38,008 research outputs found

    Application of shape grammar theory to underground rail station design and passenger evacuation

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    This paper outlines the development of a computer design environment that generates station ‘reference’ plans for analysis by designers at the project feasibility stage. The developed program uses the theoretical concept of shape grammar, based upon principles of recognition and replacement of a particular shape to enable the generation of station layouts. The developed novel shape grammar rules produce multiple plans of accurately sized infrastructure faster than by traditional means. A finite set of station infrastructure elements and a finite set of connection possibilities for them, directed by regulations and the logical processes of station usage, allows for increasingly complex composite shapes to be automatically produced, some of which are credible station layouts at ‘reference’ block plan level. The proposed method of generating shape grammar plans is aligned to London Underground standards, in particular to the Station Planning Standards and Guidelines 5th edition (SPSG5 2007) and the BS-7974 fire safety engineering process. Quantitative testing is via existing evacuation modelling software. The prototype system, named SGEvac, has both the scope and potential for redevelopment to any other country’s design legislation

    The Mystro system: A comprehensive translator toolkit

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    Mystro is a system that facilities the construction of compilers, assemblers, code generators, query interpretors, and similar programs. It provides features to encourage the use of iterative enhancement. Mystro was developed in response to the needs of NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) and enjoys a number of advantages over similar systems. There are other programs available that can be used in building translators. These typically build parser tables, usually supply the source of a parser and parts of a lexical analyzer, but provide little or no aid for code generation. In general, only the front end of the compiler is addressed. Mystro, on the other hand, emphasizes tools for both ends of a compiler

    The 'what' and 'how' of learning in design, invited paper

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    Previous experiences hold a wealth of knowledge which we often take for granted and use unknowingly through our every day working lives. In design, those experiences can play a crucial role in the success or failure of a design project, having a great deal of influence on the quality, cost and development time of a product. But how can we empower computer based design systems to acquire this knowledge? How would we use such systems to support design? This paper outlines some of the work which has been carried out in applying and developing Machine Learning techniques to support the design activity; particularly in utilising previous designs and learning the design process

    Review of research in feature-based design

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    Research in feature-based design is reviewed. Feature-based design is regarded as a key factor towards CAD/CAPP integration from a process planning point of view. From a design point of view, feature-based design offers possibilities for supporting the design process better than current CAD systems do. The evolution of feature definitions is briefly discussed. Features and their role in the design process and as representatives of design-objects and design-object knowledge are discussed. The main research issues related to feature-based design are outlined. These are: feature representation, features and tolerances, feature validation, multiple viewpoints towards features, features and standardization, and features and languages. An overview of some academic feature-based design systems is provided. Future research issues in feature-based design are outlined. The conclusion is that feature-based design is still in its infancy, and that more research is needed for a better support of the design process and better integration with manufacturing, although major advances have already been made

    Spatial layout planning in sub-surface rail station design for effective fire evacuation

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    The London Underground network is a crucial part of the transportation system in one of only four ‘Alpha’ world cities. The other three – Paris, New York and Tokyo – also have such sub-surface railway transport systems that may benefit from this shape grammar station design process in a future research proposal. In London’s case, the passenger flow rates are the underlining factor in sizing infrastructure where passengers have access – it is therefore this criterion that provides the basis for the shape grammar formulation for the largest, oldest and one of the most complex underground systems in the world. The research aims to improve passenger fire evacuation times, with due cognisance of the growth of numbers using the system, and its present susceptibility to terrorist attacks taken into account. The proposed shape grammar approach will provide for generation of spatial layouts, based upon visual rules of shape recognition, replacement / union, their connectivity and spatial relationships. The paper concentrates on definition and implementation of novel shape grammar design rules that incorporate station planning design knowledge, and in particular also discusses designers’ fire risk assessment approach and related knowledge that is also needed to produce credible station design solutions. Development, to date, of the proposed artificially intelligent CAD environment is also described along with parallel theoretical research. The proposed CAD interface provides familiarity to the designer and avoids incompatibility issues regarding drawing exchange format between various software systems. The shape grammar layouts produced will be tested in SIMULEX, a commercially available evacuation package, and be compared against ‘traditionally’ designed layouts to demonstrate improvements of preliminary ‘reference’ designs, which follow the standard London Underground design process as a later stage of this research

    High-Level Object Oriented Genetic Programming in Logistic Warehouse Optimization

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na optimalizaci průběhu pracovních operací v logistických skladech a distribučních centrech. Hlavním cílem je optimalizovat procesy plánování, rozvrhování a odbavování. Jelikož jde o problém patřící do třídy složitosti NP-težký, je výpočetně velmi náročné nalézt optimální řešení. Motivací pro řešení této práce je vyplnění pomyslné mezery mezi metodami zkoumanými na vědecké a akademické půdě a metodami používanými v produkčních komerčních prostředích. Jádro optimalizačního algoritmu je založeno na základě genetického programování řízeného bezkontextovou gramatikou. Hlavním přínosem této práce je a) navrhnout nový optimalizační algoritmus, který respektuje následující optimalizační podmínky: celkový čas zpracování, využití zdrojů, a zahlcení skladových uliček, které může nastat během zpracování úkolů, b) analyzovat historická data z provozu skladu a vyvinout sadu testovacích příkladů, které mohou sloužit jako referenční výsledky pro další výzkum, a dále c) pokusit se předčit stanovené referenční výsledky dosažené kvalifikovaným a trénovaným operačním manažerem jednoho z největších skladů ve střední Evropě.This work is focused on the work-flow optimization in logistic warehouses and distribution centers. The main aim is to optimize process planning, scheduling, and dispatching. The problem is quite accented in recent years. The problem is of NP hard class of problems and where is very computationally demanding to find an optimal solution. The main motivation for solving this problem is to fill the gap between the new optimization methods developed by researchers in academic world and the methods used in business world. The core of the optimization algorithm is built on the genetic programming driven by the context-free grammar. The main contribution of the thesis is a) to propose a new optimization algorithm which respects the makespan, the utilization, and the congestions of aisles which may occur, b) to analyze historical operational data from warehouse and to develop the set of benchmarks which could serve as the reference baseline results for further research, and c) to try outperform the baseline results set by the skilled and trained operational manager of the one of the biggest warehouses in the middle Europe.
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