69 research outputs found

    Reducing bias in auditory duration reproduction by integrating the reproduced signal

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    Duration estimation is known to be far from veridical and to differ for sensory estimates and motor reproduction. To investigate how these differential estimates are integrated for estimating or reproducing a duration and to examine sensorimotor biases in duration comparison and reproduction tasks, we compared estimation biases and variances among three different duration estimation tasks: perceptual comparison, motor reproduction, and auditory reproduction (i.e. a combined perceptual-motor task). We found consistent overestimation in both motor and perceptual-motor auditory reproduction tasks, and the least overestimation in the comparison task. More interestingly, compared to pure motor reproduction, the overestimation bias was reduced in the auditory reproduction task, due to the additional reproduced auditory signal. We further manipulated the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the feedback/comparison tones to examine the changes in estimation biases and variances. Considering perceptual and motor biases as two independent components, we applied the reliability-based model, which successfully predicted the biases in auditory reproduction. Our findings thus provide behavioral evidence of how the brain combines motor and perceptual information together to reduce duration estimation biases and improve estimation reliability

    Interaction of numerosity and time in prefrontal and parietal cortex

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    It has been proposed that numerical and temporal information are processed by partially overlapping magnitude systems. Interactions across different magnitude domains could occur both at the level of perception and decision-making. However, their neural correlates have been elusive. Here, using functional magnetic resonance imaging in humans, we show that the right intraparietal cortex (IPC) and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) are jointly activated by duration and numerosity discrimination tasks, with a congruency effect in the right IFG. To determine whether the IPC and the IFG are involved in response conflict (or facilitation) or modulation of subjective passage of time by numerical information, we examined their functional roles using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and two different numerosity-time interaction tasks: duration discrimination and time reproduction tasks. Our results show that TMS of the right IFG impairs categorical duration discrimination, whereas that of the right IPC modulates the degree of influence of numerosity on time perception and impairs precise time estimation. These results indicate that the right IFG is specifically involved at the categorical decision stage, whereas bleeding of numerosity information on perception of time occurs within the IPC. Together, our findings suggest a two-stage model of numerosity-time interactions whereby the interaction at the perceptual level occurs within the parietal region and the interaction at categorical decisions takes place in the prefrontal cortex

    The Role of Superior Temporal Cortex in Auditory Timing

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    Recently, there has been upsurge of interest in the neural mechanisms of time perception. A central question is whether the representation of time is distributed over brain regions as a function of stimulus modality, task and length of the duration used or whether it is centralized in a single specific and supramodal network. The answers seem to be converging on the former, and many areas not primarily considered as temporal processing areas remain to be investigated in the temporal domain. Here we asked whether the superior temporal gyrus, an auditory modality specific area, is involved in processing of auditory timing. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied over left and right superior temporal gyri while participants performed either a temporal or a frequency discrimination task of single tones. A significant decrease in performance accuracy was observed after stimulation of the right superior temporal gyrus, in addition to an increase in response uncertainty as measured by the Just Noticeable Difference. The results are specific to auditory temporal processing and performance on the frequency task was not affected. Our results further support the idea of distributed temporal processing and speak in favor of the existence of modality specific temporal regions in the human brain

    The Timing of Reward-Seeking Action Tracks Visually-Cued Theta Oscillations in Primary Visual Cortex

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    An emerging body of work challenges the view that primary visual cortex (V1) represents the visual world faithfully. Theta oscillations in the local field potential (LFP) of V1 have been found to convey temporal expectations and, specifically, to express the delay between a visual stimulus and the reward that it portends. We extend this work by showing how these oscillatory states in male, wild-type rats can even relate to the timing of a visually cued reward-seeking behavior. In particular, we show that, with training, high precision and accuracy in behavioral timing tracks the power of these oscillations and the time of action execution covaries with their duration. These LFP oscillations are also intimately related to spiking responses at the single-unit level, which themselves carry predictive timing information. Together, these observations extend our understanding of the role of cortical oscillations in timing generally and the role of V1 in the timing of visually cued behaviors specifically.Fil: Levy, Joshua M.. University Johns Hopkins; Estados UnidosFil: Zold, Camila Lidia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay; ArgentinaFil: Namboodiri, Vijay Mohan K.. University of North Carolina; Estados UnidosFil: Hussain Shuler, Marshall G. University Johns Hopkins; Estados Unido

    Temporal Cognition: A Key Ingredient of Intelligent Systems

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    Experiencing the flow of time is an important capacity of biological systems that is involved in many ways in the daily activities of humans and animals. However, in the field of robotics, the key role of time in cognition is not adequately considered in contemporary research, with artificial agents focusing mainly on the spatial extent of sensory information, almost always neglecting its temporal dimension. This fact significantly obstructs the development of high-level robotic cognitive skills, as well as the autonomous and seamless operation of artificial agents in human environments. Taking inspiration from biological cognition, the present work puts forward time perception as a vital capacity of artificial intelligent systems and contemplates the research path for incorporating temporal cognition in the repertoire of robotic skills

    Effect before cause: supramodal recalibration of sensorimotor timing.

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    YesBackground: Our motor actions normally generate sensory events, but how do we know which events were self generated and which have external causes? Here we use temporal adaptation to investigate the processing stage and generality of our sensorimotor timing estimates. Methodology/Principal Findings: Adaptation to artificially-induced delays between action and event can produce a startling percept¿upon removal of the delay it feels as if the sensory event precedes its causative action. This temporal recalibration of action and event occurs in a quantitatively similar manner across the sensory modalities. Critically, it is robust to the replacement of one sense during the adaptation phase with another sense during the test judgment. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings suggest a high-level, supramodal recalibration mechanism. The effects are well described by a simple model which attempts to preserve the expected synchrony between action and event, but only when causality indicates it is reasonable to do so. We further demonstrate that this model successfully characterises related adaptation data from outside the sensorimotor domain

    Auditory stimulus timing influences perceived duration of co-occurring visual stimuli

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    There is increasing interest in multisensory influences upon sensory-specific judgments, such as when auditory stimuli affect visual perception. Here we studied whether the duration of an auditory event can objectively affect the perceived duration of a co-occurring visual event. On each trial, participants were presented with a pair of successive flashes and had to judge whether the first or second was longer. Two beeps were presented with the flashes. The order of short and long stimuli could be the same across audition and vision (audio–visual congruent) or reversed, so that the longer flash was accompanied by the shorter beep and vice versa (audio–visual incongruent); or the two beeps could have the same duration as each other. Beeps and flashes could onset synchronously or asynchronously. In a further control experiment, the beep durations were much longer (tripled) than the flashes. Results showed that visual duration discrimination sensitivity (d′) was significantly higher for congruent (and significantly lower for incongruent) audio–visual synchronous combinations, relative to the visual-only presentation. This effect was abolished when auditory and visual stimuli were presented asynchronously, or when sound durations tripled those of flashes. We conclude that the temporal properties of co-occurring auditory stimuli influence the perceived duration of visual stimuli and that this can reflect genuine changes in visual sensitivity rather than mere response bias

    Timing of visual stimuli in V1 and V5/MT: fMRI and TMS

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    Time perception is used in our day-to-day activities. While we understand quite well how our brain processes vision, touch or taste, brain mechanisms subserving time perception remain largely understudied. In this study, we extended an experiment of previous master thesis run by Tatiana Kenel-Pierre. We focused on time perception in the range of milliseconds. Previous studies have demonstrated the involvement of visual areas V1 and V5/MT in the encoding of temporal information of visual stimuli. Based on these previous findings the aim of the present study was to understand if temporal information was encoded in V1 and extrastriate area V5/MT in different spatial frames i.e., head- centered versus eye-centered. To this purpose we asked eleven healthy volunteers to perform a temporal discrimination task of visual stimuli. Stimuli were presented at 4 different spatial positions (i.e., different combinations of retinotopic and spatiotopic position). While participants were engaged in this task we interfered with the activity of the right dorsal V1 and the right V5/MT with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Our preliminary results showed that TMS over both V1 and V5/MT impaired temporal discrimination of visual stimuli presented at specific spatial coordinates. But whereas TMS over V1 impaired temporal discrimination of stimuli presented in the lower left quadrant, TMS over V5/MT affected temporal discrimination of stimuli presented at the top left quadrant. Although it is always difficult to draw conclusions from preliminary results, we could tentatively say that our data seem to suggest that both V1 and V5/MT encode visual temporal information in specific spatial frames