27,518 research outputs found

    Measuring the Implications of Sales and Consumer Inventory Behavior

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    Temporary price reductions (sales) are common for many goods and naturally result in large increases in the quantity sold. Demand estimation based on temporary price reductions may mis-measure the long run responsiveness to prices. In this paper we quantify the extent of the problem and assess its economic implications. We structurally estimate a dynamic model of consumer choice using two years of scanner data on the purchasing behavior of a panel of households. The results suggest that static demand estimates, which neglect dynamics: (i) overestimate own price elasticities by 30 percent; (ii) underestimate cross-price elasticities to other products by up to a factor of 5; and (iii) overestimate the substitution to the no purchase, or outside option, by over 200 percent.

    Basics of inventory management (Part 6: The (R,s,S)-model)

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    Inventory Models;management science

    Recent developments in empirical IO: dynamic demand and dynamic games

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    Empirically studying dynamic competition in oligopoly markets requires dealing with large states spaces and tackling difficult computational problems, while handling heterogeneity and multiple equilibria. In this paper, we discuss some of the ways recent work in Industrial Organization has dealt with these challenges. We illustrate problems and proposed solutions using as examples recent work on dynamic demand for differentiated products and on dynamic games of oligopoly competition. Our discussion of dynamic demand focuses on models for storable and durable goods and surveys how researchers have used the "inclusive value" to deal with dimensionality problems and reduce the computational burden. We clarify the assumptions needed for this approach to work, the implications for the treatment of heterogeneity and the different ways it has been used. In our discussion of the econometrics of dynamics games of oligopoly competition, we deal with challenges related to estimation and counterfactual experiments in models with multiple equilibria. We also examine methods for the estimation of models with persistent unobserved heterogeneity in product characteristics, firms’ costs, or local market profitability. Finally, we discuss different approaches to deal with large state spaces in dynamic games.Industrial Organization; Oligopoly competition; Dynamic demand; Dynamic games; Estimation; Counterfactual experiments; Multiple equilibria; Inclusive values; Unobserved heterogeneity.

    Recent Developments in Empirical IO: Dynamic Demand and Dynamic Games

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    Empirically studying dynamic competition in oligopoly markets requires dealing with large states spaces and tackling difficult computational problems, while handling heterogeneity and multiple equilibria. In this paper, we discuss some of the ways recent work in Industrial Organization has dealt with these challenges. We illustrate problems and proposed solutions using as examples recent work on dynamic demand for differentiated products and on dynamic games of oligopoly competition. Our discussion of dynamic demand focuses on models for storable and durable goods and surveys how researchers have used the \Industrial Organization; Oligopoly competition; Dynamic demand; Dynamic games; Estimation; Counterfactual experiments; Multiple equilibria; Inclusive values; Unobserved heterogeneity.

    Quantitative analysis of multi-periodic supply chain contracts with options via stochastic programming

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    We propose a stochastic programming approach for quantitative analysis of supply contracts, involving flexibility, between a buyer and a supplier, in a supply chain framework. Specifically, we consider the case of multi-periodic contracts in the face of correlated demands. To design such contracts, one has to estimate the savings or costs induced for both parties, as well as the optimal orders and commitments. We show how to model the stochastic process of the demand and the decision problem for both parties using the algebraic modeling language AMPL. The resulting linear programs are solved with a commercial linear programming solver; we compute the economic performance of these contracts, giving evidence that this methodology allows to gain insight into realistic problems.stochastic programming; supply contract; linear programming; modeling software; decision tree

    The Value of RFID Technology Enabled Information to Manage Perishables

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    We address the value of RFID technology enabled information to manage perishables in the context of a supplier that sells a random lifetime product subject to stochastic demand and lost sales. The product's lifetime is largely determined by the time and temperature history in the supply chain. We compare two information cases to a Base case in which the product's time and temperature history is unknown and therefore its shelf life is uncertain. In the first information case, the time and temperature history is known and therefore the remaining shelf life is also known at the time of receipt. The second information case builds on the first case such that the supplier now has visibility up the supply chain to know the remaining shelf life of inventory available for replenishment. We formulate these three different cases as Markov decision processes, introduce well performing heuristics of more practical relevance, and evaluate the value of information through an extensive simulation using representative, real world supply chain parameters.simulation;value of information;RFID;perishable inventory