3,714 research outputs found

    An algorithm for a general class of routing problems derived from Huygens' principle

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    If a set of N points or nodes with a nonnegative cost associated with each ordered pair is known, it is desired to find a path from one given node to another given node which minimizes the cost sum. An algorithm is presented which yields a global minimum solution after at most N - 1 iterations or on a typical large third-generation computer, after 1 hour of computation time for a 10,000-node problem. The rapid-access data storage capacity demanded by the algorithm is approximately 3N words for costs read in from slow-access storage or 2N words for calculable costs. The time-storage requirements of the algorithm known to the authors. When the problem is viewed as a discretized optimal control problem, after N-1 iterations, an optimal control or node transition is established for each of the N nodes or states; thus, the algorithm can be applied to situations were there may be errors in the control that necessitate a closed loop control that necessitate a closed loop control philosophy

    Transit Node Routing Reconsidered

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    Transit Node Routing (TNR) is a fast and exact distance oracle for road networks. We show several new results for TNR. First, we give a surprisingly simple implementation fully based on Contraction Hierarchies that speeds up preprocessing by an order of magnitude approaching the time for just finding a CH (which alone has two orders of magnitude larger query time). We also develop a very effective purely graph theoretical locality filter without any compromise in query times. Finally, we show that a specialization to the online many-to-one (or one-to-many) shortest path further speeds up query time by an order of magnitude. This variant even has better query time than the fastest known previous methods which need much more space.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to SEA'201

    Fault tolerant architectures for integrated aircraft electronics systems, task 2

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    The architectural basis for an advanced fault tolerant on-board computer to succeed the current generation of fault tolerant computers is examined. The network error tolerant system architecture is studied with particular attention to intercluster configurations and communication protocols, and to refined reliability estimates. The diagnosis of faults, so that appropriate choices for reconfiguration can be made is discussed. The analysis relates particularly to the recognition of transient faults in a system with tasks at many levels of priority. The demand driven data-flow architecture, which appears to have possible application in fault tolerant systems is described and work investigating the feasibility of automatic generation of aircraft flight control programs from abstract specifications is reported


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    GT-ITMis a topology generation tool. Since its release GTITMis widely used in the scientific community for network simulations. GTITM is extended to support routing on its topology. The routing algorithm used for interdomain routing attempts to emulate the BGP routing protocol seen on the internet. It uses a policy file if supplied to make routing decisions. An additional functionality provided with the tool is the ability to automatically generate policy file for large graphs

    Implementation of ARP-Path Low Latency Bridges in Linux and OpenFlow/NetFPGA

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    2011 IEEE 12th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing took place July 4-6, 2011 in Cartagena, Spain. This event web site is: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5976787This paper describes the implementation of ARPPath (a.k.a. FastPath) bridges, a recently proposed concept for low latency bridges, in Linux/Soekris and OpenFlow/NetFPGA platforms. These ARP-based Ethernet Switches rely on the race between the replicas of a standard ARP Request packet flooded over all links, to discover the minimum latency path to the destination host, complemented in the opposite direction by the ARP Reply packet directed to the source host. Implementations show that the protocol is loop free, does not block links, is fully transparent to hosts and neither needs a spanning tree protocol to prevent loops nor a link state protocol to obtain low latency paths. Implementations in Linux and OpenFlow on NetFPGA show inherent robustness and fast reconfiguration. Previous simulations showed a superior performance (throughput and delay) than the Spanning Tree Protocol and similar to shortest path routing, with lower complexityThis work was supported in part by grants from Comunidad de Madrid and Comunidad de Castilla la Mancha through Projects MEDIANET-CM (S-2009/TIC-1468), EMARECE (PII1I09-0204-4319) and T2C2(TIN2008-06739-C04-04).Publicad

    Performance Evaluation of MPLS in a Virtualized Service Provider Core (with/without Class of Service)

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    The last decade has witnessed a major change in the types of traffic scaling the Internet. With the development of real-time applications several challenges were faced within traditional IP networks. Some of these challenges are delay, increased costs faced by the service provider and customer, limited scalability, separate infrastructure costs and high administrative overheads to manage large networks etc. To combat these challenges, researchers have steered towards finding alternate solutions. Over the recent years, we have seen an introduction of a number of virtualized platforms and solutions being offered in the networking industry. Virtual load balancers, virtual firewalls, virtual routers, virtual intrusion detection and preventions systems are just a few examples within the Network Function Virtualization world! Service Providers are trying to find solutions where they could reduce operational expenses while at the same time meet the growing bandwidth demands of their customers. The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of voice, data and video traffic in a virtualized service provider core. Observations are made on how these traffic types perform on congested vs uncongested links and how Quality of Service treats traffic in a virtualized Service Provider Core using Round Trip Time as a performance metric. This thesis also tries to find if resiliency features such as Fast Reroute provide an additional advantage in failover scenarios within virtualized service provider cores. Juniper Networks vSRX are used to replicate virtual routers in a virtualized service provider core. Twenty-Four tests are carried out to gain a better understanding of how real-time applications and resiliency methods perform in virtualized networks. It is observed that a trade-off exists when introducing QoS on congested primary and secondary label switched paths. What can be observed thru the graphs is having Quality of Service enabled drops more packets however gives us the advantage of lower Round Trip Time for in-profile traffic. On the hand, having Quality of Service disabled, permits more traffic but leads to bandwidth contention between the three traffic classes leading to higher Round-Trip Times. The true benefit of QoS is seen in traffic congestion scenarios. The test bed built in this thesis, shows us that Fast Reroute does not add a significant benefit to aid in the reduction of packet loss during failover scenarios between primary and secondary paths. However, in certain scenarios fast reroute does seem to reduce packet loss specifically for data traffic
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