1,139 research outputs found

    Designing Robust LMCA-based Threshold Secret Sharing Scheme for Digital Images Using Multiple Configurations Assignment

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    In this paper, we present a new (t,n)-threshold secret images sharing scheme based on linear memory cellular automata (LMCA). While all existing LMCA-based sharing scheme are not robust, the proposed one provides full robustness property. Precisely, any subset of t participants can collude to recover the shared secret, in contrast to existing LMCA-based schemes when this is possible only for participants having consecutive shares. To achieve robustness, produced shares are constructed using subsets of different LMCA’s configurations instead of using single ones. The subsets are defined according to an assignments matrix that is generated using a specific heuristic. The proposed scheme is shown to be robust, and its security is experimentally evaluated with respect to the problem of secret color image sharing. Obtained results illustrate the secrecy of the produced shares, while comparison gives an accurate evaluation with respect to existing schemes

    A Reversible Steganography Scheme of Secret Image Sharing Based on Cellular Automata and Least Significant Bits Construction

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    Secret image sharing schemes have been extensively studied by far. However, there are just a few schemes that can restore both the secret image and the cover image losslessly. These schemes have one or more defects in the following aspects: (1) high computation cost; (2) overflow issue existing when modulus operation is used to restore the cover image and the secret image; (3) part of the cover image being severely modified and the stego images having worse visual quality. In this paper, we combine the methods of least significant bits construction (LSBC) and dynamic embedding with one-dimensional cellular automata to propose a new lossless scheme which solves the above issues and can resist differential attack and support parallel computing. Experimental results also show that this scheme has the merit of big embedding capacity

    Image Encryption and Stegenography Based on Computational Single Pixel Imaging

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    Multiple layers of information security are introduced based on computational ghost imaging (CGI). We show, in the first step, that it is possible to design a very reliable image encryption scheme using 3D computational ghost imaging with two single-pixel detectors sending data through two channels. Through the Normalized Root Mean Square scale, it is then shown that a further level of security can be achieved by merging data-carrying channels into one and using a coded order for their placement in the sequence of bucket data carried by the single channel. Yet another layer of security is introduced through hiding the actual grayscale image inside another image such that the hidden image cannot be recognized by naked eyes. We then retrieve the hidden image from a CGI reconstructed image. It is shown that the proposed scheme increases the security and robustness such that an attacker needs more than 96 percent of the coded order to recover the hidden data. Storing a grayscale image in a ghost image and retrieving different intensities for the hidden image is unprecedented and could be of interest to the information security community

    Cellular Automata with Synthetic Image A Secure Image Communication with Transform Domain

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        Image encryption has attained a great attention due to the necessity to safeguard confidential images. Digital documents, site images, battlefield photographs, etc. need a secure approach for sharing in an open channel. Hardware – software co-design is a better option for exploiting unique features to cipher the confidential images. Cellular automata (CA) and synthetic image influenced transform domain approach for image encryption is proposed in this paper. The digital image is initially divided into four subsections by applying integer wavelet transform. Confusion is accomplished on low – low section of the transformed image using CA rules 90 and 150. The first level of diffusion with consecutive XORing operation of image pixels is initiated by CA rule 42. A synthetic random key image is developed by extracting true random bits generated by Cyclone V field programmable gate array 5CSEMA5F31C6. This random image plays an important role in second level of diffusion. The proposed confusion and two level diffusion assisted image encryption approach has been validated through the entropy, correlation, histogram, number of pixels change rate, unified average change intensity, contrast and encryption quality analyses

    Investigations of cellular automata-based stream ciphers

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    In this thesis paper, we survey the literature arising from Stephan Wolfram\u27s original paper, “Cryptography with Cellular Automata” [WOL86] that first suggested stream ciphers could be constructed with cellular automata. All published research directly and indirectly quoting this paper are summarized up until the present. We also present a novel stream cipher design called Sum4 that is shown to have good randomness properties and resistance to approximation using linear finite shift registers. Sum4 is further studied to determine its effective strength with respect to key size given that an attack with a SAT solver is more efficient than a bruteforce attack. Lastly, we give ideas for further research into improving the Sum4 cipher

    Reducing Multi-Secret Sharing Problem to Sharing a Single Secret Based on Cellular Automata

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    The aim of a secret sharing scheme is to share a secret among a group of participants in such a way that while authorized subsets of participants are able to recover the secret, non-authorized subsets of them obtain no information about it. Multi-secret sharing is the natural generalization of secret sharing for situations in which the simultaneous protection of more than one secret is required. However, there exist some secret sharing schemes for which there are no secure or efficient multi-secret sharing counterparts. In this paper, using cellular automata, an efficient general method is proposed to reduce the problem of sharing k secrets (all assigned with the same access structure and needed to be reconstructed at once) under a certain secret sharing scheme (S), to the problem of sharing one secret under S such that none of the properties of S are violated. Using the proposed approach, any secret sharing scheme can be converted to a multi-secret sharing scheme. We provide examples to show the applicability of the proposed approach

    A Survey of Cellular Automata: Types, Dynamics, Non-uniformity and Applications

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    Cellular automata (CAs) are dynamical systems which exhibit complex global behavior from simple local interaction and computation. Since the inception of cellular automaton (CA) by von Neumann in 1950s, it has attracted the attention of several researchers over various backgrounds and fields for modelling different physical, natural as well as real-life phenomena. Classically, CAs are uniform. However, non-uniformity has also been introduced in update pattern, lattice structure, neighborhood dependency and local rule. In this survey, we tour to the various types of CAs introduced till date, the different characterization tools, the global behaviors of CAs, like universality, reversibility, dynamics etc. Special attention is given to non-uniformity in CAs and especially to non-uniform elementary CAs, which have been very useful in solving several real-life problems.Comment: 43 pages; Under review in Natural Computin

    Robust Image Encryption Based on Balanced Cellular Automaton and Pixel Separation

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    The purpose of image encryption is to protect content from unauthorized access. Image encryption is usually done by pixel scrambling and confusion, so process is possible to reverse only by knowing secret information. In this paper we introduce a new method for digital image encryption, based on a 2D cellular automaton and pixel separation. Novelty in the proposed method lies in the application of the balanced 2D cellular automata with extended Moore neighborhood separately on each level of pseudorandom key-image. This process extends key space several times when compared to the previous methods. Furthermore, pixel separation is introduced to define operation for each pixel of the source image. Thanks to pixel separation, decryption process is more difficult to conduct without knowing secret information. Moreover, encryption is robust against different statistical attacks and analysis, does not affect image quality and can cope with loss of encrypted image content
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