16 research outputs found

    Hysteretic Control Technique for Overload Problem Solution in Network of SIP Servers

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    This paper contains research and development results concerning application of hysteretic control principles to solve SIP servers overload problem, which is known from a number of IETF standards and scientific papers published over the past few years. The problem is that SIP protocol, being the application layer protocol, by default has no build-in means of overload control, as, for example, SS7, MTP2 and MTP3 protocols. It was the SS7 network, where a threshold mechanism of hysteretic signalling load control was first implemented. In this paper we describe the main up-to-date solutions of an overload control problem in a signalling network, and develop analytical models of hysteretic control, which are useful in the development of load management functions of SIP servers. We also propose the design of Open SIP signalling Node (OSN) software architecture which is intended to be used for simulations and comparison of various overload control mechanisms


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    Techniques are described herein by which the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server overload problem may be significantly simplified by using a distributed system where transactions can be authorized and stored. For example, a technology like blockchain may enable a centralized, shared, and secure transaction database to be used to communicate SIP server overload information. SIP server overload information may be shared between servers that are part of a trust domain. The trust domain may be confined within a network or span across network boundaries (e.g., between enterprise edges / SIP trunk providers / SIP calling cloud providers)

    Probe-based end-to-end overload control for networks of SIP servers

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    The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has been adopted by the IETF as the control protocol for creating, modifying and terminating multimedia sessions. Overload occurs in SIP networks when SIP servers have insufficient resources to handle received messages. Under overload, SIP networks may suffer from congestion collapse due to current ineffective SIP overload control mechanisms. This paper introduces a probe-based end-to-end overload control (PEOC) mechanism, which is deployed at the edge servers of SIP networks and is easy to implement. By probing the SIP network with SIP messages, PEOC estimates the network load and controls the traffic admitted to the network according to the estimated load. Theoretic analysis and extensive simulations verify that PEOC can keep high throughput for SIP networks even when the offered load exceeds the capacity of the network. Besides, it can respond quickly to the sudden variations of the offered load and achieve good fairness

    A distributed end-to-end overload control mechanism for networks of SIP servers.

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    The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer control protocol standardized by the IETF for creating, modifying and terminating multimedia sessions. With the increasing use of SIP in large deployments, the current SIP design cannot handle overload effectively, which may cause SIP networks to suffer from congestion collapse under heavy offered load. This paper introduces a distributed end-to-end overload control (DEOC) mechanism, which is deployed at the edge servers of SIP networks and is easy to implement. By applying overload control closest to the source of traf?c, DEOC can keep high throughput for SIP networks even when the offered load exceeds the capacity of the network. Besides, it responds quickly to the sudden variations of the offered load and achieves good fairness. Theoretic analysis and extensive simulations verify that DEOC is effective in controlling overload of SIP networks

    Анализ некоторых характеристик СМО M |G|1|r с гистерезисным управлением для исследования перегрузок SIP-сервера

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    One of the main challenges faced by telecommunications industry today is an issue of searching for the most effective overload control mechanisms on SIP servers. Generally, overload occurs in SIP networks when SIP servers have insufficient resources to handle all SIP messages they receive to handle all incoming SIP traffic. Such problems can decrease performance of SIP server or even cause its crash. The IETF offers several solutions depending on types of overloads: to increase the number of SIP servers, through 503 (Service Unavailable) response code (IETF RFC 3261), rate-based overload control, loss-based overload control. However, SIP servers are still vulnerable to overload. In this paper we have built and analyzed the M|G|1|r queue with one level hysteretic input load control. Stationary distribution has been achieved based on the Embedded Markov chain method. Approach that allows computation of probability of loss and an average length of queue is developed. Another important parameter, the return time from overloading states to normal state is also considered. A numerical example illustrating the control mechanism that minimizes this characteristic is given to demonstrate some optimization issues.В современных телекоммуникационных сетях существует ряд задач, среди которых выделяют задачу поиска наиболее эффективного механизма управления перегрузками на SIP-серверах. В общем случае перегрузки связаны с тем, что интенсивность поступления вызовов на SIP-сервер превышает возможности по их обработке. Проблемы такого рода могут привести к снижению производительности SIP-сервера, а также могут быть причиной его полного отказа. В стандартах комитета IETF в зависимости от типа перегрузок выделяют ряд решений проблемы, среди которых: увеличение числа SIP-серверов, механизм 503, метод просеивания потока, метод снижения скорости. Однако оптимального решения для управления перегрузок на SIP-сервере не найдено. В работе предлагается упрощённый механизм контроля перегрузок, который позволяет осуществить управление интенсивностью поступления вызовов на SIP-сервер путём ввода порога снижения нагрузки. Разработана упрощённая математическая модель в виде системы массового обслуживания типа M|G|1|r с пороговым управлением нагрузкой. Получено стационарное распределение вероятностей состояний системы методом вложенных цепей Маркова. Описан алгоритм для расчёта вероятностно-временных характеристик, таких как вероятность потери заявки, средняя длина очереди модели, время возврата из режима перегрузки в режим нормальной нагрузки. Численно решена оптимизационная задача, которая заключается в минимизации данной характеристики, проведён эксперимент, а также численный анализ полученных результатов