404,376 research outputs found

    Sharing information in web communities

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    The paper investigates information sharing communities. The environment is characterized by the anonymity of the contributors and users, as on the Web. It is argued that a community may be worth forming because it facilitates the interpretation and understanding of the posted information. The admission within a community and the stability of multiple communities are examined when individuals differ in their tastes.value of information ; communities ; anonymity ; preference diversity

    Sharing information in web communities

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    The paper investigates information sharing communities. The environment is characterized by the anonymity of the contributors and users, as on the Web. It is argued that a community may be worth forming because it facilitates the interpretation and understanding of the posted information. The admission within a community and the stability of multiple communities are examined when individuals differ in their tastes.Le papier étudie la formation de communautés partageant des informations dans un environnement qui est caractérisé par l'anonymat des utilisateurs et contributeurs à l'instar du Web. L'analyse est basée sur la valeur de l'information au sens de Blackwell (1953). Nous examinons le choix des critÚres d'admission dans une communauté et la stabilité des communautés dans un modÚle de divergence de goûts

    Islamic Economy Through Online Community (IEOC) Issues on Information Gathering & Storing

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    Knowledge Communities are communities of interest that come together to share knowledge that affects performance. Knowledge Management envisions getting the right information within the right context to the right person at the right time for the right business purpose. Communities are more aware and concern of sharing and transfer the knowledge. The rapid development of web technology had made the World Wide Web an important and popular application platform for disseminating and searching for information as well as conducting business. As a huge source, World Wide Web has allowed unprecedented sharing of ideas and information on a scale never seen before. The use of Web and its exponential growth are now well known, and they are causing a revolution in the way people use computers and perform daily tasks. Therefore Islamic Economy thru Online Community [IEOC] intention was to proposed for an avenue of knowledge sharing and experience for the community. Issue on Information Gathering and Storing is discussed in this project paper where it concentrates on how data are being managed and used. The target users of this website are among consumers and business personnel. In developing the project, the methodology comprises of four ( 4) phase: System Planning and Strategy , System Analysis and Design , System Implementation and System Testing. The tools used comprises of Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, Joomla Open Source, Apache Web Server and PHP scripting language. In the end of this paper, conclusion and recommendation part will discuss for future enhancement. ii

    Agent-oriented approach to develop context-aware applications : a case study on communities of practice

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    This paper presents and discusses the use of an agent-oriented context-aware platform to support the interactions of the participating actors of communities of practice in the health care domain. Our work is based on a scenario where communities of practice are applied in a hospital to enhance the knowledge sharing among the hospital staff members who share interests and goals. An agent-oriented modeling language (AORML) is used to support the analysis of contextual information and interaction between participating actors in the context-aware services platform. The chosen supporting platform is a context-aware services platform that uses semantic web services and runs on top of 3G networks

    Web-Based Communities as a Tool for Extension and Outreach

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    The Internet has become a common tool for facilitating business transactions, fostering communication, and aiding for-profit and non-profit companies and organizations to better compete. An additional benefit of the Internet is the ability to create sector-specific Web-based communities that can facilitate outreach and Extension efforts. Communities in general can be any group with a common interest or goal and can include a number of actions such as information sharing, real-time dialog, and transaction facilitation. In this article, we discuss a background of Web-based communities and forest-sector Web-based communities developed by Cooperative Extension faculty members at two U.S. universities

    Using Technology for Community Engagement: Four Key Web-Based Platforms for Adoption in Extension

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    Extension professionals engage with communities to present programming, find solutions, and disseminate research-based knowledge. While traditional means of communication and face-to-face meetings are still important, the COVID-19 pandemic shifted the ways these professionals connect to their communities. Web-based platforms can provide unique, alternative ways to engage communities in programs, evaluations, and information sharing. Our team of Extension professionals share platforms that create engaged communities by meeting virtual demands

    Modeling User Behavior in Web 2.0 Collaborative Knowledge Creation Application

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    Web 2.0 has provided variety of pathways for individuals to contribute ideas, information and solutions to other individuals around the world. Online communities such as Yahoo Answers, Google mail.ru, 3form.org are examples of places where Web surfers go and share information and brainstorm on the problems or questions posted by others. Although many ideas are created and shared through Web 2.0 communities, with time and attention being two scarce resources, individuals face some challenges when seeking the right information. In this article we investigate two concepts of idea integration and idea visibility that we believe are critical to the success of knowledge sharing communities. Ideas proposed and recorded in these communities rarely converge to comprehensive solutions; although pieces of information are available, there is not enough motivation for the contributors to integrate their ideas with those previously suggested and to create a more comprehensive idea or solution. Little or no integration of ideas leads to information redundancy and to generation of long list of ideas and solutions that in addition to causing cognitive overload, significantly decreases the visibility of the ideas that might be relevant to the information seeking individuals but are hardly exposed to the viewers

    MORMED: towards a multilingual social networking platform facilitating medicine 2.0

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    The broad adoption of Web 2.0 tools has signalled a new era of "Medicine 2.0" in the field of medical informatics. The support for collaboration within online communities and the sharing of information in social networks offers the opportunity for new communication channels among patients, medical experts, and researchers. This paper introduces MORMED, a novel multilingual social networking and content management platform that exemplifies the Medicine 2.0 paradigm, and aims to achieve knowledge commonality by promoting sociality, while also transcending language barriers through automated translation. The MORMED platform will be piloted in a community interested in the treatment of rare diseases (Lupus or Antiphospholipid Syndrome)

    Design and validation of an analysis grid of social networks (virtual communities)

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    The Internet and communication technologies have caused profound changes in the circulation of information, and consequently in the ways we teach, learn, and interact with each other. A research project was initiated in the year 2009 in order to investigate whether virtual communities, created from the existing social software on the web, provide the development of meaningful learning, the result of interactions, and knowledge sharing among its members. The first phase of the presented project assumed the design, development, and validation of an analysis and evaluation grid of virtual communities, which in the social web developed around the central theme Education-Training- Technologies.Universidade do Minho. Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd

    Framing social media and web-based communities within the COVID-19 pandemic: enduring social isolation and subsequent deconfinement

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    As images circulate of people, all around the world, watching their cities from their windows and balconies, a sense of solemnity emerges. The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of people to seclusion in an attempt to control contagion. The social isolation deriving from the adoption of containment strategies have displaced social interaction to online settings. Social media and web-based communities assume an increasingly central role in this scenario of pandemic, with an ever-growing number of people turning to these platforms to maintain social connection, to obtain information and to keep a sense of community. This paper aims to examine and frame the role of social media and web-based communities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It reviews current literature to propose a framework based on five main purposes of social media use and web-based communities: preserving physical health, promoting mental health, tending to education/business, searching and sharing information and socializing.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
