299 research outputs found

    Developing Sampling Strategies and Predicting Freeway Travel Time Using Bluetooth Data

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    Accurate, reliable, and timely travel time is critical to monitor transportation system performance and assist motorists with trip-making decisions. Travel time is estimated using the data from various sources like cellular technology, automatic vehicle identification (AVI) systems. Irrespective of sources, data have characteristics in terms of accuracy and reliability shaped by the sampling rate along with other factors. As a probe based AVI technology, Bluetooth data is not immune to the sampling issue that directly affects the accuracy and reliability of the information it provides. The sampling rate can be affected by the stochastic nature of traffic state varying by time of day. A single outlier may sharply affect the travel time. This study brings attention to several crucial issues - intervals with no sample, minimum sample size and stochastic property of travel time, that play pivotal role on the accuracy and reliability of information along with its time coverage. It also demonstrates noble approaches and thus, represents a guideline for researchers and practitioner to select an appropriate interval for sample accumulation flexibly by set up the threshold guided by the nature of individual researches’ problems and preferences. After selection of an appropriate interval for sample accumulation, the next step is to estimate travel time. Travel time can be estimated either based on arrival time or based on departure time of corresponding vehicle. Considering the estimation procedure, these two are defined as arrival time based travel time (ATT) and departure time based travel time (DTT) respectively. A simple data processing algorithm, which processed more than a hundred million records reliably and efficiently, was introduced to ensure accurate estimation of travel time. Since outlier filtering plays a pivotal role in estimation accuracy, a simplified technique has proposed to filter outliers after examining several well-established outlier-filtering algorithms. In general, time of arrival is utilized to estimate overall travel time; however, travel time based on departure time (DTT) is more accurate and thus, DTT should be treated as true travel time. Accurate prediction is an integral component of calculating DTT, as real-time DTT is not available. The performances of Kalman filter (KF) were compared to corresponding modeling techniques; both link and corridor based, and concluded that the KF method offers superior prediction accuracy in link-based model. This research also examined the effect of different noise assumptions and found that the steady noise computed from full-dataset leads to the most accurate prediction. Travel time prediction had a 4.53% mean absolute percentage of error due to the effective application of KF

    Travel time prediction for congested freeways with a dynamic linear model

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    Accurate prediction of travel time is an essential feature to support Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The non-linearity of traffic states, however, makes this prediction a challenging task. Here we propose to use dynamic linear models (DLMs) to approximate the non-linear traffic states. Unlike a static linear regression model, the DLMs assume that their parameters are changing across time. We design a DLM with model parameters defined at each time unit to describe the spatio-temporal characteristics of time-series traffic data. Based on our DLM and its model parameters analytically trained using historical data, we suggest an optimal linear predictor in the minimum mean square error (MMSE) sense. We compare our prediction accuracy of travel time for freeways in California (I210-E and I5-S) under highly congested traffic conditions with those of other methods: the instantaneous travel time, k-nearest neighbor, support vector regression, and artificial neural network. We show significant improvements in the accuracy, especially for short-term prediction.Comment: in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 202

    Short-Term Travel Time Prediction on Freeways

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    Short-term travel time prediction supports the implementation of proactive traffic management and control strategies to alleviate if not prevent congestion and enable rational route choices and traffic mode selections to enhance travel mobility and safety. Over the last decade, Bluetooth technology has been increasingly used in collecting travel time data due to the technology’s advantages over conventional detection techniques in terms of direct travel time measurement, anonymous detection, and cost-effectiveness. However, similar to many other Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) technologies, Bluetooth technology has some limitations in measuring travel time information including 1) Bluetooth technology cannot associate travel time measurements with different traffic streams or facilities, therefore, the facility-specific travel time information is not directly available from Bluetooth measurements; 2) Bluetooth travel time measurements are influenced by measurement lag, because the travel time associated with vehicles that have not reached the downstream Bluetooth detector location cannot be taken at the instant of analysis. Freeway sections may include multiple distinct traffic stream (i.e., facilities) moving in the same direction of travel under a number of scenarios including: (1) a freeway section that contain both a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) or High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane and several general purpose lanes (GPL); (2) a freeway section with a nearby parallel service roadway; (3) a freeway section in which there exist physically separated lanes (e.g. express versus collector lanes); or (4) a freeway section in which a fraction of the lanes are used by vehicles to access an off ramp. In this research, two different methods were proposed in estimating facility-specific travel times from Bluetooth measurements. Method 1 applies the Anderson-Darling test in matching the distribution of real-time Bluetooth travel time measurements with reference measurements. Method 2 first clusters the travel time measurements using the K-means algorithm, and then associates the clusters with facilities using traffic flow model. The performances of these two proposed methods have been evaluated against a Benchmark method using simulation data. A sensitivity analysis was also performed to understand the impacts of traffic conditions on the performance of different models. Based on the results, Method 2 is recommended when the physical barriers or law enforcement prevent drivers from freely switching between the underlying facilities; however, when the roadway functions as a self-correcting system allowing vehicles to freely switching between underlying facilities, the Benchmark method, which assumes one facility always operating faster than the other facility, is recommended for application. The Bluetooth travel time measurement lag leads to delayed detection of traffic condition variations and travel time changes, especially during congestion and transition periods or when consecutive Bluetooth detectors are placed far apart. In order to alleviate the travel time measurement lag, this research proposed to use non-lagged Bluetooth measurements (e.g., the number of repetitive detections for each vehicle and the time a vehicle spent in the detection zone) for inferring traffic stream states in the vicinity of the Bluetooth detectors. Two model structures including the analytical model and the statistical model have been proposed to estimate the traffic conditions based on non-lagged Bluetooth measurements. The results showed that the proposed RUSBoost classification tree achieved over 94% overall accuracy in predicting traffic conditions as congested or uncongested. When modeling traffic conditions as three traffic states (i.e., the free-flow state, the transition state, and the congested state) using the RUSBoost classification tree, the overall accuracy was 67.2%; however, the accuracy in predicting the congested traffic state was improved from 84.7% of the two state model to 87.7%. Because traffic state information enables the travel time prediction model to more timely detect the changes in traffic conditions, both the two-state model and the three-state model have been evaluated in developing travel time prediction models in this research. The Random Forest model was the main algorithm adopted in training travel time prediction models using both travel time measurements and inferred traffic states. Using historical Bluetooth data as inputs, the model results proved that the inclusion of traffic states information consistently lead to better travel time prediction results in terms of lower root mean square errors (improved by over 11%), lower 90th percentile absolute relative error ARE (improved by over 12%), and lower standard deviations of ARE (improved by over 15%) compared to other model structures without traffic states as inputs. In addition, the impact of traffic state inclusion on travel time prediction accuracy as a function of Bluetooth detector spacing was also examined using simulation data. The results showed that the segment length of 4~8 km is optimal in terms of the improvement from using traffic state information in travel time prediction models

    Advanced Quantitative Methods for Imminent Detection of Crash Prone Conditions and Safety Evaluation

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    Crashes can be accurately predicted through reliable data sources and rigorous statistical models; and prevented through data-driven, evidence-based traffic control strategies. Both predictive analysis and analysis to estimate the causal effect of traffic variables of real-time crashes are instrumental to crash prediction and a better understanding of the mechanism of crash occurrence. However, the research on the second analysis type is very limited for real-time crash prediction; and the conventional predictive analysis using inductive loop detector data has accuracy issues related to inconsistently and distantly spaced loop detectors. The effectiveness of traffic control strategies for improving safety performance cannot be measured and compared without an appropriate traffic simulation application. This dissertation is an attempt to address these research gaps. First, it conducts the propensity score based analysis to assess the causal effect of speed variation on crash occurrence using the crash data and ILD data. As a casual analysis method, the propensity score based model is applied to generate samples with similar covariate distributions in both high- and low-speed variation groups of all cases. Under this setting, the confounding effects are removed and the causal effect of speed variation can be obtained. Second, it conducts a predictive analysis on lane-change related crashes using lane-specific traffic data collected from three ILD stations near a crash location. The real-time traffic data for the two lanes – the vehicle’s lane (subject lane) and the lane to which that a vehicle intends to change (target lane) – are more closely related with lane-change related crashes, as opposed to congregated traffic data for all lanes. It is found that lane-specific variables are appropriate to study the lane-change frequency and the resulting lane-change related crashes. Third, it conducts a predictive analysis on real-time crashes using simulated traffic data. The purpose of using simulated traffic data rather than real data is to mitigate the temporal and spatial issues of detector data. The cell transmission model (CTM), a macroscopic simulation model, is employed to instrument the corridor with a uniform and close layout of virtual detector stations that measure traffic data when physical stations are not available. Traffic flow characteristics at the crash site are simulated by CTM 0-5 minutes prior to a crash. It shows that the simulated traffic data can improve the prediction performance by accounting for the spatial-tempo issue of ILD data. Fourth, it presents a novel approach to modeling freeway crashes using lane-specific simulated traffic data. The new model can not only account for the spatial-tempo issues of detector data but also account for heterogeneous traffic conditions across lanes using a lane-specific cell transmission model (LSCTM). The LSCTM illustrates both discretionary lane-changing (DLC) and mandatory lane-changing (MLC) activities. This new approach presents a viable alternative for utilizing traffic simulation models for safety analysis and evaluation. Last, it develops a crash prediction and prevention application (CPPA) based on simulated traffic data to detect crash-prone conditions and to help select the desirable traffic control strategies for crash prevention. The proposed application is tested in a case study with VSL strategies, and results show that the proposed crash prediction and prevention method could effectively detect crash-prone conditions and evaluate the safety and mobility impacts of various VSL alternatives before their deployment. In the future, the application will be more user-friendly and can provide both online traffic operations support as well as offline evaluation of various traffic control operations and methods

    Vision-Based Lane-Changing Behavior Detection Using Deep Residual Neural Network

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    Accurate lane localization and lane change detection are crucial in advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving systems for safer and more efficient trajectory planning. Conventional localization devices such as Global Positioning System only provide road-level resolution for car navigation, which is incompetent to assist in lane-level decision making. The state of art technique for lane localization is to use Light Detection and Ranging sensors to correct the global localization error and achieve centimeter-level accuracy, but the real-time implementation and popularization for LiDAR is still limited by its computational burden and current cost. As a cost-effective alternative, vision-based lane change detection has been highly regarded for affordable autonomous vehicles to support lane-level localization. A deep learning-based computer vision system is developed to detect the lane change behavior using the images captured by a front-view camera mounted on the vehicle and data from the inertial measurement unit for highway driving. Testing results on real-world driving data have shown that the proposed method is robust with real-time working ability and could achieve around 87% lane change detection accuracy. Compared to the average human reaction to visual stimuli, the proposed computer vision system works 9 times faster, which makes it capable of helping make life-saving decisions in time

    The State-of-the-art of Coordinated Ramp Control with Mixed Traffic Conditions

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    Ramp metering, a traditional traffic control strategy for conventional vehicles, has been widely deployed around the world since the 1960s. On the other hand, the last decade has witnessed significant advances in connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology and its great potential for improving safety, mobility and environmental sustainability. Therefore, a large amount of research has been conducted on cooperative ramp merging for CAVs only. However, it is expected that the phase of mixed traffic, namely the coexistence of both human-driven vehicles and CAVs, would last for a long time. Since there is little research on the system-wide ramp control with mixed traffic conditions, the paper aims to close this gap by proposing an innovative system architecture and reviewing the state-of-the-art studies on the key components of the proposed system. These components include traffic state estimation, ramp metering, driving behavior modeling, and coordination of CAVs. All reviewed literature plot an extensive landscape for the proposed system-wide coordinated ramp control with mixed traffic conditions.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CONFERENCE - ITSC 201
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