8 research outputs found

    Content Based Image Retrieval Based on Shape, Color and Structure of the Image

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    In the recent era, as technology is growing rapidly the usage of social media is also increasing as a result large databases are required for storing the images. With the advancements in the technology, the storage of these images in computers has become possible. But retrieving the images is becoming a big task. We need to store them in a sequential manner and retrieve them when required. This paper details retrieval of images by considering the features related to content like shape, color, texture is called CBIR (content based image retrieval). As it is very difficult to extract the pictures in such huge data bases so we chose this technique which aim at high efficiency

    Leaf image retrieval using a shape based method

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    For content-based image retrieval, shape information is of great importance. This paper presents a shape descriptor of imaged leaf objects according to their boundaries for image retrieval. We take picture of leaves, exact the sketch from original images and produce a low dimensional feature vector to describe the shape. By comparing the similarity of the query image with those in database, a set of images with shape similarity are retrieved. The experiment shows that the method has high reliability and less time consuming

    Hierarchical indexing for region based image retrieval

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    Region-based image retrieval system has been an active research area. In this study we developed an improved region-based image retrieval system. The system applies image segmentation to divide an image into discrete regions, which if the segmentation is ideal, correspond to objects. The focus of this research is to improve the capture of regions so as to enhance indexing and retrieval performance and also to provide a better similarity distance computation. During image segmentation, we developed a modified k-means clustering algorithm for image retrieval where hierarchical clustering algorithm is used to generate the initial number of clusters and the cluster centers. In addition, to during similarity distance computation we introduced object weight based on object\u27s uniqueness. Therefore, objects that are not unique such as trees and skies will have less weight. The experimental evaluation is based on the same 1000 COREL color image database with the FuzzyClub, IRM and Geometric Histogram and the performance is compared between them. As compared with existing technique and systems, such as IRM, FuzzyClub, and Geometric Histogram, our study demonstrate the following unique advantages: (i) an improvement in image segmentation accuracy using the modified k-means algorithm (ii)an improvement in retrieval accuracy as a result of a better similarity distance computation that considers the importance and uniqueness of objects in an image

    Semantic image retrieval using relevance feedback and transaction logs

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    Due to the recent improvements in digital photography and storage capacity, storing large amounts of images has been made possible, and efficient means to retrieve images matching a user’s query are needed. Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems automatically extract image contents based on image features, i.e. color, texture, and shape. Relevance feedback methods are applied to CBIR to integrate users’ perceptions and reduce the gap between high-level image semantics and low-level image features. The precision of a CBIR system in retrieving semantically rich (complex) images is improved in this dissertation work by making advancements in three areas of a CBIR system: input, process, and output. The input of the system includes a mechanism that provides the user with required tools to build and modify her query through feedbacks. Users behavioral in CBIR environments are studied, and a new feedback methodology is presented to efficiently capture users’ image perceptions. The process element includes image learning and retrieval algorithms. A Long-term image retrieval algorithm (LTL), which learns image semantics from prior search results available in the system’s transaction history, is developed using Factor Analysis. Another algorithm, a short-term learner (STL) that captures user’s image perceptions based on image features and user’s feedbacks in the on-going transaction, is developed based on Linear Discriminant Analysis. Then, a mechanism is introduced to integrate these two algorithms to one retrieval procedure. Finally, a retrieval strategy that includes learning and searching phases is defined for arranging images in the output of the system. The developed relevance feedback methodology proved to reduce the effect of human subjectivity in providing feedbacks for complex images. Retrieval algorithms were applied to images with different degrees of complexity. LTL is efficient in extracting the semantics of complex images that have a history in the system. STL is suitable for query and images that can be effectively represented by their image features. Therefore, the performance of the system in retrieving images with visual and conceptual complexities was improved when both algorithms were applied simultaneously. Finally, the strategy of retrieval phases demonstrated promising results when the query complexity increases

    Organització d'imatges segons contingut

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    Aquesta memòria farà un repàs sobre les característiques més importants de les imatges (color, textura i forma). La combinació d'aquestes característiques seran les que ens donaran un índex de semblança entre imatges, s'utilitzaran diferents mètodes sobre una base de dades relativament petita, unes 500 imatges obtingudes aleatòriament i on com a mínim existeixen dues imatges semblants, per tal d'extreure algunes conclusions. Finalment s'implementarà una petita aplicació en Matlab que utilitzi els algorismes que millor resultat donen per aquesta base de dades.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Multimodal biometrics scheme based on discretized eigen feature fusion for identical twins identification

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    The subject of twins multimodal biometrics identification (TMBI) has consistently been an interesting and also a valuable area of study. Considering high dependency and acceptance, TMBI greatly contributes to the domain of twins identification in biometrics traits. The variation of features resulting from the process of multimodal biometrics feature extraction determines the distinctive characteristics possessed by a twin. However, these features are deemed as inessential as they cause the increase in the search space size and also the difficulty in the generalization process. In this regard, the key challenge is to single out features that are deemed most salient with the ability to accurately recognize the twins using multimodal biometrics. In identification of twins, effective designs of methodology and fusion process are important in assuring its success. These processes could be used in the management and integration of vital information including highly selective biometrics characteristic possessed by any of the twins. In the multimodal biometrics twins identification domain, exemplification of the best features from multiple traits of twins and biometrics fusion process remain to be completely resolved. This research attempts to design a new scheme and more effective multimodal biometrics twins identification by introducing the Dis-Eigen feature-based fusion with the capacity in generating a uni-representation and distinctive features of numerous modalities of twins. First, Aspect United Moment Invariant (AUMI) was used as global feature in the extraction of features obtained from the twins handwritingfingerprint shape and style. Then, the feature-based fusion was examined in terms of its generalization. Next, to achieve better classification accuracy, the Dis-Eigen feature-based fusion algorithm was used. A total of eight distinctive classifiers were used in executing four different training and testing of environment settings. Accordingly, the most salient features of Dis-Eigen feature-based fusion were trained and tested to determine the accuracy of the classification, particularly in terms of performance. The results show that the identification of twins improved as the error of similarity for intra-class decreased while at the same time, the error of similarity for inter-class increased. Hence, with the application of diverse classifiers, the identification rate was improved reaching more than 93%. It can be concluded from the experimental outcomes that the proposed method using Receiver Operation Characteristics (ROC) considerably increases the twins handwriting-fingerprint identification process with 90.25% rate of identification when False Acceptance Rate (FAR) is at 0.01%. It is also indicated that 93.15% identification rate is achieved when FAR is at 0.5% and 98.69% when FAR is at 1.00%. The new proposed solution gives a promising alternative to twins identification application

    Semantic multimedia modelling & interpretation for search & retrieval

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    With the axiomatic revolutionary in the multimedia equip devices, culminated in the proverbial proliferation of the image and video data. Owing to this omnipresence and progression, these data become the part of our daily life. This devastating data production rate accompanies with a predicament of surpassing our potentials for acquiring this data. Perhaps one of the utmost prevailing problems of this digital era is an information plethora. Until now, progressions in image and video retrieval research reached restrained success owed to its interpretation of an image and video in terms of primitive features. Humans generally access multimedia assets in terms of semantic concepts. The retrieval of digital images and videos is impeded by the semantic gap. The semantic gap is the discrepancy between a user’s high-level interpretation of an image and the information that can be extracted from an image’s physical properties. Content- based image and video retrieval systems are explicitly assailable to the semantic gap due to their dependence on low-level visual features for describing image and content. The semantic gap can be narrowed by including high-level features. High-level descriptions of images and videos are more proficient of apprehending the semantic meaning of image and video content. It is generally understood that the problem of image and video retrieval is still far from being solved. This thesis proposes an approach for intelligent multimedia semantic extraction for search and retrieval. This thesis intends to bridge the gap between the visual features and semantics. This thesis proposes a Semantic query Interpreter for the images and the videos. The proposed Semantic Query Interpreter will select the pertinent terms from the user query and analyse it lexically and semantically. The proposed SQI reduces the semantic as well as the vocabulary gap between the users and the machine. This thesis also explored a novel ranking strategy for image search and retrieval. SemRank is the novel system that will incorporate the Semantic Intensity (SI) in exploring the semantic relevancy between the user query and the available data. The novel Semantic Intensity captures the concept dominancy factor of an image. As we are aware of the fact that the image is the combination of various concepts and among the list of concepts some of them are more dominant then the other. The SemRank will rank the retrieved images on the basis of Semantic Intensity. The investigations are made on the LabelMe image and LabelMe video dataset. Experiments show that the proposed approach is successful in bridging the semantic gap. The experiments reveal that our proposed system outperforms the traditional image retrieval systems