1,312 research outputs found

    A QoS Aware Approach to Service-Oriented Communication in Future Automotive Networks

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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is about to enter automotive networks based on the SOME/IP middleware and an Ethernet high-bandwidth communication layer. It promises to meet the growing demands on connectivity and flexibility for software components in modern cars. Largely heterogeneous service requirements and time-sensitive network functions make Quality-of-Service (QoS) agreements a vital building block within future automobiles. Existing middleware solutions, however, do not allow for a dynamic selection of QoS. This paper presents a service-oriented middleware for QoS aware communication in future cars. We contribute a protocol for dynamic QoS negotiation along with a multi-protocol stack, which supports the different communication classes as derived from a thorough requirements analysis. We validate the feasibility of our approach in a case study and evaluate its performance in a simulation model of a realistic in-car network. Our findings indicate that QoS aware communication can indeed meet the requirements, while the impact of the service negotiations and setup times of the network remain acceptable provided the cross-traffic during negotiations stays below 70% of the available bandwidth

    Software Components for Smart Industry Based on Microservices: A Case Study in pH Control Process for the Beverage Industry

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    [EN] Modern industries require constant adaptation to new trends. Thus, they seek greater flexibility and agility to cope with disruptions, as well as to solve needs or meet the demand for growth. Therefore, smart industrial applications require a lot of flexibility to be able to react more quickly to continuous market changes, offer more personalized products, increase operational efficiency, and achieve optimum operating points that integrate the entire value chain of a process. This requires the capture of new data that are subsequently processed at different levels of the hierarchy of automation processes, with requirements and technologies according to each level. The result is a new challenge related to the addition of new functionalities in the processes and the interoperability between them. This paper proposes a distributed computational component-based framework that integrates communication, computation, and storage resources and real-time capabilities through container technology, microservices, and the publish/subscribe paradigm, as well as contributing to the development and implementation of industrial automation applications by bridging the gap between generic architectures and physical realizations. The main idea is to enable plug-and-play software components, from predefined components with their interrelationships, to achieve industrial applications without losing or degrading the robustness from previous developments. This paper presents the process of design and implementation with the proposed framework through the implementation of a complex pH control process, ranging from the simulation part to its scaling and implementation to an industrial level, showing the plug-and-play assembly from a definition of components with their relationships to the implementation process with the respective technologies involved. The effectiveness of the proposed framework was experimentally verified in a real production process, showing that the results scaled to an industrial scale comply with the simulated design process. A qualitative comparison with traditional industrial implementations, based on the implementation requirements, was carried out. The implementation was developed in the beverage production plant "Punta Delicia", located in Colima, Mexico. Finally, the results showed that the platform provided a high-fidelity design, analysis, and testing environment for cyber information flow and their effect on the physical operation of the pH control.This work has been supported by for research cooperation between Universidad de Colima (Mexico), Universidad Autonoma de Occidente (Colombia), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) and the juice production plant Punta Delicia located in Colima, Mexico.Serrano-Magaña, H.; González-Potes, A.; Ibarra-Junquera, V.; Balbastre, P.; Martínez-Castro, D.; Simó Ten, JE. (2021). Software Components for Smart Industry Based on Microservices: A Case Study in pH Control Process for the Beverage Industry. Electronics. 10(7):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics1007076312110

    Evaluating a Prototype Approach to Validating a DDS-based System Architecture for Automated Manufacturing Environments

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    Data Distribution Services (DDS) are emerging as communication systems in manufacturing environments. One of the key features of a DDS based system is the ability to regain performance levels after the introduction or removal of a DDS participant. In implementing a DDS participant to an existing system, message transport speed and message latency is often sacrificed due to protection problems in OEM software. Validity and suitability for integration of OpenDDS specifically, a manufacturing system is evaluated by defining two implementation scenarios; a flexible approach with a dedicated DDS participant application, and a high speed approach integrating the OpenDDS API directly in the target application. The system is validated by monitoring performance, efficiency and robustness in use and implementation. This result is part of a system architecture, developed for project Smart Industrial Robotics (SInBot), that focuses on maximizing the efficient use of mobile industrial robots during medium sized production runs. This modular system architecture is based on distributed intelligence and decentralized control to enable online reconfiguration of industrial robots in manufacturing facilities

    Workshop on real-time for multimedia (RTMM), Catania, Italy, June 29, 2004

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    Workshop on real-time for multimedia (RTMM), Catania, Italy, June 29, 2004

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    A Semantic Interoperability Model Based on the IEEE 1451 Family of Standards Applied to the Industry 4.0

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing recently. It is a concept for connecting billions of smart devices through the Internet in different scenarios. One area being developed inside the IoT in industrial automation, which covers Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and industrial communications with an automatic process, emerging the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) concept. Inside the IIoT is developing the concept of Industry 4.0 (I4.0). That represents the fourth industrial revolution and addresses the use of Internet technologies to improve the production efficiency of intelligent services in smart factories. I4.0 is composed of a combination of objects from the physical world and the digital world that offers dedicated functionality and flexibility inside and outside of an I4.0 network. The I4.0 is composed mainly of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The CPS is the integration of the physical world and its digital world, i.e., the Digital Twin (DT). It is responsible for realising the intelligent cross-link application, which operates in a self-organised and decentralised manner, used by smart factories for value creation. An area where the CPS can be implemented in manufacturing production is developing the Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) concept. CPPS is the implementation of Industry 4.0 and CPS in manufacturing and production, crossing all levels of production between the autonomous and cooperative elements and sub-systems. It is responsible for connecting the virtual space with the physical world, allowing the smart factories to be more intelligent, resulting in better and smart production conditions, increasing productivity, production efficiency, and product quality. The big issue is connecting smart devices with different standards and protocols. About 40% of the benefits of the IoT cannot be achieved without interoperability. This thesis is focused on promoting the interoperability of smart devices (sensors and actuators) inside the IIoT under the I4.0 context. The IEEE 1451 is a family of standards developed to manage transducers. This standard reaches the syntactic level of interoperability inside Industry 4.0. However, Industry 4.0 requires a semantic level of communication not to exchange data ambiguously. A new semantic layer is proposed in this thesis allowing the IEEE 1451 standard to be a complete framework for communication inside the Industry 4.0 to provide an interoperable network interface with users and applications to collect and share the data from the industry field.A Internet das Coisas tem vindo a crescer recentemente. É um conceito que permite conectar bilhões de dispositivos inteligentes através da Internet em diferentes cenários. Uma área que está sendo desenvolvida dentro da Internet das Coisas é a automação industrial, que abrange a comunicação máquina com máquina no processo industrial de forma automática. Essa interligação, representa o conceito da Internet das Coisas Industrial. Dentro da Internet das Coisas Industrial está a desenvolver o conceito de Indústria 4.0 (I4.0). Isso representa a quarta revolução industrial que aborda o uso de tecnologias utilizadas na Internet para melhorar a eficiência da produção de serviços em fábricas inteligentes. A Indústria 4.0 é composta por uma combinação de objetos do mundo físico e do mundo da digital que oferece funcionalidade dedicada e flexibilidade dentro e fora de uma rede da Indústria 4.0. O I4.0 é composto principalmente por Sistemas Ciberfísicos. Os Sistemas Ciberfísicos permitem a integração do mundo físico com seu representante no mundo digital, por meio do Gémeo Digital. Sistemas Ciberfísicos são responsáveis por realizar a aplicação inteligente da ligação cruzada, que opera de forma auto-organizada e descentralizada, utilizada por fábricas inteligentes para criação de valor. Uma área em que o Sistema Ciberfísicos pode ser implementado na produção manufatureira, isso representa o desenvolvimento do conceito Sistemas de Produção Ciberfísicos. Esse sistema é a implementação da Indústria 4.0 e Sistema Ciberfísicos na fabricação e produção. A cruzar todos os níveis desde a produção entre os elementos e subsistemas autónomos e cooperativos. Ele é responsável por conectar o espaço virtual com o mundo físico, permitindo que as fábricas inteligentes sejam mais inteligentes, resultando em condições de produção melhores e inteligentes, aumentando a produtividade, a eficiência da produção e a qualidade do produto. A grande questão é como conectar dispositivos inteligentes com diferentes normas e protocolos. Cerca de 40% dos benefícios da Internet das Coisas não podem ser alcançados sem interoperabilidade. Esta tese está focada em promover a interoperabilidade de dispositivos inteligentes (sensores e atuadores) dentro da Internet das Coisas Industrial no contexto da Indústria 4.0. O IEEE 1451 é uma família de normas desenvolvidos para gerenciar transdutores. Esta norma alcança o nível sintático de interoperabilidade dentro de uma indústria 4.0. No entanto, a Indústria 4.0 requer um nível semântico de comunicação para não haver a trocar dados de forma ambígua. Uma nova camada semântica é proposta nesta tese permitindo que a família de normas IEEE 1451 seja um framework completo para comunicação dentro da Indústria 4.0. Permitindo fornecer uma interface de rede interoperável com utilizadores e aplicações para recolher e compartilhar os dados dentro de um ambiente industrial.This thesis was developed at the Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory (IML) in the University of Beira Interior and supported by the portuguese project INDTECH 4.0 – Novas tecnologias para fabricação, que tem como objetivo geral a conceção e desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras no contexto da Indústria 4.0/Factories of the Future (FoF), under the number POCI-01-0247-FEDER-026653

    Plant-wide interoperability and decoupled, data-driven process control with message bus communication

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    Conventional industrial communication systems suffer from rigidness, inflexibility and lack of scalability. The environment is heterogeneous as the systems exchange data with a variety communication protocols, some of which are proprietary. This makes it laborious and expensive to reconfigure or upgrade the systems. As the solution, this article proposes a message-bus-based communication architecture to enable information exchange between systems regardless of their geographical location and position within the functional hierarchy of the plant. The architecture not only enables communication to cross the conventional physical borders but also provides scalability to growing data volumes and network sizes. As proofs of concept, the article presents a prototype in three environments: a copper smelter, a steel plant and a distillation column. The results suggest that the message-bus-based approach has potential to renew industrial communications, a core part of the fourth industrial revolution.H2020, 723661, COCO

    A service-oriented approach to embedded component-based manufacturing automation

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    This thesis is focused on the application of Component-Based (CB) technology to shop oor devices using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services (WS) for the purpose of realising future generation agile manufacturing systems. The environment of manufacturing enterprises is now characterised by frequently changing market demands, time-to-market pressure, continuously emerging new technologies and global competition. Under these circumstances, manufacturing systems need to be agile and automation systems need to support this agility. More speci cally, an open, exible automation environment with plug and play connectivity is needed. Technically, this requires the easy connectivity of hardware devices and software components from di erent vendors. Functionally, there is a need of interoperability and integration of control functions on di erent hierarchical levels ranging from eld level to various higher level applications such as process control and operations management services. [Continues.