5 research outputs found

    Innovation management approaches: Design value calculator gamification

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    Design is a specific form of complex innovation that affects all areas of an organization's management. However, the essence of design is vague, and it is difficult to fully grasp the concept of design. Therefore, it is difficult to find criteria for determining its value. The problem of establishing a causal relationship between design value and user experience is addressed in this paper. The relationship between these two variables affects the importance of design in organizations and can be used to quantify the value of design. Indeed, based on the results of existing research, it is known that this term has many meanings, and it is necessary to reject the possibility of its total quantification. Much of the related research has focused on the area of user experience and customer value, while other related research has focused on design value, which cannot be measured directly but rather, for example, through system dynamic modelling. This approach, i.e., the use of a system dynamic model to determine the value of design, is still missing in the research literature. The main research method for determining the value of design is the experimental method, supported by other research methods: modelling and structured questioning. Inputs to the model, which represent the opinions of the company's managers on the design, are obtained through a board game that provides an attractive and easy-to-understand user interface for the research participants. The value of design is determined by using a sample case study that contains key variables according to the company's business model. The value of the design is calculated based on the indicator "design cost-effectiveness" over six years of the start-up company's business. The indicator is experimentally verified in a model with an identical structure and different scenarios concerning the involvement of design change in the economic development of the firm. This paper aims to use the gamified DVCG model as an innovative concept in business management through a case study. The contribution of the paper to science and practice is to provide experimentally validated evidence to help identify the areas where design investments are needed to make the most sense for the economics and management of the organization.Technology Agency of the Czech Republi

    AstroCódigo : Un juego serio para la introducción de jóvenes en los conceptos básicos de la programación

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    La presente tesina se enmarca en un proceso de investigación aplicada relacionada con la inclusión de tecnologías digitales, en especial el uso de juegos, en procesos de enseñar y aprender. Se realizó un estudio bibliográfico sobre juegos serios, y como resultado se ha problematizado su definición en la introducción de este trabajo. A la vez que se procedió a la revisión de antecedentes de juegos serios para la enseñanza de la programación junto con un análisis de las posibilidades ofrecidas por dichos juegos. Luego, se definieron los requerimientos del juego serio a diseñar en función de los aspectos de éxito de otros juegos relacionados al objetivo del propuesto aquí, y también en base a los aspectos aún no contemplados en estos antecedentes revisados. Seguidamente, se realizó el diseño y la implementación del juego serio AstroCódigo, a partir de los requerimientos determinados. Se realizaron sesiones de prueba del juego con alumnos en un escenario educativo concreto, considerando como ejes de evaluación: la usabilidad, posibilidades para la adquisición de habilidades relacionadas a la programación y la motivación intrínseca durante su utilización. Por último, se procedió al análisis de los resultados obtenidos en las sesiones y a la planificación de una propuesta de mejoras.Tesis con doble grado alcanzado: Licenciado en Sistemas y Licenciado en Informática.Facultad de Informátic

    Serious computer games in computer science education

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    The role and importance of serious computer games in contemporary educational practice is presented in this paper as well as the theoretical fundamentals that justify their use in different forms of education. We present a project for designing and developing serious games that take place within the curriculum for computer science teachers’ education as an independent project work in teams. In this project work students have to use their knowledge in the field of didactics and computer science to develop games. The developed game is tested and evaluated in schools in the framework of their practical training. The results of the evaluation can help students improve their games and verify to which extent specified learning goals have been achieved

    Serious computer games in computer science education

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