1,055 research outputs found

    Control-theoretic Approach to Communication with Feedback: Fundamental Limits and Code Design

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    Feedback communication is studied from a control-theoretic perspective, mapping the communication problem to a control problem in which the control signal is received through the same noisy channel as in the communication problem, and the (nonlinear and time-varying) dynamics of the system determine a subclass of encoders available at the transmitter. The MMSE capacity is defined to be the supremum exponential decay rate of the mean square decoding error. This is upper bounded by the information-theoretic feedback capacity, which is the supremum of the achievable rates. A sufficient condition is provided under which the upper bound holds with equality. For the special class of stationary Gaussian channels, a simple application of Bode's integral formula shows that the feedback capacity, recently characterized by Kim, is equal to the maximum instability that can be tolerated by the controller under a given power constraint. Finally, the control mapping is generalized to the N-sender AWGN multiple access channel. It is shown that Kramer's code for this channel, which is known to be sum rate optimal in the class of generalized linear feedback codes, can be obtained by solving a linear quadratic Gaussian control problem.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    Optimal Local and Remote Controllers with Unreliable Communication

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    We consider a decentralized optimal control problem for a linear plant controlled by two controllers, a local controller and a remote controller. The local controller directly observes the state of the plant and can inform the remote controller of the plant state through a packet-drop channel. We assume that the remote controller is able to send acknowledgments to the local controller to signal the successful receipt of transmitted packets. The objective of the two controllers is to cooperatively minimize a quadratic performance cost. We provide a dynamic program for this decentralized control problem using the common information approach. Although our problem is not a partially nested LQG problem, we obtain explicit optimal strategies for the two controllers. In the optimal strategies, both controllers compute a common estimate of the plant state based on the common information. The remote controller's action is linear in the common estimated state, and the local controller's action is linear in both the actual state and the common estimated state

    Optimal Sequence-Based Control of Networked Linear Systems

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    In Networked Control Systems (NCS), components of a control loop are connected by data networks that may introduce time-varying delays and packet losses into the system, which can severly degrade control performance. Hence, this book presents the newly developed S-LQG (Sequence-Based Linear Quadratic Gaussian) controller that combines the sequence-based control method with the well-known LQG approach to stochastic optimal control in order to compensate for the network-induced effects

    Optimal Sequence-Based Control of Networked Linear Systems

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    In Networked Control Systems (NCS), components of a control loop are connected by data networks that may introduce time-varying delays and packet losses into the system, which can severly degrade control performance. Hence, this book presents the newly developed S-LQG (Sequence-Based Linear Quadratic Gaussian) controller that combines the sequence-based control method with the well-known LQG approach to stochastic optimal control in order to compensate for the network-induced effects

    Non-fragile H∞ control with randomly occurring gain variations, distributed delays and channel fadings

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    This study is concerned with the non-fragile H∞ control problem for a class of discrete-time systems subject to randomly occurring gain variations (ROGVs), channel fadings and infinite-distributed delays. A new stochastic phenomenon (ROGVs), which is governed by a sequence of random variables with a certain probabilistic distribution, is put forward to better reflect the reality of the randomly occurring fluctuation of controller gains implemented in networked environments. A modified stochastic Rice fading model is then exploited to account for both channel fadings and random time-delays in a unified representation. The channel coefficients are a set of mutually independent random variables which abide by any (not necessarily Gaussian) probability density function on [0, 1]. Attention is focused on the analysis and design of a non-fragile H∞ outputfeedback controller such that the closed-loop control system is stochastically stable with a prescribed H∞ performance. Through intensive stochastic analysis, sufficient conditions are established for the desired stochastic stability and H∞ disturbance attenuation, and the addressed non-fragile control problem is then recast as a convex optimisation problem solvable via the semidefinite programme method. An example is finally provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method
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