5 research outputs found

    Short-term hydrological drought forecasting based on different nature-inspired optimization algorithms hybridized with artificial neural networks

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    Hydrological drought forecasting plays a substantial role in water resources management. Hydrological drought highly affects the water allocation and hydropower generation. In this research, short term hydrological drought forecasted based on the hybridized of novel nature-inspired optimization algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). For this purpose, the Standardized Hydrological Drought Index (SHDI) and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) were calculated in one, three, and six aggregated months. Then, three states where proposed for SHDI forecasting, and 36 input-output combinations were extracted based on the cross-correlation analysis. In the next step, newly proposed optimization algorithms, including Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA), Salp Swarm algorithm (SSA), Biogeography-based optimization (BBO), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) hybridized with the ANN were utilized for SHDI forecasting and the results compared to the conventional ANN. Results indicated that the hybridized model outperformed compared to the conventional ANN. PSO performed better than the other optimization algorithms. The best models forecasted SHDI1 with R2 = 0.68 and RMSE = 0.58, SHDI3 with R 2 = 0.81 and RMSE = 0.45 and SHDI6 with R 2 = 0.82 and RMSE = 0.40

    Flower Pollination Inspired Algorithm on Exchange Rates Prediction Case

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    Flower pollination algorithm is a bio-inspired system that adapts a similar process to genetic algorithm, that aims for optimization problems. In this research, we examine the utilization of the flower pollination algorithm in linear regression for currency exchange cases. The solutions are represented as a set that contains regression coefficients. Population size for the candidate solutions and the switch probability between global pollination and local pollination have been experimented with in this research. Our result shows that the final solution is better when a higher size population and higher switch probability are employed. Furthermore, our result shows the higher size of the population leads to considerable running time, where the leaning probability of global pollination slightly increases the running time

    A Review of Hybrid Soft Computing and Data Pre-Processing Techniques to Forecast Freshwater Quality’s Parameters: Current Trends and Future Directions

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    Water quality has a significant influence on human health. As a result, water quality parameter modelling is one of the most challenging problems in the water sector. Therefore, the major factor in choosing an appropriate prediction model is accuracy. This research aims to analyse hybrid techniques and pre-processing data methods in freshwater quality modelling and forecasting. Hybrid approaches have generally been seen as a potential way of improving the accuracy of water quality modelling and forecasting compared with individual models. Consequently, recent studies have focused on using hybrid models to enhance forecasting accuracy. The modelling of dissolved oxygen is receiving more attention. From a review of relevant articles, it is clear that hybrid techniques are viable and precise methods for water quality prediction. Additionally, this paper presents future research directions to help researchers predict freshwater quality variables

    Application of hybrid machine learning models and data pre-processing to predict water level of watersheds: Recent trends and future perspective

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    The community’s well-being and economic livelihoods are heavily influenced by the water level of watersheds. The changes in water levels directly affect the circulation processes of lakes and rivers that control water mixing and bottom sediment resuspension, further affecting water quality and aquatic ecosystems. Thus, these considerations have made the water level monitoring process essential to save the environment. Machine learning hybrid models are emerging robust tools that are successfully applied for water level monitoring. Various models have been developed, and selecting the optimal model would be a lengthy procedure. A timely, detailed, and instructive overview of the models’ concepts and historical uses would be beneficial in preventing researchers from overlooking models’ potential selection and saving significant time on the problem. Thus, recent research on water level prediction using hybrid machines is reviewed in this article to present the “state of the art” on the subject and provide some suggestions on research methodologies and models. This comprehensive study classifies hybrid models into four types algorithm parameter optimisation-based hybrid models (OBH), pre-processing-based hybrid models (PBH), the components combination-based hybrid models (CBH), and hybridisation of parameter optimisation-based with preprocessing-based hybrid models (HOPH); furthermore, it explains the pre-processing of data in detail. Finally, the most popular optimisation methods and future perspectives and conclusions have been discussed

    Aplicación de redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) al modelamiento de lluvia-escorrentía en la cuenca del río Chancay Lambayeque

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objeto de estudio aplicar redes neuronales artificiales al modelamiento de lluvia-escorrentía en la cuenca del río Chancay Lambayeque, asimismo fue del tipo Cuantitativa – Explicativa, con un diseño Transversal. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 11 estaciones meteorológicas y 01 hidrológica, mientras que las técnicas empleadas fueron la observación y el análisis documental, esta última tuvo como instrumento a la ficha de recolección de datos hidrometeorológicos. Como parte de los resultados, la calibración y posterior validación del modelo de redes neuronales se realizó empleando Redes de Memoria a Largo y Corto Plazo (LSTM), así se obtuvo que en la etapa de validación el modelo alcanzó un coeficiente de Nash de 0.93, correspondiéndole el calificativo de “muy bueno”. Finalmente, se recomienda el modelo de Redes de Memoria a Largo y Corto Plazo (LSTM), para modelamientos futuros que impliquen la simulación de series de tiempo, pues la facilidad de su manejo permite alcanzar buenos resultados.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient