13 research outputs found

    Full Flow: Optical Flow Estimation By Global Optimization over Regular Grids

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    We present a global optimization approach to optical flow estimation. The approach optimizes a classical optical flow objective over the full space of mappings between discrete grids. No descriptor matching is used. The highly regular structure of the space of mappings enables optimizations that reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm's inner loop from quadratic to linear and support efficient matching of tens of thousands of nodes to tens of thousands of displacements. We show that one-shot global optimization of a classical Horn-Schunck-type objective over regular grids at a single resolution is sufficient to initialize continuous interpolation and achieve state-of-the-art performance on challenging modern benchmarks.Comment: To be presented at CVPR 201

    On the Fine-Grained Complexity of One-Dimensional Dynamic Programming

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    In this paper, we investigate the complexity of one-dimensional dynamic programming, or more specifically, of the Least-Weight Subsequence (LWS) problem: Given a sequence of n data items together with weights for every pair of the items, the task is to determine a subsequence S minimizing the total weight of the pairs adjacent in S. A large number of natural problems can be formulated as LWS problems, yielding obvious O(n^2)-time solutions. In many interesting instances, the O(n^2)-many weights can be succinctly represented. Yet except for near-linear time algorithms for some specific special cases, little is known about when an LWS instantiation admits a subquadratic-time algorithm and when it does not. In particular, no lower bounds for LWS instantiations have been known before. In an attempt to remedy this situation, we provide a general approach to study the fine-grained complexity of succinct instantiations of the LWS problem: Given an LWS instantiation we identify a highly parallel core problem that is subquadratically equivalent. This provides either an explanation for the apparent hardness of the problem or an avenue to find improved algorithms as the case may be. More specifically, we prove subquadratic equivalences between the following pairs (an LWS instantiation and the corresponding core problem) of problems: a low-rank version of LWS and minimum inner product, finding the longest chain of nested boxes and vector domination, and a coin change problem which is closely related to the knapsack problem and (min,+)-convolution. Using these equivalences and known SETH-hardness results for some of the core problems, we deduce tight conditional lower bounds for the corresponding LWS instantiations. We also establish the (min,+)-convolution-hardness of the knapsack problem. Furthermore, we revisit some of the LWS instantiations which are known to be solvable in near-linear time and explain their easiness in terms of the easiness of the corresponding core problems

    Algorithms for Minimum-Cost Paths in Time-Dependent Networks with Waiting Policies

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    We study the problem of computing minimum-cost paths through a time-varying network, in which the travel time and travel cost of each arc are known functions of one's departure time along the arc. For some problem instances, the ability to wait at nodes may allow for less costly paths through the network. When waiting is allowed, it is constrained by a (potentially time-varying) waiting policy that describes the length of time one may wait and the cost of waiting at every node. In discrete time, time-dependent shortest path problems with waiting constraints can be optimally solved by straightforward dynamic programming algorithms; however, for some waiting policies these algorithms can be computationally impractical. In this article, we survey several broad classes of waiting policies and show how techniques for speeding up dynamic programming can be effectively applied to obtain practical algorithms for these different problem variants

    Re-Use Dynamic Programming for Sequence Alignment: An Algorithmic Toolkit

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    International audienceThe problem of comparing two sequences S and T to determine their similarity is one of the fundamental problems in pattern matching. In this manuscript we will be primarily concerned with sequences as our objects and with various string comparison metrics. Our goal is to survey a methodology for utilizing repetitions in sequences in order to speed up the comparison process. Within this framework we consider various methods of parsing the sequences in order to frame their repetitions, and present a toolkit of various solutions whose time complexity depends both on the chosen parsing method as well as on the string-comparison metric used for the alignment

    Well-solvable special cases of the TSP : a survey

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem belongs to the most important and most investigated problems in combinatorial optimization. Although it is an NP-hard problem, many of its special cases can be solved efficiently. We survey these special cases with emphasis on results obtained during the decade 1985-1995. This survey complements an earlier survey from 1985 compiled by Gilmore, Lawler and Shmoys. Keywords: Traveling Salesman Problem, Combinatorial optimization, Polynomial time algorithm, Computational complexity