288 research outputs found

    Mapping Women\u27s Movement in Medieval England

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    This thesis investigates women’s geographical movement in medieval England from the perspective of mobility and freedom. It uses pilgrimage accounts from medieval miracle story collections and to gather information about individual travel patterns. The study uses GIS to analyze gendered mobility patterns, and to investigate whether there were noticeable differences in the distance which men and women traveled and the geographical area of the country they originated. It also analyzes the nearness of men’s and women’s respective origin towns to alternative pilgrimage locations, as a means of examining the factors determining gendered travel mobility. The study finds that women’s travel distances were less than men’s, especially in the later medieval period, but that they were in fact more likely than men to come from areas proximate to alternative pilgrimage sites. This suggests the existence of higher mobility capacity for women living in areas with greater contact with other travelers

    Entwurf und Implementation einer auf Graph-Grammatiken beruhenden Sprache zur Funktions-Struktur-Modellierung von Pflanzen

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    Increasing biological knowledge requires more and more elaborate methods to translate the knowledge into executable model descriptions, and increasing computational power allows to actually execute these descriptions. Such a simulation helps to validate, extend and question the knowledge. For plant modelling, the well-established formal description language of Lindenmayer systems reaches its limits as a method to concisely represent current knowledge and to conveniently assist in current research. On one hand, it is well-suited to represent structural and geometric aspects of plant models - of which units is a plant composed, how are these connected, what is their location in 3D space -, but on the other hand, its usage to describe functional aspects - what internal processes take place in the plant structure, how does this interact with the structure - is not as convenient as desirable. This can be traced back to the underlying representation of structure as a linear chain of units, while the intrinsic nature of the structure is a tree or even a graph. Therefore, we propose to use graphs and graph grammars as a basis for plant modelling which combines structural and functional aspects. In the first part of this thesis, we develop the necessary theoretical framework. Starting with a presentation of the state of the art concerning Lindenmayer systems and graph grammars, we develop the formalism of relational growth grammars as a variant of graph grammars. We show that this formalism has a natural embedding of Lindenmayer systems which keeps all relevant properties, but represents branched structures directly as axial trees and not as linear chains with indirect encoding of branches. In the second part, we develop the main practical result, the XL programming language as an extension of the Java programming language by very general rule-based features. Short examples illustrate the application of the new language features. We describe the built-in pattern matching algorithm of the implemented run-time system for the XL programming language, and we sketch a possible implementation of an XL compiler. The third part is an application of relational growth grammars and the XL programming language. We show how the general XL interfaces can be customized for relational growth grammars. On top of this customization, several examples from a variety of disciplines demonstrate the usefulness of the developed formalism and language to describe plant growth, especially functional-structural plant models, but also artificial life, architecture or interactive games. Some examples operate on custom graphs like XML DOM trees or scene graphs of commercial 3D modellers, while the majority uses the 3D modelling platform GroIMP, a software developed in conjunction with this thesis. The appendix gives an overview of the GroIMP software. The practical usage of its plug-in for relational growth grammars is also illustrated.Das zunehmende Wissen über biologische Prozesse verlangt nach geeigneten Methoden, es in ausführbare Modelle zu übersetzen, und die zunehmende Rechenleistung der Computer ermöglicht es, diese Modelle auch tatsächlich auszuführen. Solche Simulationen dienen zur Validierung, Erweiterung und Hinterfragung des Wissens. Speziell für die Pflanzenmodellierung wurden Lindenmayer-Systeme mit Erfolg eingesetzt, jedoch stoßen diese bei aktuellen Modellierungsproblemen und Forschungsvorhaben an ihre Grenzen. Zwar sind sie gut geeignet, Pflanzenstruktur und Geometrie abzubilden - aus welchen Einheiten setzt sich eine Pflanze zusammen, wie sind diese verbunden, wie ist ihre räumliche Lage -, aber die lineare Datenstruktur erschwert die Integration von Funktionsmodellen, welche Prozesse innerhalb der verzweigten Struktur und des beanspruchten Raumes beschreiben. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagen, anstelle der linearen Stuktur Graphen und Graph-Grammatiken als Grundlage für die kombinierte Funktions-Struktur-Modellierung von Pflanzen zu verwenden. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation wird der theoretische Unterbau entwickelt. Nach einer Vorstellung des aktuellen Wissensstandes auf dem Gebiet der Lindenmayer-Systeme und Graph-Grammatiken werden relationale Wachstumsgrammatiken eingeführt, die auf bekannten Mechanismen für parallele Graph-Grammatiken aufbauen und Lindenmayer-Systeme als Spezialfall enthalten, dabei jedoch verzweigte Strukturen direkt als axiale Bäume darstellen. Zur praktischen Anwendung wird im zweiten Teil die Programmiersprache XL entwickelt, die Java um allgemein gehaltene Sprachkonstrukte für Graph-Grammatiken erweitert. Kurze Beispiele zeigen die Anwendung der neuen Sprachmerkmale. Der Algorithmus zur Mustersuche wird erläutert, und die Implementation des XL-Compilers wird vorgestellt. Im dritten Teil werden mögliche Anwendungen relationaler Wachstumsgrammatiken aufgezeigt. Dazu werden zunächst die allgemeinen XL-Schnittstellen für relationale Wachstumsgrammatiken konkretisiert, um dieses System dann für Modelle aus verschiedenen Bereichen zu nutzen, darunter Funktions-Struktur-Modelle von Pflanzen, Künstliches Leben, Architektur und interaktive Spiele. Einige Beispiele nutzen spezifische Graphen wie XML-DOM-Bäume oder Szenengraphen kommerzieller 3D-Modellierprogramme, aber der überwiegende Teil baut auf der 3D-Plattform GroIMP auf, die zusammen mit dieser Dissertation entwickelt wurde. Im Anhang wird die Software GroIMP kurz vorgestellt und ihre praktische Anwendung für relationale Wachstumsgrammatiken erläutert

    Cultivating a New Educator: Teacher and Students Sharing Growth

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    This is Megan Campell-Looney\u27s final portfolio for her M.A. in English (with a specialization in teaching). It includes a reflective narrative and four revised pieces: A Murderous Moral Tale: Depictions of the Ideal Victorian in Wilkie Collins\u27 Jezebel\u27s Daughter, Critical Thinking and Counseling Through the Power of Literature, Developing an American Identity: Syllabus and Assignment Plan, and Evolving and Adapting Rhetoric and Theory: Indigenous Theory Writing Back. The portfolio focuses on research and study that developed Looney\u27s classroom pedagogy and philosophy. Students and educators both must write back to gain the agency needed for growth

    The information age : America's so free they are in bondage

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    Includes bibliographical references.Although many may disagree, the conveniences of the information age do not outweigh the costs that it entails. These sacrifices include personal privacy, individual identity and ultimately the foundation of freedom that America's forefathers laid in the 18th century. Ironically, many do not see this new age as a process of taking away freedom, but actually adding to it. However, this is not the truth. This stripping of freedom is taking place so subtly that most Americans cannot see it happening. A few methods by which the information age causes this loss of liberty need to be revealed. For instance, the credit industry handles enough information about individuals to monitor them like a dictator. Direct marketers exploit and maneuver people like pawns due to new dominating technology. Yet in defense, the American law system and Constitution can be twisted to become insignificant in light of the raw power of the computer. The future does not look any brighter if America does not wake up to the deception of the information age. Public and private institutions will increase in power while the precious individual will lose theirs. People will continually become less important while the information they can provide will become priceless. This is not what America was founded for. It is time that temporal values be laid aside and virtues like freedom, liberty, and the love for humanity be revived.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    Administrator unions versus the management team concept: a comparative attitudinal study of principals, superintendants and board presidents in Iowa and Connecticut

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the present status of the management team concept as viewed by principals, superintendents, and boards of education in the public schools in Iowa. In addition, the study examined attitudes relating to formalized collective bargaining by public school principals. An attempt was made to compare attitudes among board members, principals and superintendents in Iowa along with those in similar positions in Connecticut--a state in which eighty percent of the public school districts already have formal collective bargaining agreements with their principals;The questionnaire used to collect the data contained fifty attitudinal statements relating to collective bargaining by principals. Respondents indicated their position on a five-point Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The attitude statements represented ten categories depicting the ten most often stated reasons by principals for considering unionization: (1) unfavorable interpersonal relationships, (2) no voice in decision-making, (3) erosion of authority/power, (4) decline in morale, (5) inadequate communication, (6) lack of clarity in role definitions, (7) inadequate salary and fringe benefits, (8) protection/security, (9) esteem, and (10) a changed political environment;It was concluded that Iowa principals differ significantly from superintendents and board presidents in their attitudes relating to formal collective bargaining by principals. While strong, solid principal support for collective bargaining could not be substantiated, a number of interesting conclusions could be made;Most Iowa superintendents believed that they were providing a leadership style which encompassed the concept of team management. Eighty percent of the elementary principals in Iowa bought their story and less than fifty-six percent of the Iowa secondary principals in Iowa were believers. Attitudes varied somewhat with factors such as position, size of district, age and perceptions of present salaries of the building administrators;In Connecticut, all groups surveyed tended to have become more mellow than their Iowa counterparts in their attitudes toward collective bargaining. All four groups of respondents provided data suggesting attitudes more favorable to bargaining than did their Iowa counterparts;It was generally agreed that collective bargaining by Iowa principals would not provide a positive step toward improved principal/superintendent/board relationships, nor would such a move uphold the image of the principalship as viewed by patrons of the district. The younger less-experienced principal tended to be more satisfied with his/her working conditions than did the more-experienced ones

    Communicating advanced nationalist identity in Dublin, 1890-1917

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    This thesis considers the ways in which advanced nationalist identity was communicated to the broader Irish populace in Dublin from 1890 to 1917. It contends that the performance and communication of advanced nationalist identity is best understood within the context of fin-de-siècle Dublin. During this period the streets formed spaces in which identities, both political and otherwise, were performed and through reciprocal spectatorship were also negotiated and mediated. The public funerals of Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa in 1915 and Thomas Ashe in 1917 are the subject of close scrutiny. Through analysing the performance of these funerals, this thesis shows how the relationship between the physical space of the city and the body was integral to the performance of advanced nationalist identity. The Easter Rising is presented as a moment of rupture between these two funerals, during which the rebels failed to communicate effectively with their audience. This thesis further argues that in the immediate aftermath of the Rising, material culture in the form of relics and massLproduced ephemera played a vital role in shaping and communicating a narrative of the Rising to make it intelligible to the Irish populace. The successful construction of an interpretive framework meant that, by the time the rebels returned from their various places of internment, public understanding of and identification with both the Rising and advanced nationalist identity more broadly, had dramatically increased

    A Petri net-occam based methodology for the development of dependable distributed control software.

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    Analysis of flexible manufacturing cells (FMCs) shows their requirement for flexible, correct, reliable, safe and distributed control. A comparison of the state of the art in software engineering for parallel systems, and an examination of safety related systems, reveal a need for formal and rigorous techniques at all stages in the software life cycle. However, parallel software, safety related software and formal techniques are complex. It is better to avoid faults rather than eliminate or tolerate them, and although less flexible, avoidance is often simpler to implement. There is a need for a tool which overcomes many of these complexities, and this thesis discusses and defines such a tool in the form of a methodology. The novelty of the work is in the combination of the core goals to manage these issues, and how the strategies guide the user to a solution which will not deadlock and which is comprehensible. Place-transition Petri nets are an ideal representation for designing and modelling the interaction of concurrent (and distributed) processes. Occam is a high level real time parallel language designed to execute on one or a network of transputers. Transputers are processing, memory and communication building blocks, and, together with occam, are shown to be suitable for controlling and communicating the control as the DCS in FMCs. The methodology developed in this thesis adopts the mathematically based tools of Petri nets, occam and transputers, and, by exploiting their structural similarities, incorporates them in a steps and tasks to improve the development of correct, reliable and hence safe occam code. The four steps: identify concurrent and sequential operations, produce Petri net graphs for all controllers, combine controller Petri net graphs and translate Petri net graphs into occam; are structured around three core goals: Petri net/occam equivalence, comprehensibility and pro-activity; which are manifest in four strategies: output-work-backwards, concurrent and sequential actions, structuralise and modularise, and deadlock avoidance. The methodology assists in all stages of the software development life cycle, and is applicable to small DCSs such as an FMC. The methodology begins by assisting in the creation of DCS requirements from the manufacturing requirements of the FMC, and guides the user to the production of dependable occam code. Petri nets allow the requirements to be specified as they are created, and the methodology's imposed restrictions enable the final Petri net design to be translated directly into occam. Thus the mathematics behind the formal tools is hidden from the user, which should be attractive to industry.The methodology is successfully applied to the example FMC, and occam code to simulate the FMC is produced. Due to the novelty of the research, many suggestions for further work are given
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