14 research outputs found

    FST-based Reconstruction of 3D-models from Non-Uniformly Sampled Datasets on the Sphere

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    This paper proposes a new method for reconstruction of star-shaped 3D surfaces from scattered datasets, where such surfaces are considered as signals living in the space of square integrable functions on the unit sphere. We first propose a generalization of the Fourier transform on the sphere. A practical reconstruction method is then presented, which interpolates a spherical signal on an equiangular grid, from non-uniformly sampled dataset representing a 3D point cloud. The experiments show that the proposed interpolation method results in smoother surfaces, and higher reconstruction PSNRs than the nearest neighbor interpolation method

    Omnidirectional views selection for scene representation

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    This paper proposes a new method for the selection of sets of omnidirectional views, which contribute together to the efficient representation of a 3d scene. When the 3d surface is modelled as a function on a unit sphere, the view selection problem is mostly governed by the accuracy of the 3d surface reconstruction from non-uniformly sampled datasets. A novel method is proposed for the reconstruction of signals on the sphere from scattered data, using a generalization of the Spherical Fourier Transform. With that reconstruction strategy, an algorithm is then proposed to select the best subset of nn views, from a predefined set of viewpoints, in order to minimize the overall reconstruction error. Starting from initial viewpoints determined by the frequency distribution of the 3d scene, the algorithm iteratively refines the selection of each of the viewpoints, in order to maximize the quality of the representation. Experiments show that the algorithm converges towards a minimal distortion, and demonstrate that the selection of omnidirectional views is consistent with the frequency characteristics of the 3d scene

    Streaming 3D Meshes Using Spectral Geometry Images

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapor

    Progressive coding of 3D objects based on overcomplete decompositions

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    This paper presents a progressive coding scheme for 3D objects, based on an overcomplete decomposition of the 3D model on a sphere. Due to increased freedom in the bases construction, redundant expansions have shown interesting approximation properties in the decomposition of signals with multidimensional singularities organized along embedded submanifolds. We propose to map simple 3D models on 2D spheres and then to decompose the signal over a redundant dictionary of oriented and anisotropic atoms that live on the sphere. The signal expansion is computed iteratively with a Matching Pursuit algorithm, which greedily selects the most prominent components of the 3D model. The decomposition therefore inherently represents a progressive stream of atoms, which is advantageously used in the design of scalable representations. An encoder is proposed that compresses the stream of atoms by adaptive coefficient quantization, and entropy coding of atom indexes. Experimental results show that the novel coding strategy outperforms state-of-the-art progressive coders in terms of distortion, mostly at low bit rate. Furthermore, since the dictionary is built on structured atoms, the representation simultaneously offers an increased flexibility. This enables easy stream manipulations, and we finally illustrate this advantage in the design of a view-dependent transmission scheme

    Modeling and Compressing 3-D Facial Expressions Using Geometry Videos

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    Singapore National Research Foundatio

    3D mesh metamorphosis from spherical parameterization for conceptual design

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    Engineering product design is an information intensive decision-making process that consists of several phases including design specification definition, design concepts generation, detailed design and analysis, and manufacturing. Usually, generating geometry models for visualization is a big challenge for early stage conceptual design. Complexity of existing computer aided design packages constrains participation of people with various backgrounds in the design process. In addition, many design processes do not take advantage of the rich amount of legacy information available for new concepts creation. The research presented here explores the use of advanced graphical techniques to quickly and efficiently merge legacy information with new design concepts to rapidly create new conceptual product designs. 3D mesh metamorphosis framework 3DMeshMorpher was created to construct new models by navigating in a shape-space of registered design models. The framework is composed of: i) a fast spherical parameterization method to map a geometric model (genus-0) onto a unit sphere; ii) a geometric feature identification and picking technique based on 3D skeleton extraction; and iii) a LOD controllable 3D remeshing scheme with spherical mesh subdivision based on the developedspherical parameterization. This efficient software framework enables designers to create numerous geometric concepts in real time with a simple graphical user interface. The spherical parameterization method is focused on closed genus-zero meshes. It is based upon barycentric coordinates with convex boundary. Unlike most existing similar approaches which deal with each vertex in the mesh equally, the method developed in this research focuses primarily on resolving overlapping areas, which helps speed the parameterization process. The algorithm starts by normalizing the source mesh onto a unit sphere and followed by some initial relaxation via Gauss-Seidel iterations. Due to its emphasis on solving only challenging overlapping regions, this parameterization process is much faster than existing spherical mapping methods. To ensure the correspondence of features from different models, we introduce a skeleton based feature identification and picking method for features alignment. Unlike traditional methods that align single point for each feature, this method can provide alignments for complete feature areas. This could help users to create more reasonable intermediate morphing results with preserved topological features. This skeleton featuring framework could potentially be extended to automatic features alignment for geometries with similar topologies. The skeleton extracted could also be applied for other applications such as skeleton-based animations. The 3D remeshing algorithm with spherical mesh subdivision is developed to generate a common connectivity for different mesh models. This method is derived from the concept of spherical mesh subdivision. The local recursive subdivision can be set to match the desired LOD (level of details) for source spherical mesh. Such LOD is controllable and this allows various outputs with different resolutions. Such recursive subdivision then follows by a triangular correction process which ensures valid triangulations for the remeshing. And the final mesh merging and reconstruction process produces the remeshing model with desired LOD specified from user. Usually the final merged model contains all the geometric details from each model with reasonable amount of vertices, unlike other existing methods that result in big amount of vertices in the merged model. Such multi-resolution outputs with controllable LOD could also be applied in various other computer graphics applications such as computer games

    Wavelet Analysis on the Sphere

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    The goal of this monograph is to develop the theory of wavelet harmonic analysis on the sphere. By starting with orthogonal polynomials and functional Hilbert spaces on the sphere, the foundations are laid for the study of spherical harmonics such as zonal functions. The book also discusses the construction of wavelet bases using special functions, especially Bessel, Hermite, Tchebychev, and Gegenbauer polynomials

    Constrained parameterization with applications to graphics and image processing.

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    Surface parameterization is to establish a transformation that maps the points on a surface to a specified parametric domain. It has been widely applied to computer graphics and image processing fields. The challenging issue is that the usual positional constraints always result in triangle flipping in parameterizations (also called foldovers). Additionally, distortion is inevitable in parameterizations. Thus the rigid constraint is always taken into account. In general, the constraints are application-dependent. This thesis thus focuses on the various constraints depended on applications and investigates the foldover-free constrained parameterization approaches individually. Such constraints usually include, simple positional constraints, tradeoff of positional constraints and rigid constraint, and rigid constraint. From the perspective of applications, we aim at the foldover-free parameterization methods with positional constraints, the as-rigid-as-possible parameterization with positional constraints, and the well-shaped well-spaced pre-processing procedure for low-distortion parameterizations in this thesis. The first contribution of this thesis is the development of a RBF-based re-parameterization algorithm for the application of the foldover-free constrained texture mapping. The basic idea is to split the usual parameterization procedure into two steps, 2D parameterization with the constraints of convex boundaries and 2D re-parameterization with the interior positional constraints. Moreover, we further extend the 2D re-parameterization approach with the interior positional constraints to high dimensional datasets, such as, volume data and polyhedrons. The second contribution is the development of a vector field based deformation algorithm for 2D mesh deformation and image warping. Many presented deformation approaches are used to employ the basis functions (including our proposed RBF-based re-parameterization algorithm here). The main problem is that such algorithms have infinite support, that is, any local deformation always leads to small changes over the whole domain. Our presented vector field based algorithm can effectively carry on the local deformation while reducing distortion as much as possible. The third contribution is the development of a pre-processing for surface parameterization. Except the developable surfaces, the current parameterization approaches inevitably incur large distortion. To reduce distortion, we proposed a pre-processing procedure in this thesis, including mesh partition and mesh smoothing. As a result, the resulting meshes are partitioned into a set of small patches with rectangle-like boundaries. Moreover, they are well-shaped and well-spaced. This pre-processing procedure can evidently improve the quality of meshes for low-distortion parameterizations