12 research outputs found

    Roadmap on STIRAP applications

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    STIRAP (stimulated Raman adiabatic passage) is a powerful laser-based method, usually involving two photons, for efficient and selective transfer of populations between quantum states. A particularly interesting feature is the fact that the coupling between the initial and the final quantum states is via an intermediate state, even though the lifetime of the latter can be much shorter than the interaction time with the laser radiation. Nevertheless, spontaneous emission from the intermediate state is prevented by quantum interference. Maintaining the coherence between the initial and final state throughout the transfer process is crucial. STIRAP was initially developed with applications in chemical dynamics in mind. That is why the original paper of 1990 was published in The Journal of Chemical Physics. However, from about the year 2000, the unique capabilities of STIRAP and its robustness with respect to small variations in some experimental parameters stimulated many researchers to apply the scheme to a variety of other fields of physics. The successes of these efforts are documented in this collection of articles. In Part A the experimental success of STIRAP in manipulating or controlling molecules, photons, ions or even quantum systems in a solid-state environment is documented. After a brief introduction to the basic physics of STIRAP, the central role of the method in the formation of ultracold molecules is discussed, followed by a presentation of how precision experiments (measurement of the upper limit of the electric dipole moment of the electron or detecting the consequences of parity violation in chiral molecules) or chemical dynamics studies at ultralow temperatures benefit from STIRAP. Next comes the STIRAP-based control of photons in cavities followed by a group of three contributions which highlight the potential of the STIRAP concept in classical physics by presenting data on the transfer of waves (photonic, magnonic and phononic) between respective waveguides. The works on ions or ion strings discuss options for applications, e.g. in quantum information. Finally, the success of STIRAP in the controlled manipulation of quantum states in solid-state systems, which are usually hostile towards coherent processes, is presented, dealing with data storage in rare-earth ion doped crystals and in nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers or even in superconducting quantum circuits. The works on ions and those involving solid-state systems emphasize the relevance of the results for quantum information protocols. Part B deals with theoretical work, including further concepts relevant to quantum information or invoking STIRAP for the manipulation of matter waves. The subsequent articles discuss the experiments underway to demonstrate the potential of STIRAP for populating otherwise inaccessible high-lying Rydberg states of molecules, or controlling and cooling the translational motion of particles in a molecular beam or the polarization of angular-momentum states. The series of articles concludes with a more speculative application of STIRAP in nuclear physics, which, if suitable radiation fields become available, could lead to spectacular results

    Quantum logic and entanglement by neutral Rydberg atoms: methods and fidelity

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    Quantum gates and entanglement based on dipole-dipole interactions of neutral Rydberg atoms are relevant to both fundamental physics and quantum information science. The precision and robustness of the Rydberg-mediated entanglement protocols are the key factors limiting their applicability in experiments and near-future industry. There are various methods for generating entangling gates by exploring the Rydberg interactions of neutral atoms, each equipped with its own strengths and weaknesses. The basics and tricks in these protocols are reviewed, with specific attention paid to the achievable fidelity and the robustness to the technical issues and detrimental innate factors.Comment: 57 pages, 10 figure

    Colloquium: Quantum Batteries

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    Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in quantum devices for the production, storage, and transfer of energy. In this Colloquium, we concentrate on the field of quantum energy storage by reviewing recent theoretical and experimental progress in quantum batteries. We first provide a theoretical background discussing the advantages that quantum batteries offer with respect to their classical analogues. We then review the existing quantum many-body battery models and present a thorough discussion of important issues related to their open nature. We finally conclude by discussing promising experimental implementations, preliminary results available in the literature, and perspectives.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures, 311 references. Review and perspective article on quantum batteries. Commissioned for Reviews of Modern Physics. Comments and feedback are welcom

    Fluctuation Relations and Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics in Classical and Quantum Systems

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    This Special Issue contains novel results in the area of out-of-equilibrium classical and quantum thermodynamics. Contributions are from different areas of physics, including statistical mechanics, quantum information and many-body systems

    Complex extreme nonlinear waves: classical and quantum theory for new computing models

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    The historical role of nonlinear waves in developing the science of complexity, and also their physical feature of being a widespread paradigm in optics, establishes a bridge between two diverse and fundamental fields that can open an immeasurable number of new routes. In what follows, we present our most important results on nonlinear waves in classical and quantum nonlinear optics. About classical phenomenology, we lay the groundwork for establishing one uniform theory of dispersive shock waves, and for controlling complex nonlinear regimes through simple integer topological invariants. The second quantized field theory of optical propagation in nonlinear dispersive media allows us to perform numerical simulations of quantum solitons and the quantum nonlinear box problem. The complexity of light propagation in nonlinear media is here examined from all the main points of view: extreme phenomena, recurrence, control, modulation instability, and so forth. Such an analysis has a major, significant goal: answering the question can nonlinear waves do computation? For this purpose, our study towards the realization of an all-optical computer, able to do computation by implementing machine learning algorithms, is illustrated. The first all-optical realization of the Ising machine and the theoretical foundations of the random optical machine are here reported. We believe that this treatise is a fundamental study for the application of nonlinear waves to new computational techniques, disclosing new procedures to the control of extreme waves, and to the design of new quantum sources and non-classical state generators for future quantum technologies, also giving incredible insights about all-optical reservoir computing. Can nonlinear waves do computation? Our random optical machine draws the route for a positive answer to this question, substituting the randomness either with the uncertainty of quantum noise effects on light propagation or with the arbitrariness of classical, extremely nonlinear regimes, as similarly done by random projection methods and extreme learning machines

    Controlling NMR spin systems for quantum computation

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance is arguably both the best available quantum technology for implementing simple quantum computing experiments and the worst technology for building large scale quantum computers that has ever been seriously put forward. After a few years of rapid growth, leading to an implementation of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm in a seven-spin system, the field started to reach its natural limits and further progress became challenging. Rather than pursuing more complex algorithms on larger systems, interest has now largely moved into developing techniques for the precise and efficient manipulation of spin states with the aim of developing methods that can be applied in other more scalable technologies and within conventional NMR. However, the user friendliness of NMR implementations means that they remain popular for proof-of-principle demonstrations of simple quantum information protocols

    Quantum Darwinism and Friends

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    In honor of Wojciech Zurek’s 70th birthday, this Special Issue is dedicated to recent advances in our understanding the emergence of classical reality, and pays tribute to Zurek’s seminal contributions to our understanding of the Universe. To this end, “Quantum Darwinism and Friends” collects articles that make sense of the apparent chasm between quantum weirdness and classical perception, and provides a snapshot of this fundamental, exciting, and vivid field of theoretical physics