less than 300 ms

    Finding an energy efficient path for plug-in electric vehicles with speed optimization and travel time restrictions

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    Transportation is one of the main factors when global total energy consumption is considered and is a significant contributor to emissions of harmful gases including carbon dioxide (CO2). Due to their lower tailpipe CO2 emissions compared to the vehicles with internal combustion engines, electric vehicles provide an opportunity to reduce environmental impacts of transportation. In this direction, a problem for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is studied where the aim is to find an energy efficient path. Given an origin–destination pair over a directed network, this problem involves determining a path joining origin and destination, the speed of the PEV on each road segment, i.e., arc, along the path, the charging stations the PEV will stop by, and how much to recharge at each stop so as to minimize the total amount energy consumption. There are speed limits on each road segment, and PEV has to arrive at the destination on or before a given total time limit. For this problem, firstly, a mixed-integer second order cone programming formulation (MISOCP) is proposed. Secondly, to be able to solve larger size instances, a matheuristic is developed. Lastly, an iterated local search (ILS) algorithm is designed for this problem. Solution quality and computation times of the heuristics and the exact algorithm are compared on different instances. Differently from the literature, the speed values of the PEV on the arcs are considered as continuous decision variables in all proposed solution approaches. Moreover, consideration of the speed limits which can be legal limits or limits imposed by congestion makes our problem more realistic. The analysis of the results of the computational experiments gives the user an insight to select the proper solution approach based on the instance settings. MISOCP formulation becomes inadequate for larger instances. On the other hand, the heuristic solution approaches can solve such instances within reasonable computational times and therefore they have the potential to be integrated in some software to dynamically find energy efficient paths.</p

    New logistical issues in using electric vehicle fleets with battery exchange infrastructure

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    AbstractThere is much reason to believe that fleets of service vehicles of many organizations will transform their vehicles that utilize alternative fuels that are more sustainable. The electric vehicle (EV) is a good candidate for this transformation, especially which “refuels” by exchanging its spent batteries with charged ones. This paper discusses some new logistical issues that must be addressed by such EV fleets, principally the issues related to the limited driving range of each EV's set of charged batteries and the possible detouring for battery exchanges. In particular, the paper addresses (1) the routing and scheduling of the fleet, (2) the locations of battery-exchange stations, and (3) the sizing of each facility. An overview of the literature on the topic is provided and some initial results are presented
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