37 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Materi Geografis Indonesia Tema Ekosistem Mata Pelajaran Tematik Kelas V SD Negeri Datinawong

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    AbstrakPenelitian tentang pengembangan multimedia interaktif berbasis game pada materi Geografis Indonesia di kelas V SD Negeri Datinawong bertujuan untuk mengatasi problematika belajar siswa dengan menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan. Oleh karena itu pada studi ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengilustrasikan proses pengembangan media game (2) menguji validitas kelayakan media game, isi materi, bahan penyerta, dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan ADDIE oleh Branch (2009) yang dalam pelaksanaannya menggunakan tiga tahapan yaitu analyze, design, dan development. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi, wawancara, dan angket. Dari uji kelayakan media, materi, bahan penyerta, dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran memperoleh hasil rata-rata 89,9% menurut Arikunto (2014) pada tabel uji kelayakan termasuk dalam range 86%-100% dengan kriteria sangat layak. Perolehan hasil persentase didasarkan pada instrumen kelayakan, dengan pernyataan bahwa keunggulan fitur media yang di kembangkan berupa game kuis interaktif terkait geografis pulau di Indonesia dengan desain background peta Indonesia, yang nantinya ketika kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan model game based learning.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Game, Geografis Indonesia.AbstractResearch on the development of interactive multimedia based on games on Indonesian Geographical material in class V SD Negeri Datinawong aims to minimize students' learning problems by creating a pleasant learning atmosphere. Therefore, this study aims to (1) illustrate the process of developing game media (2) test the validity of the feasibility of game media, content, materials participants, and lesson plans. The development model used is the ADDIE development model by Branch (2009) which in its implementation uses three stages, namely analyze, design, and development. Collecting data using the method of documentation, interviews, and questionnaires. From the feasibility test of media, materials, accompanying materials, and learning implementation plans, the average results obtained are 89.9% according to Arikunto (2014) in the feasibility test table included in the range of 86%-100% with very feasible criteria. The percentage result obtained is based on a feasibility instrument, with a statement that the advantages of the media features developed are in the form of an interactive quiz game related to the geography of the island in Indonesia with an Indonesian map background design, which later when learning activities use a game-based learning model.Keywords: Development, Game, Geography of Indonesi

    Gamification of Assessment Test through Multiple Question Paths to Facilitate Participants’ Autonomy and Competence

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    Gamifying activities to make them more game-like is one of the hottest trends in various fields, including education. Among the factors influencing the success of gamification for education are the participants’ sense of autonomy and competence, which can be facilitated with the incorporation of multiple learning paths. However, the use of multiple question paths in gamified assessment tests is still under-studied. This mixed-method study was aimed at exploring the matter through a paper-based and gamified assessment test in higher education. A controlled experiment was conducted in a calculus course in an informatics department. The experimental group (n = 38) undertook a gamified written test, and the control group (n = 37) undertook a regular one. The gamified test consisted of several Hard and Medium Questions, and each participant would choose a question path containing some of the questions. Nine question paths were available with varying ratios between Hard and Medium Questions, and the participants were allowed to ask for two hints on the Hard ones. A questionnaire, based on the EGameFlow model, was used to assess the gamified test. The results show that the gamified test was able to facilitate the participants’ sense of autonomy but not their sense of competence, which was due to flaws of the test. Two additional positive effects of the test on the participants’ knowledge improvement and Flow experience are identified. The path selection pattern among the participants and the flaws of the gamified test are also discussed

    Impact of a Multicomponent Digital Therapeutic Mobile App on Medication Adherence in Patients with Chronic Conditions: Retrospective Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND:Strategies to improve medication adherence are widespread in the literature; however, their impact is limited in real practice. Few patients persistently engage long-term to improve health outcomes, even when they are aware of the consequences of poor adherence. Despite the potential of mobile phone apps as a tool to manage medication adherence, there is still limited evidence of the impact of these innovative interventions. Real-world evidence can assist in minimizing this evidence gap. OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to analyze the impact over time of a previously implemented digital therapeutic mobile app on medication adherence rates in adults with any chronic condition. METHODS:A retrospective observational study was performed to assess the adherence rates of patients with any chronic condition using Perx Health, a digital therapeutic that uses multiple components within a mobile health app to improve medication adherence. These components include gamification, dosage reminders, incentives, educational components, and social community components. Adherence was measured through mobile direct observation of therapy (MDOT) over 3-month and 6-month time periods. Implementation adherence, defined as the percentage of doses in which the correct dose of a medication was taken, was assessed across the study periods, in addition to timing adherence or percentage of doses taken at the appropriate time (±1 hour). The Friedman test was used to compare differences in adherence rates over time. RESULTS:We analyzed 243 and 130 patients who used the app for 3 months and 6 months, respectively. The average age of the 243 patients was 43.8 years (SD 15.5), and 156 (64.2%) were female. The most common medications prescribed were varenicline, rosuvastatin, and cholecalciferol. The median implementation adherence was 96.6% (IQR 82.1%-100%) over 3 months and 96.8% (IQR 87.1%-100%) over 6 months. Nonsignificant differences in adherence rates over time were observed in the 6-month analysis (Fr(2)=4.314, P=.505) and 3-month analysis (Fr(2)=0.635, P=.728). Similarly, the timing adherence analysis revealed stable trends with no significant changes over time. CONCLUSIONS:Retrospective analysis of users of a medication adherence management mobile app revealed a positive trend in maintaining optimal medication adherence over time. Mobile technology utilizing gamification, dosage reminders, incentives, education, and social community interventions appears to be a promising strategy to manage medication adherence in real practice


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    Despite investments in chemical process safety education, evidence suggests that engineers’ decision making may contribute to process safety incidents. Currently, limited educational endeavors in process safety decision making exist, raising the need for a better understanding of how to prepare chemical engineering students for industry decisions. This dissertation fortifies current process safety education through three studies involving senior chemical engineering students. Study One developed the Engineering Process Safety Research Instrument (EPSRI) through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Educators may use the EPSRI to evaluate their students’ moral development. Study Two evaluated a digital process safety game, Contents Under Pressure, on students’ moral decision making. Study Two supports supplementing process safety curriculum with digital games because the game simulates process safety decisions in a plant environment, providing immersive first-hand experience without real-world risks. Study Two showed that students who played Contents Under Pressure made authentic decisions in the game, advancing their moral development. Study Three explored how students consider process safety criteria when making decisions, finding that safety takes precedence over other criteria, such as productivity, despite potential negative implications. Study Three supports educators contextualizing incident case studies with discussion on how process safety criteria compete

    Videogames in and beyond the L1 classroom:Gaming, literacies, and implications for practice

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    Using gamification in teaching physical education: A survey review

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    Nowadays, the determining role that Physical Education (PE) assumes for cognitive, psychomotor and affective development is widely accepted. Even so, several investigations continue to report the difficulty in motivating children to be involved and participate in PE classes through traditional teaching methods. Thus, to combat this scourge, gamification has been suggested as a useful tool to increase students' motivation to practice PE. Based on these considerations, the main objective of this survey review was to critically analyze the potential impact of using gamification in PE classes. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses literature search extension (PRISMA-S) guidelines were advised for this survey review. After searching procedures, 68 articles remained for analysis. Traditional teaching models can be applied by using the direct instruction model, and teaching dominated approaches. By contrast, nowadays physical education and sports education have been based on game-based models. From this, gamification strategies seem to be valid and efficient as a contribute to the previous ones, applying game elements, mechanics, and principles to non-game contexts to enhance engagement and intrinsic motivation. Thus, gamification models extend to as fundamental element the theory of self-determination expressed by theory of gamified learning, dynamical model for gamification of learning, goal-access-feedback-challenge-collaboration, gamification, and virtual gamification. This investigation allows us to conclude that the inclusion of gamification in PE classes seems to translate into an increase in motivation in children and youth. For this reason the introduction of technology in classes seems to be a key factor to increase sports participation, regular physical activity and improve motor learning and control.Funding This project was supported by the National Funds through the FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (project UIDB04045/2020)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trapezoid Multimedia with Visual Thinking Approach to Enhance Achievement of 7th Grade Students

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    The main factual error made by students in solving trapezium problems is the misunderstanding of concepts and principles. Trapezium concepts and principles presented with visual representations may reduce complexity and abstractness compared with relying solely on verbal representations. This study aimed at developing a multimedia trapezium with a visual thinking approach for 7th grade students. This research was development research with 4D design (define, design, develop disseminate). In this first year, research is focused on determining media feasibility based on expert validation, practicality trials, and effectiveness. The subjects involved were material experts, media experts and ten students. Data were collected using validation sheets, questionnaires as well as tests, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the data analysis showed that the level of feasibility in terms of material experts and media experts were 92% and 88% respectively with the Very Valid category. The practicality and effectiveness test results were 83.7% and 78% in the practical and effective category. Because the media met the valid, practical, and effective criteria, it can be said that the media is suitable to be applied in trapezoidal learning in 7th grade. The implication of implementing visual thinking approach in developing multimedia will be able to enhance students’ achievement

    Narrative World Building: Creative Applications for Gamification in Study Abroad

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    This study examined a cohort of 12 study abroad participants taking a course on video game topography and narrative in Salamanca, Spain, to determine how inhabiting and co-creating narrative worlds as part of the coursework might impact the experiences of the students inside and outside of the classroom as they engaged in mandated and optional cultural engagement activities, such as museum tours and excursions to historical sites. Students completed two gameful learning activities: 1) they co-created their own narrative game world in a group game proposal assignment drawing upon research from storytelling through game environments, and 2) they created independent digital journals of their experiences through the perspective of a gaming avatar chosen at the beginning of the course. Results from pre- and post-self-report surveys indicate that the game proposal assignment allowed students to develop stronger connections with one another while conducting research that gave them additional context for their cultural surroundings. However, those same students criticized participation in pre-defined environments or activities within the photo journal assignment that they perceived to lack authenticity. Future iterations of similar course designs should establish the course content and context as a foundation before enabling students to co-author the course’s game narrative. Assessment of learning outcomes beyond self-reports is also recommended