8 research outputs found

    Gender differences in information behavior during the Covid-19 health crisis in Spain

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has produced numerous deaths throughout the planet, although in general it has been deadlier in older people, in people with previous conditions and in males. The biomedical literature explains the difference in terms of mortality between men and women pointing to genetics and social and cultural reasons. The aim of this work is to explore information behavior, among the other sociocultural variables possibly influencing health outcomes in men and women. For this, we analyze the results of a survey with 95 people administered in Madrid the last week of strict lockdown for Covid-19 (April 2020). Questions were asked about the reasons for using traditional mass media and social media, the use of official and institutional information, the characteristics of the information that was considered useful, and different dimensions of information behavior during lockdown. Results show that the differences between men and women affect certain dimensions of information behavior and especially the information characteristics that are considered useful. Slight differences were also perceived between the two sexes regarding social media, that men appeared to use more for entertainment than communication.The Covid-19 pandemic has produced numerous deaths throughout the planet, although in general it has been deadlier in older people, in people with previous conditions and in males. The biomedical literature explains the difference in terms of mortality between men and women pointing to genetics and social and cultural reasons. The aim of this work is to explore information behavior, among the other sociocultural variables possibly influencing health outcomes in men and women. For this, we analyze the results of a survey with 95 people administered in Madrid the last week of strict lockdown for Covid-19 (April 2020). Questions were asked about the reasons for using traditional mass media and social media, the use of official and institutional information, the characteristics of the information that was considered useful, and different dimensions of information behavior during lockdown. Results show that the differences between men and women affect certain dimensions of information behavior and especially the information characteristics that are considered useful. Slight differences were also perceived between the two sexes regarding social media, that men appeared to use more for entertainment than communication

    Exploring leadership in Facebook communities: personality traits and activities

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    Leaders of online communities are today becoming key players in social media sites like Facebook. Responsible for the community\u27s participation rules, limits and members’ identities, these leaders represent an important population on which to focus. This paper compares 94 Facebook community leaders to 94 other Internet users (N=188) in order to identify differences among them with respect to five major personality traits ( the BIG 5 ) as well as their online and offline activities. The results of the online surveys show that Facebook community leaders are more extroverted, open to experience, emotionally stable and active online and offline than are other Internet users. Examining the community categories, the leaders who manage Facebook support communities were found to be more introverted and less active online than leaders of other community types. The results are discussed in the context of the unique role of online leadership in the social media environment

    Situational information behaviour : exploring the complexity of refugee integration

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    This paper discusses how the knowledge gained from information studies creates the possibility of dealing with the challenges of refugee integration. We demonstrate that a situation-focused approach creates a systemic understanding of information needs that is useful not only for the individual but also for the design of institutional responses to forced migration. We analysed findings from our research into refugee integration using the sense-making situation-gap approach and found micro-and macro-situations affecting information behaviour and use. The combined analysis of individual and contextual factors highlighted the characteristics of situations for actors, actions, interactions and events of context. We show that overarching situations faced by refugees determine individual information gap moments, and we discuss situational information behaviour in light of these findings. The findings show how situational approach expands understanding in information studies and emphasises the depth information behaviour adds to the social and behavioural sciences

    Comportamento informacional de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica em grupos de saúde no facebook

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    Orientadora: Prof.ª Dra. Helena de Fátima Nunes SilvaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Informação. Defesa : Curitiba, 28/03/2023Inclui referências: p. 103-113Resumo: Este estudo analisa o comportamento informacional de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica que participam de grupos no Facebook, tendo em vista as principais necessidades informacionais desses pacientes. O contexto informacional no qual estão envolvidos é analisado, bem como suas necessidades de informação, comportamento de busca, uso e compartilhamento das informações. O referencial teórico contempla a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura a respeito do comportamento informacional de pacientes em grupos virtuais de saúde, bem como apresenta os principais autores com os conceitos do Comportamento informacional. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como Netnográfica, que contempla a observação participante com a imersão em comunidades virtuais (Grupos no Facebook). A coleta de dados decorre da pesquisa de revisão bibliográfica, revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL) e dados de arquivos com coletas de postagens de Grupos no Facebook. A análise dos dados é pautada na observação e realização de notas de campo. São coletados e analisados dados de três grupos no Facebook do período temporal de 2021 e 2022. Como resultados, são apontadas as necessidades de informações para sanar dúvidas, a busca de informações sobre políticas públicas, divulgações de fontes de informações e uso da informação, troca de informações sobre experiências e tomada de decisão, referente aos pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica. Observe-se que os pacientes renais trocam informações entre eles em assuntos relacionados à doença e tratamento. Estes resultados são relevantes para aprimorar as pautas e assuntos que são direcionados nos grupos, também, nos atendimentos dos profissionais de saúde.Abstract: This study analyzes the informational behavior of patients with chronic kidney disease who participate in Facebook groups, considering their main informational needs. The informational context in which they are involved is examined, as well as their information needs, search behavior, use, and sharing of information. The theoretical framework includes a Systematic Literature Review on the informational behavior of patients in virtual health groups, as well as presenting the main authors with their concepts about informational behavior. The research is characterized as Netnographic, which includes participant observation with immersion in virtual communities (Facebook Groups). Data collection is based on a literature review and the analysis of archived Facebook Group posts. Data from three Facebook groups from the time period of 2021 to 2022 are collected and analyzed. The results indicate information needs to clarify doubts, the search for information on public policies, information source disclosures, and information use for knowledge generation, information exchange on experiences, and decision-making. It is observed that renal patients exchange information among themselves on topics related to the disease and treatment. These results are relevant for improving the topics and subjects directed in the groups, as well as for demonstrating to healthcare professionals the issues raised that deserve more attention, especially given the number of people interested in acquiring more knowledge about the disease and alternative treatment methods

    Sense making in complex health situations

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