4 research outputs found

    Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion Detection Systems

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    The ever-increasing use of services based on computer networks, even in crucial areas unthinkable until a few years ago, has made the security of these networks a crucial element for anyone, also in consideration of the increasingly sophisticated techniques and strategies available to attackers. In this context, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) play a primary role since they are responsible for analyzing and classifying each network activity as legitimate or illegitimate, allowing us to take the necessary countermeasures at the appropriate time. However, these systems are not infallible due to several reasons, the most important of which are the constant evolution of the attacks (e.g., zero-day attacks) and the problem that many of the attacks have behavior similar to those of legitimate activities, and therefore they are very hard to identify. This work relies on the hypothesis that the subdivision of the training data used for the IDS classification model definition into a certain number of partitions, in terms of events and features, can improve the characterization of the network events, improving the system performance. The non-overlapping data partitions train independent classification models, classifying the event according to a majority-voting rule. A series of experiments conducted on a benchmark real-world dataset support the initial hypothesis, showing a performance improvement with respect to a canonical training approach

    Shallow neural network with kernel approximation for prediction problems in highly demanding data networks

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    Producción CientíficaIntrusion detection and network traffic classification are two of the main research applications of machine learning to highly demanding data networks e.g. IoT/sensors networks. These applications present new prediction challenges and strict requirements to the models applied for prediction. The models must be fast, accurate, flexible and capable of managing large datasets. They must be fast at the training, but mainly at the prediction phase, since inevitable environment changes require constant periodic training, and real-time prediction is mandatory. The models need to be accurate due to the consequences of prediction errors. They need also to be flexible and able to detect complex behaviors, usually encountered in non-linear models and, finally, training and prediction datasets are usually large due to traffic volumes. These requirements present conflicting solutions, between fast and simple shallow linear models and the slower and richer non-linear and deep learning models. Therefore, the perfect solution would be a mixture of both worlds. In this paper, we present such a solution made of a shallow neural network with linear activations plus a feature transformation based on kernel approximation algorithms which provide the necessary richness and non-linear behavior to the whole model. We have studied several kernel approximation algorithms: Nystrom, Random Fourier Features and Fastfood transformation and have applied them to three datasets related to intrusion detection and network traffic classification. This work presents the first application of a shallow linear model plus a kernel approximation to prediction problems with highly demanding network requirements. We show that the prediction performance obtained by these algorithms is positioned in the same range as the best non-linear classifiers, with a significant reduction in computational times, making them appropriate for new highly demanding networks.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project TIN2014-57991-C3-2-P)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project TIN2014-57991-C3-1-P

    Supervised contrastive learning over prototype-label embeddings for network intrusion detection

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    Producción CientíficaContrastive learning makes it possible to establish similarities between samples by comparing their distances in an intermediate representation space (embedding space) and using loss functions designed to attract/repel similar/dissimilar samples. The distance comparison is based exclusively on the sample features. We propose a novel contrastive learning scheme by including the labels in the same embedding space as the features and performing the distance comparison between features and labels in this shared embedding space. Following this idea, the sample features should be close to its ground-truth (positive) label and away from the other labels (negative labels). This scheme allows to implement a supervised classification based on contrastive learning. Each embedded label will assume the role of a class prototype in embedding space, with sample features that share the label gathering around it. The aim is to separate the label prototypes while minimizing the distance between each prototype and its same-class samples. A novel set of loss functions is proposed with this objective. Loss minimization will drive the allocation of sample features and labels in embedding space. Loss functions and their associated training and prediction architectures are analyzed in detail, along with different strategies for label separation. The proposed scheme drastically reduces the number of pair-wise comparisons, thus improving model performance. In order to further reduce the number of pair-wise comparisons, this initial scheme is extended by replacing the set of negative labels by its best single representative: either the negative label nearest to the sample features or the centroid of the cluster of negative labels. This idea creates a new subset of models which are analyzed in detail. The outputs of the proposed models are the distances (in embedding space) between each sample and the label prototypes. These distances can be used to perform classification (minimum distance label), features dimensionality reduction (using the distances and the embeddings instead of the original features) and data visualization (with 2 or 3D embeddings). Although the proposed models are generic, their application and performance evaluation is done here for network intrusion detection, characterized by noisy and unbalanced labels and a challenging classification of the various types of attacks. Empirical results of the model applied to intrusion detection are presented in detail for two well-known intrusion detection datasets, and a thorough set of classification and clustering performance evaluation metrics are included.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RTI2018-098958-B-I00

    Performance Analysis Of Data-Driven Algorithms In Detecting Intrusions On Smart Grid

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    The traditional power grid is no longer a practical solution for power delivery due to several shortcomings, including chronic blackouts, energy storage issues, high cost of assets, and high carbon emissions. Therefore, there is a serious need for better, cheaper, and cleaner power grid technology that addresses the limitations of traditional power grids. A smart grid is a holistic solution to these issues that consists of a variety of operations and energy measures. This technology can deliver energy to end-users through a two-way flow of communication. It is expected to generate reliable, efficient, and clean power by integrating multiple technologies. It promises reliability, improved functionality, and economical means of power transmission and distribution. This technology also decreases greenhouse emissions by transferring clean, affordable, and efficient energy to users. Smart grid provides several benefits, such as increasing grid resilience, self-healing, and improving system performance. Despite these benefits, this network has been the target of a number of cyber-attacks that violate the availability, integrity, confidentiality, and accountability of the network. For instance, in 2021, a cyber-attack targeted a U.S. power system that shut down the power grid, leaving approximately 100,000 people without power. Another threat on U.S. Smart Grids happened in March 2018 which targeted multiple nuclear power plants and water equipment. These instances represent the obvious reasons why a high level of security approaches is needed in Smart Grids to detect and mitigate sophisticated cyber-attacks. For this purpose, the US National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization and the Department of Energy have joined their efforts with other federal agencies, including the Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, to investigate the security risks of smart grid networks. Their investigation shows that smart grid requires reliable solutions to defend and prevent cyber-attacks and vulnerability issues. This investigation also shows that with the emerging technologies, including 5G and 6G, smart grid may become more vulnerable to multistage cyber-attacks. A number of studies have been done to identify, detect, and investigate the vulnerabilities of smart grid networks. However, the existing techniques have fundamental limitations, such as low detection rates, high rates of false positives, high rates of misdetection, data poisoning, data quality and processing, lack of scalability, and issues regarding handling huge volumes of data. Therefore, these techniques cannot ensure safe, efficient, and dependable communication for smart grid networks. Therefore, the goal of this dissertation is to investigate the efficiency of machine learning in detecting cyber-attacks on smart grids. The proposed methods are based on supervised, unsupervised machine and deep learning, reinforcement learning, and online learning models. These models have to be trained, tested, and validated, using a reliable dataset. In this dissertation, CICDDoS 2019 was used to train, test, and validate the efficiency of the proposed models. The results show that, for supervised machine learning models, the ensemble models outperform other traditional models. Among the deep learning models, densely neural network family provides satisfactory results for detecting and classifying intrusions on smart grid. Among unsupervised models, variational auto-encoder, provides the highest performance compared to the other unsupervised models. In reinforcement learning, the proposed Capsule Q-learning provides higher detection and lower misdetection rates, compared to the other model in literature. In online learning, the Online Sequential Euclidean Distance Routing Capsule Network model provides significantly better results in detecting intrusion attacks on smart grid, compared to the other deep online models