408 research outputs found

    Adjustable reach in a network centrality based on current flows

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    Centrality, which quantifies the "importance" of individual nodes, is among the most essential concepts in modern network theory. Most prominent centrality measures can be expressed as an aggregation of influence flows between pairs of nodes. As there are many ways in which influence can be defined, many different centrality measures are in use. Parametrized centralities allow further flexibility and utility by tuning the centrality calculation to the regime most appropriate for a given network. Here, we identify two categories of centrality parameters. Reach parameters control the attenuation of influence flows between distant nodes. Grasp parameters control the centrality's potential to send influence flows along multiple, often nongeodesic paths. Combining these categories with Borgatti's centrality types [S. P. Borgatti, Social Networks 27, 55-71 (2005)], we arrive at a novel classification system for parametrized centralities. Using this classification, we identify the notable absence of any centrality measures that are radial, reach parametrized, and based on acyclic, conservative flows of influence. We therefore introduce the ground-current centrality, which is a measure of precisely this type. Because of its unique position in the taxonomy, the ground-current centrality has significant advantages over similar centralities. We demonstrate that, compared to other conserved-flow centralities, it has a simpler mathematical description. Compared to other reach centralities, it robustly preserves an intuitive rank ordering across a wide range of network architectures. We also show that it produces a consistent distribution of centrality values among the nodes, neither trivially equally spread (delocalization), nor overly focused on a few nodes (localization). Other reach centralities exhibit both of these behaviors on regular networks and hub networks, respectively

    Absorbing Random Walks Interpolating Between Centrality Measures on Complex Networks

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    Centrality, which quantifies the "importance" of individual nodes, is among the most essential concepts in modern network theory. As there are many ways in which a node can be important, many different centrality measures are in use. Here, we concentrate on versions of the common betweenness and it closeness centralities. The former measures the fraction of paths between pairs of nodes that go through a given node, while the latter measures an average inverse distance between a particular node and all other nodes. Both centralities only consider shortest paths (i.e., geodesics) between pairs of nodes. Here we develop a method, based on absorbing Markov chains, that enables us to continuously interpolate both of these centrality measures away from the geodesic limit and toward a limit where no restriction is placed on the length of the paths the walkers can explore. At this second limit, the interpolated betweenness and closeness centralities reduce, respectively, to the well-known it current betweenness and resistance closeness (information) centralities. The method is tested numerically on four real networks, revealing complex changes in node centrality rankings with respect to the value of the interpolation parameter. Non-monotonic betweenness behaviors are found to characterize nodes that lie close to inter-community boundaries in the studied networks

    On the limiting behavior of parameter-dependent network centrality measures

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    We consider a broad class of walk-based, parameterized node centrality measures for network analysis. These measures are expressed in terms of functions of the adjacency matrix and generalize various well-known centrality indices, including Katz and subgraph centrality. We show that the parameter can be "tuned" to interpolate between degree and eigenvector centrality, which appear as limiting cases. Our analysis helps explain certain correlations often observed between the rankings obtained using different centrality measures, and provides some guidance for the tuning of parameters. We also highlight the roles played by the spectral gap of the adjacency matrix and by the number of triangles in the network. Our analysis covers both undirected and directed networks, including weighted ones. A brief discussion of PageRank is also given.Comment: First 22 pages are the paper, pages 22-38 are the supplementary material

    Network analysis with the aid of the path length matrix

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    Let a network be represented by a simple graph G with n vertices. A common approach to investigate properties of a network is to use the adjacency matrix A=[aij]i,j=1n∈Rn×n associated with the graph G , where aij> 0 if there is an edge pointing from vertex vi to vertex vj , and aij= 0 otherwise. Both A and its positive integer powers reveal important properties of the graph. This paper proposes to study properties of a graph G by also using the path length matrix for the graph. The (ij) th entry of the path length matrix is the length of the shortest path from vertex vi to vertex vj ; if there is no path between these vertices, then the value of the entry is ∞ . Powers of the path length matrix are formed by using min-plus matrix multiplication and are important for exhibiting properties of G . We show how several known measures of communication such as closeness centrality, harmonic centrality, and eccentricity are related to the path length matrix, and we introduce new measures of communication, such as the harmonic K-centrality and global K-efficiency, where only (short) paths made up of at most K edges are taken into account. The sensitivity of the global K-efficiency to changes of the entries of the adjacency matrix also is considered

    Directed Mammalian Gene Regulatory Networks Using Expression and Comparative Genomic Hybridization Microarray Data from Radiation Hybrids

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    Meiotic mapping of quantitative trait loci regulating expression (eQTLs) has allowed the construction of gene networks. However, the limited mapping resolution of these studies has meant that genotype data are largely ignored, leading to undirected networks that fail to capture regulatory hierarchies. Here we use high resolution mapping of copy number eQTLs (ceQTLs) in a mouse-hamster radiation hybrid (RH) panel to construct directed genetic networks in the mammalian cell. The RH network covering 20,145 mouse genes had significant overlap with, and similar topological structures to, existing biological networks. Upregulated edges in the RH network had significantly more overlap than downregulated. This suggests repressive relationships between genes are missed by existing approaches, perhaps because the corresponding proteins are not present in the cell at the same time and therefore unlikely to interact. Gene essentiality was positively correlated with connectivity and betweenness centrality in the RH network, strengthening the centrality-lethality principle in mammals. Consistent with their regulatory role, transcription factors had significantly more outgoing edges (regulating) than incoming (regulated) in the RH network, a feature hidden by conventional undirected networks. Directed RH genetic networks thus showed concordance with pre-existing networks while also yielding information inaccessible to current undirected approaches