17,969 research outputs found

    Intermittency in Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Vortex-like Defects

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    We examine high-order dynamical correlations of defects (vortices, disclinations etc) in thin films starting from the Langevin equation for the defect motion. We demonstrate that dynamical correlation functions F2nF_{2n} of vorticity and disclinicity behave as F2n∌y2/r4nF_{2n}\sim y^2/r^{4n} where rr is the characteristic scale and yy is the fugacity. As a consequence, below the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature F2nF_{2n} are characterized by anomalous scaling exponents. The behavior strongly differs from the normal law F2n∌F2nF_{2n}\sim F_2^n occurring for simultaneous correlation functions, the non-simultaneous correlation functions appear to be much larger. The phenomenon resembles intermittency in turbulence.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Higher twists and αs(MZ)\alpha_s(M_Z) extractions from the NNLO QCD analysis of the CCFR data for xF3xF_3 structure function

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    A detailed next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) QCD analysis is performed for the experimental data of the CCFR collaboration for the xF3xF_3 structure function. Theoretical ambiguities of the results of our NNLO fits are estimated by application of the Pad\'e resummation technique and variation of the factorization and renormalization scales. The NNLO and N3^3LO αs(Q2)\alpha_s(Q^2) MSˉ\bar{MS}-matching conditions are used. In the process of the fits we are taking into account of twist-4 1/Q21/Q^2-terms. We found that the amplitude of the xx-shape of the twist-4 factor is decreasing in NLO and NNLO, though some remaining twist-4 structure seems to retain in NNLO in the case when statistical uncertainties are taken into account. The question of the stability of these results to the application of the [0/2] Pad\'e resummation technique is considered. Our NNLO results for αs(MZ)\alpha_s(M_Z) values, extracted from the CCFR xF3xF_3 data, are αs(MZ)=0.118±0.002(stat)±0.005(syst)±0.003(theory)\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.118 \pm 0.002 (stat) \pm 0.005 (syst)\pm 0.003 (theory) provided the twist-4 contributions are fixed through the infrared renormalon model and αs(MZ)=0.1210.010+0.007(stat)±0.005(syst)±0.003(theory)\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.121^{+0.007}_{0.010}(stat)\pm 0.005 (syst) \pm 0.003 (theory) provided the twist-4 terms are considered as free parameters.Comment: 33 pages LaTeX, 3 ps figures; minor misprints are eliminated, 2 new referencies are added; accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys.

    Next-leading BFKL effects in forward-jet production at HERA

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    We show that next-leading logarithmic (NLL) Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) effects can be tested by the forward-jet cross sections recently measured at HERA. For d\sigma/dx, the NLL corrections are small which confirms the stability of the BFKL description. The triple differential cross section d\sigma/dxdk_T^2dQ^2 is sensitive to NLL effects and opens the way for an experimental test of the full BFKL theoretical framework at NLL accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, NLL-BFKL saddle-point approximation now compared with exact integration, version to appear in PL

    A new large N phase transition in YM2

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    Inspired by the interpretation of two dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a cylinder as a random walk on the gauge group, we point out the existence of a large N transition which is the gauge theory analogue of the cutoff transition in random walks. The transition occurs in the strong coupling region, with the 't Hooft coupling scaling as alpha*log(N), at a critical value of alpha (alpha = 4 on the sphere). The two phases below and above the transition are studied in detail. The effective number of degrees of freedom and the free energy are found to be proportional to N^(2-alpha/2) below the transition and to vanish altogether above it. The expectation value of a Wilson loop is calculated to the leading order and found to coincide in both phases with the strong coupling value.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Little Technicolor

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    Inspired by the AdS/CFT correspondence, we show that any G/H symmetry breaking pattern can be described by a simple two-site moose diagram. This construction trivially reproduces the CCWZ prescription in the context of Hidden Local Symmetry. We interpret this moose in a novel way to show that many little Higgs theories can emerge from ordinary chiral symmetry breaking in scaled-up QCD. We apply this reasoning to the simple group little Higgs to see that the same low energy degrees of freedom can arise from a variety of UV complete theories. We also show how models of holographic composite Higgs bosons can turn into brane-localized little technicolor theories by "integrating in" the IR brane.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures; v2: references added; v3: added section on vacuum alignment to match JHEP versio

    A note on obstinate tachyons in classical dS solutions

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    The stabilisation of the dilaton and volume in tree-level flux compactifications leads to model independent and thus very powerful existence and stability criteria for dS solutions. In this paper we show that the sizes of cycles wrapped by orientifold planes are scalars whose scalings in the potential are not entirely model independent, but enough to entail strong stability constraints. For all known dS solutions arising from massive IIA supergravity flux compactifications on SU(3)-structure manifolds the tachyons are exactly within the subspace spanned by the dilaton, the total volume and the volumes of the orientifold cycles. We illustrate this in detail for the well-studied case of the O6 plane compactification on SU(2)xSU(2)/Z_2xZ_2. For that example we uncover another novel structure in the tachyon spectrum: the dS solutions have a singular, but supersymmetric, Minkowski limit, in which the tachyon exactly aligns with the sgoldstino.Comment: 22 pages; v2: added references, minor change

    Phenomenological Quantum Gravity

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    These notes summarize a set of lectures on phenomenological quantum gravity which one of us delivered and the other attended with great diligence. They cover an assortment of topics on the border between theoretical quantum gravity and observational anomalies. Specifically, we review non-linear relativity in its relation to loop quantum gravity and high energy cosmic rays. Although we follow a pedagogic approach we include an open section on unsolved problems, presented as exercises for the student. We also review varying constant models: the Brans-Dicke theory, the Bekenstein varying α\alpha model, and several more radical ideas. We show how they make contact with strange high-redshift data, and perhaps other cosmological puzzles. We conclude with a few remaining observational puzzles which have failed to make contact with quantum gravity, but who knows... We would like to thank Mario Novello for organizing an excellent school in Mangaratiba, in direct competition with a very fine beach indeed.Comment: Lectures given at XI BSC
