12,351 research outputs found

    Improved algorithm for computing separating linear forms for bivariate systems

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    We address the problem of computing a linear separating form of a system of two bivariate polynomials with integer coefficients, that is a linear combination of the variables that takes different values when evaluated at the distinct solutions of the system. The computation of such linear forms is at the core of most algorithms that solve algebraic systems by computing rational parameterizations of the solutions and this is the bottleneck of these algorithms in terms of worst-case bit complexity. We present for this problem a new algorithm of worst-case bit complexity \sOB(d^7+d^6\tau) where dd and τ\tau denote respectively the maximum degree and bitsize of the input (and where \sO refers to the complexity where polylogarithmic factors are omitted and OBO_B refers to the bit complexity). This algorithm simplifies and decreases by a factor dd the worst-case bit complexity presented for this problem by Bouzidi et al. \cite{bouzidiJSC2014a}. This algorithm also yields, for this problem, a probabilistic Las-Vegas algorithm of expected bit complexity \sOB(d^5+d^4\tau).Comment: ISSAC - 39th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (2014

    Separating Linear Forms for Bivariate Systems

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    International audienceWe present an algorithm for computing a separating linear form of a system of bivariate polynomials with integer coefficients, that is a linear combination of the variables that takes different values when evaluated at distinct (complex) solutions of the system. In other words, a separating linear form defines a shear of the coordinate system that sends the algebraic system in generic position, in the sense that no two distinct solutions are vertically aligned. The computation of such linear forms is at the core of most algorithms that solve algebraic systems by computing rational parameterizations of the solutions and, moreover, the computation of a separating linear form is the bottleneck of these algorithms, in terms of worst-case bit complexity. Given two bivariate polynomials of total degree at most dd with integer coefficients of bitsize at most τ\tau, our algorithm computes a separating linear form in \sOB(d^8+d^7\tau+d^5\tau^2) bit operations in the worst case, where the previously known best bit complexity for this problem was \sOB(d^{10}+d^9\tau) (where \sO refers to the complexity where polylogarithmic factors are omitted and OBO_B refers to the bit complexity)

    Separating linear forms and Rational Univariate Representations of bivariate systems

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    International audienceWe address the problem of solving systems of bivariate polynomials with integer coefficients. We first present an algorithm for computing a separating linear form of such systems, that is a linear combination of the variables that takes different values when evaluated at distinct (complex) solutions of the system. In other words, a separating linear form defines a shear of the coordinate system that sends the algebraic system in generic position, in the sense that no two distinct solutions are vertically aligned. The computation of such linear forms is at the core of most algorithms that solve algebraic systems by computing rational parameterizations of the solutions and, moreover, the computation of a separating linear form is the bottleneck of these algorithms, in terms of worst-case bit complexity. Given two bivariate polynomials of total degree at most dd with integer coefficients of bitsize at most~τ\tau, our algorithm computes a separating linear form {of bitsize O(logd)O(\log d)} in \comp\ bit operations in the worst case, which decreases by a factor d2d^2 the best known complexity for this problem (where \sO refers to the complexity where polylogarithmic factors are omitted and OBO_B refers to the bit complexity). We then present simple polynomial formulas for the Rational Univariate Representations (RURs) of such systems. {This yields that, given a separating linear form of bitsize O(logd)O(\log d), the corresponding RUR can be computed in worst-case bit complexity \sOB(d^7+d^6\tau) and that its coefficients have bitsize \sO(d^2+d\tau).} We show in addition that isolating boxes of the solutions of the system can be computed from the RUR with \sOB(d^{8}+d^7\tau) bit operations in the worst case. Finally, we show how a RUR can be used to evaluate the sign of a bivariate polynomial (of degree at most dd and bitsize at most τ\tau) at one real solution of the system in \sOB(d^{8}+d^7\tau) bit operations and at all the Θ(d2)\Theta(d^2) real solutions in only O(d)O(d) times that for one solution

    On the Complexity of Solving Zero-Dimensional Polynomial Systems via Projection

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    Given a zero-dimensional polynomial system consisting of n integer polynomials in n variables, we propose a certified and complete method to compute all complex solutions of the system as well as a corresponding separating linear form l with coefficients of small bit size. For computing l, we need to project the solutions into one dimension along O(n) distinct directions but no further algebraic manipulations. The solutions are then directly reconstructed from the considered projections. The first step is deterministic, whereas the second step uses randomization, thus being Las-Vegas. The theoretical analysis of our approach shows that the overall cost for the two problems considered above is dominated by the cost of carrying out the projections. We also give bounds on the bit complexity of our algorithms that are exclusively stated in terms of the number of variables, the total degree and the bitsize of the input polynomials

    On the complexity of computing with zero-dimensional triangular sets

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    We study the complexity of some fundamental operations for triangular sets in dimension zero. Using Las-Vegas algorithms, we prove that one can perform such operations as change of order, equiprojectable decomposition, or quasi-inverse computation with a cost that is essentially that of modular composition. Over an abstract field, this leads to a subquadratic cost (with respect to the degree of the underlying algebraic set). Over a finite field, in a boolean RAM model, we obtain a quasi-linear running time using Kedlaya and Umans' algorithm for modular composition. Conversely, we also show how to reduce the problem of modular composition to change of order for triangular sets, so that all these problems are essentially equivalent. Our algorithms are implemented in Maple; we present some experimental results

    Symbolic-Numeric Tools for Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables

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    Analytic combinatorics studies the asymptotic behaviour of sequences through the analytic properties of their generating functions. This article provides effective algorithms required for the study of analytic combinatorics in several variables, together with their complexity analyses. Given a multivariate rational function we show how to compute its smooth isolated critical points, with respect to a polynomial map encoding asymptotic behaviour, in complexity singly exponential in the degree of its denominator. We introduce a numerical Kronecker representation for solutions of polynomial systems with rational coefficients and show that it can be used to decide several properties (0 coordinate, equal coordinates, sign conditions for real solutions, and vanishing of a polynomial) in good bit complexity. Among the critical points, those that are minimal---a property governed by inequalities on the moduli of the coordinates---typically determine the dominant asymptotics of the diagonal coefficient sequence. When the Taylor expansion at the origin has all non-negative coefficients (known as the `combinatorial case') and under regularity conditions, we utilize this Kronecker representation to determine probabilistically the minimal critical points in complexity singly exponential in the degree of the denominator, with good control over the exponent in the bit complexity estimate. Generically in the combinatorial case, this allows one to automatically and rigorously determine asymptotics for the diagonal coefficient sequence. Examples obtained with a preliminary implementation show the wide applicability of this approach.Comment: As accepted to proceedings of ISSAC 201

    Semidefinite representation of convex hulls of rational varieties

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    Using elementary duality properties of positive semidefinite moment matrices and polynomial sum-of-squares decompositions, we prove that the convex hull of rationally parameterized algebraic varieties is semidefinite representable (that is, it can be represented as a projection of an affine section of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices) in the case of (a) curves; (b) hypersurfaces parameterized by quadratics; and (c) hypersurfaces parameterized by bivariate quartics; all in an ambient space of arbitrary dimension

    Root Isolation of Zero-dimensional Polynomial Systems with Linear Univariate Representation

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    In this paper, a linear univariate representation for the roots of a zero-dimensional polynomial equation system is presented, where the roots of the equation system are represented as linear combinations of roots of several univariate polynomial equations. The main advantage of this representation is that the precision of the roots can be easily controlled. In fact, based on the linear univariate representation, we can give the exact precisions needed for roots of the univariate equations in order to obtain the roots of the equation system to a given precision. As a consequence, a root isolation algorithm for a zero-dimensional polynomial equation system can be easily derived from its linear univariate representation.Comment: 19 pages,2 figures; MM-Preprint of KLMM, Vol. 29, 92-111, Aug. 201