8 research outputs found

    Shortest Unique Substring Query Revisited

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    We revisit the problem of finding shortest unique substring (SUS) proposed recently by [6]. We propose an optimal O(n)O(n) time and space algorithm that can find an SUS for every location of a string of size nn. Our algorithm significantly improves the O(n2)O(n^2) time complexity needed by [6]. We also support finding all the SUSes covering every location, whereas the solution in [6] can find only one SUS for every location. Further, our solution is simpler and easier to implement and can also be more space efficient in practice, since we only use the inverse suffix array and longest common prefix array of the string, while the algorithm in [6] uses the suffix tree of the string and other auxiliary data structures. Our theoretical results are validated by an empirical study that shows our algorithm is much faster and more space-saving than the one in [6]

    Range Shortest Unique Substring queries

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    Let be a string of length n and be the substring of starting at position i and ending at position j. A substring of is a repeat if it occurs more than once in; otherwise, it is a unique substring of. Repeats and unique substrings are of great interest in computational biology and in information retrieval. Given string as input, the Shortest Unique Substring problem is to find a shortest substring of that does not occur elsewhere in. In this paper, we introduce the range variant of this problem, which we call the Range Shortest Unique Substring problem. The task is to construct a data structure over answering the following type of online queries efficiently. Given a range, return a shortest substring of with exactly one occurrence in. We present an -word data structure with query time, where is the word size. Our construction is based on a non-trivial reduction allowing us to apply a recently introduced optimal geometric data structure [Chan et al. ICALP 2018]

    A framework for space-efficient string kernels

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    String kernels are typically used to compare genome-scale sequences whose length makes alignment impractical, yet their computation is based on data structures that are either space-inefficient, or incur large slowdowns. We show that a number of exact string kernels, like the kk-mer kernel, the substrings kernels, a number of length-weighted kernels, the minimal absent words kernel, and kernels with Markovian corrections, can all be computed in O(nd)O(nd) time and in o(n)o(n) bits of space in addition to the input, using just a rangeDistinct\mathtt{rangeDistinct} data structure on the Burrows-Wheeler transform of the input strings, which takes O(d)O(d) time per element in its output. The same bounds hold for a number of measures of compositional complexity based on multiple value of kk, like the kk-mer profile and the kk-th order empirical entropy, and for calibrating the value of kk using the data

    More Time-Space Tradeoffs for Finding a Shortest Unique Substring

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    We extend recent results regarding finding shortest unique substrings (SUSs) to obtain new time-space tradeoffs for this problem and the generalization of finding k-mismatch SUSs. Our new results include the first algorithm for finding a k-mismatch SUS in sublinear space, which we obtain by extending an algorithm by Senanayaka (2019) and combining it with a result on sketching by Gawrychowski and Starikovskaya (2019). We first describe how, given a text T of length n and m words of workspace, with high probability we can find an SUS of length L in O(n(L/m)logL) time using random access to T, or in O(n(L/m)log2(L)loglogσ) time using O((L/m)log2L) sequential passes over T. We then describe how, for constant k, with high probability, we can find a k-mismatch SUS in O(n1+ϵL/m) time using O(nϵL/m) sequential passes over T, again using only m words of workspace. Finally, we also describe a deterministic algorithm that takes O(nτlogσlogn) time to find an SUS using O(n/τ) words of workspace, where τ is a parameter

    Shortest Unique Queries on Strings

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    Efficient data structures for range shortest unique substring queries†

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    Let T[1, n] be a string of length n and T[i, j] be the substring of T starting at position i and ending at position j. A substring T[i, j] of T is a repeat if it occurs more than once in T; otherwise, it is a unique substring of T. Repeats and unique substrings are of great interest in computational biology and information retrieval. Given string T as input, the Shortest Unique Substring problem is to find a shortest substring of T that does not occur elsewhere in T. In this paper, we introduce the range variant of this problem, which we call the Range Shortest Unique Substring problem. The task is to construct a data structure over T answering the following type of online queries efficiently. Given a range [α, β], return a shortest substring T[i, j] of T with exactly one occurrence in [α, β]. We present an O(n log n)-word data structure with O(logw n) query time, where w = Ω(log n) is the word size. Our construction is based on a non-trivial reduction allowing for us to apply a recently introduced optimal geometric data structure [Chan et al., ICALP 2018]. Additionally, we present an O(n)-word data structure with O(√ n logɛ n) query time, where ɛ > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant. The latter data structure relies heavily on another geometric data structure [Nekrich and Navarro, SWAT 2012]