12 research outputs found

    Shared Event Composition/Decomposition in Event-B

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    The construction of specifications is often a combination of smaller sub-components. Composition and decomposition are techniques that support reuse and allow us to formally combine sub-components through refinement steps while reusing their properties. Sub-components can result from a design or architectural goal and a refinement framework should allow further parallel development over the sub-components. We propose the definition of composition and decomposition in the Event-B formalism following a shared event approach where sub-components interact via synchronisation over shared events and shared states are not allow. We define the necessary proof obligations to ensure a valid composition or decomposition. We also show that shared event composition preserves refinement proofs for sub-components, that is, in order to maintain refinement of compositions, it is sufficient to prove refinement between corresponding subcomponents. A case study applying these two techniques is illustrated using Rodin, the Event-B toolset

    Building on the DEPLOY legacy: code generation and simulation

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    The RODIN, and DEPLOY projects have laid solid foundations for further theoretical, and practical (methodological and tooling) advances with Event-B; we investigated code generation for embedded, multi-tasking systems. This work describes activities from a follow-on project, ADVANCE; where our interest is co-simulation of cyber-physical systems. We are working to better understand the issues arising in a development when modelling with Event-B, and animating with ProB, in tandem with a multi-simulation strategy. With multi-simulation we aim to simulate various features of the environment separately, in order to exercise the deployable code. This paper has two contributions, the first is the extension of the code generation work of DEPLOY, where we add the ability to generate code from Event-B state-machine diagrams. The second describes how we may use code, generated from state-machines, to simulate the environment, and simulate concurrently executing state-machines, in a single task. We show how we can instrument the code to guide the simulation, by controlling the relative rate that non-deterministic transitions are traversed in the simulation

    Building on the DEPLOY Legacy: Code Generation and Simulation

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    The RODIN, and DEPLOY projects laid solid foundations for further theoretical, and practical (methodological and tooling) advances with Event-B. Our current interest is the co-simulation of cyber-physical systems using Event-B. Using this approach we aim to simulate various features of the environment separately, in order to exercise deployable code. This paper has two contributions, the first is the extension of the code generation work of DEPLOY, where we add the ability to generate code from Event-B state-machine diagrams. The second describes how we may use code, generated from state-machines, to simulate the environment, and simulate concurrently executing state-machines, in a single task. We show how we can instrument the code to guide the simulation, by controlling the relative rate that non-deterministic transitions are traversed in the simulation.Comment: In Proceedings of DS-Event-B 2012: Workshop on the experience of and advances in developing dependable systems in Event-B, in conjunction with ICFEM 2012 - Kyoto, Japan, November 13, 201

    Applying model transformation and Event-B for specifying an industrial DSL

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    In this paper we describe our experience in applying the Event-B formalism for specifying the dynamic semantics of a real-life industrial DSL. The main objective of this work is to enable the industrial use of the broad spectrum of specification analysis tools that support Event-B. To leverage the usage of Event-B and its analysis techniques we developed model transformations, that allowed for automatic generation of Event-B specifications of the DSL programs. The model transformations implement a modular approach for specifying the semantics of the DSL and, therefore, improve scalability of the specifications and the reuse of their verification. Keywords: domain specific language, Event-B, model transformations, verification and validation, reuse, scalabilit

    Building Correct SDN-Based Components from a Global Formal Mode

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) brings flexibility in the construction and managment of distributed applications by reducing the constraints imposed by physical networks and by moving the control of networks closer to the applications. However mastering SDN still poses numerous challenges among which the design of correct SDN components (more specifically controller and switches). In this work we use a formal stepwise approach to model and reason on SDN. Although formal approaches have already been used in this area, this contribution is the first state-based approach; it is based on the Event-B formal method, and it enables a correct-by-construction of SDN components. We provide the steps to build, using several refinements, a global formal model of a SDN system; correct SDN components are then systematically built from the global formal model satisfying the desired properties. Event-B is used to experiment the approach.Comment: 16 pages; 2 figures (under polishment for submission


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    形式手法Event-B では,証明対象の仕様をモデル記述し,モデルから作成される証明責務を証明することで仕様の正しさを示せる.しかし記述したモデルに矛盾や不備がある場合は,証明責務を証明できない.その場合,その証明責務を満たすようにモデルを修正する.しかし,モデルを修正することにより,既に実施済みの証明が無効化され,証明の手戻りが発生する可能性がある.本研究では,上記証明の手戻りを防止可能なモデル修正手法を提案する.さらに,提案手法の適用可能性および有効性を確認するため,ファイル転送プロトコルを対象とする適用例とその評価結果を示す.また,上記提案手法の前提となるモデル全体像を策定する工程に対しても,分割戦略木と呼ぶ記法に基づく手法を整備する.電気通信大学201

    A Set of Refactoring Rules for UML-B Specifications

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    UML-B is a graphical formal modelling notation which is based on UML and relies on Event-B and its verification tools. In this paper, we propose annealing and introduce subtyping rules as well-known refactoring rules which can improve and assist the derivation of object-oriented design from an abstract specification written in UML-B. We prove that the proposed annealing rules are behavior preserving. We also demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of our refactoring rules by applying them on two UML-B specifications

    Building Specifications in the Event-B Institution

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    This paper describes a formal semantics for the Event-B specification language using the theory of institutions. We define an institution for Event-B, EVT, and prove that it meets the validity requirements for satisfaction preservation and model amalgamation. We also present a series of functions that show how the constructs of the Event-B specification language can be mapped into our institution. Our semantics sheds new light on the structure of the Event-B language, allowing us to clearly delineate three constituent sub-languages: the superstructure, infrastructure and mathematical languages. One of the principal goals of our semantics is to provide access to the generic modularisation constructs available in institutions, including specification-building operators for parameterisation and refinement. We demonstrate how these features subsume and enhance the corresponding features already present in Event-B through a detailed study of their use in a worked example. We have implemented our approach via a parser and translator for Event-B specifications, EBtoEVT, which also provides a gateway to the Hets toolkit for heterogeneous specification.Comment: 54 pages, 25 figure