12,111 research outputs found

    Application of Fractal and Wavelets in Microcalcification Detection

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    Breast cancer has been recognized as one or the most frequent, malignant tumors in women, clustered microcalcifications in mammogram images has been widely recognized as an early sign of breast cancer. This work is devote to review the application of Fractal and Wavelets in microcalcifications detection

    Neuromorphometric characterization with shape functionals

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    This work presents a procedure to extract morphological information from neuronal cells based on the variation of shape functionals as the cell geometry undergoes a dilation through a wide interval of spatial scales. The targeted shapes are alpha and beta cat retinal ganglion cells, which are characterized by different ranges of dendritic field diameter. Image functionals are expected to act as descriptors of the shape, gathering relevant geometric and topological features of the complex cell form. We present a comparative study of classification performance of additive shape descriptors, namely, Minkowski functionals, and the nonadditive multiscale fractal. We found that the proposed measures perform efficiently the task of identifying the two main classes alpha and beta based solely on scale invariant information, while also providing intraclass morphological assessment

    Assessment of check dams’ role in flood hazard mapping in a semi-arid environment

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    This study aimed to examine flood hazard zoning and assess the role of check dams as effective hydraulic structures in reducing flood hazards. To this end, factors associated with topographic, hydrologic and human characteristics were used to develop indices for flood mapping and assessment. These indices and their components were weighed for flood hazard zoning using two methods: (i) a multi-criterion decision-making model in fuzzy logic and (ii) entropy weight. After preparing the flood hazard map by using the above indices and methods, the characteristics of the change‐point were used to assess the role of the check dams in reducing flood risk. The method was used in the Ilanlu catchment, located in the northwest of Hamadan province, Iran, where it is prone to frequent flood events. The results showed that the area of ‘very low’, ‘low’ and ‘moderate’ flood hazard zones increased from about 2.2% to 7.3%, 8.6% to 19.6% and 22.7% to 31.2% after the construction of check dams, respectively. Moreover, the area of ‘high’ and ‘very high’ flood hazard zones decreased from 39.8% to 29.6%, and 26.7% to 12.2%, respectively

    Application of Multifractal Analysis to Segmentation of Water Bodies in Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Images

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    A method for segmenting water bodies in optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images is proposed. It makes use of the textural features of the different regions in the image for segmentation. The method consists in a multiscale analysis of the images, which allows us to study the images regularity both, locally and globally. As results of the analysis, coarse multifractal spectra of studied images and a group of images that associates each position (pixel) with its corresponding value of local regularity (or singularity) spectrum are obtained. Thresholds are then applied to the multifractal spectra of the images for the classification. These thresholds are selected after studying the characteristics of the spectra under the assumption that water bodies have larger local regularity than other soil types. Classifications obtained by the multifractal method are compared quantitatively with those obtained by neural networks trained to classify the pixels of the images in covered against uncovered by water. In optical images, the classifications are also compared with those derived using the so-called Normalized Differential Water Index (NDWI)