14 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Shapley-Shubik Power Index Without the Efficiency Axiom

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    We show that the Shapley-Shubik power index on the domain of simple (voting) games can be uniquely characterized without the e¢ ciency axiom. In our axiomatization, the efficiency is replaced by the following weaker require- ment that we term the gain-loss axiom: any gain in power by a player implies a loss for someone else (the axiom does not specify the extent of the loss). The rest of our axioms are standard: transfer (which is the version of additivity adapted for simple games), symmetry or equal treatment, and dummySimple Games, Shapley-Shubik Power Index, Effciency Axiom

    Semivalues: power,potential and multilinear extensions

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    The notions of power and potential, both defined for any semivalue, give rise to two endomorphisms of the vector space of all cooperative games on a given player set. Several properties of these linear mappings are stated and their action on unanimity games is emphasized. We also relate in both cases the multilinear extension of the image game to the multilinear extension of the original game.Cooperative game; Semivalue; Power; Potential; Multilinear extension


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    We provide an axiomatic foundation of the expected utility preferences over lotteries on roles in simple superadditive games represented by the two main power indices, the Shapley-Shubik index and the Banzhaf index, when they are interpreted as von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions. Our axioms admit meaningful interpretations in the setting proposed by Roth in terms of different attitudes toward risk involving roles in collective decision procedures under the veil of ignorance. In particular, an illuminating interpretation of ''efficiency'', up to now missing in this set up, as well as of the corresponding axiom for the Banzhaf index, is provided.Power indices, voting power, collective decision-making, lotteries


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    This paper focuses on the probabilistic point of view and proposes a extremely simple probabilistic model that provides a single and simple story to account for several extensions of the Shapley value, as weighted Shapley values, semivalues, and weak (weighted or not) semivalues, and the Shapley value itself. Moreover, some of the most interesting conditions or notions that have been introduced in the search of alternatives to Shapley's seminal characterization, as 'balanced contributions' and the 'potential', are reinterpreted from this same point of view. In this new light these notions and some results lose their 'mystery' and acquire a clear and simple meaning. These illuminating reinterpretations strongly vindicate the complementariness of the probabilistic and the axiomatic approaches, and shed serious doubts about the achievements of the axiomatic approach since Nash's and Shapley's seminal papers in connection with the genuine notion of value.Coalition games, value, potential


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    Power indices are meant to assess the power that a voting rule confers a priori to each of the decision makers who use it. In order to test and compare them, some authors have proposed "natural" postulates that a measure of a priori voting power "should" satisfy, the violations of which are called "voting power paradoxes". In this paper two general measures of factual success and decisiveness based on the voting rule and the voters' behavior, and some of these postulates/paradoxes test each other. As a result serious doubts on the discriminating power of most voting power postulates are cast.Voting power, decisiveness, success, voting rules, voting behavior, postulates, paradoxes.


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    We provide a new axiomatization of the Shapley-Shubik and the Banzhaf power indices in thedomain of simple superadditive games by means of transparent axioms. Only anonymity isshared with the former characterizations in the literature. The rest of the axioms are substitutedby more transparent ones in terms of power in collective decision-making procedures. Inparticular, a clear restatement and a compelling alternative for the transfer axiom are proposed.Only one axiom differentiates the characterization of either index, and these differentiatingaxioms provide a new point of comparison. In a first step both indices are characterized up to azero and a unit of scale. Then both indices are singled out by simple normalizing axioms.Power indices, voting power, collective decision-making, simple games

    Semivalues: weighting coefficients and allocations on unanimity games

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Optimization letters. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11590-017-1224-8.Each semivalue, as a solution concept defined on cooperative games with a finite set of players, is univocally determined by weighting coefficients that apply to players’ marginal contributions. Taking into account that a semivalue induces semivalues on lower cardinalities, we prove that its weighting coefficients can be reconstructed from the last weighting coefficients of its induced semivalues. Moreover, we provide the conditions of a sequence of numbers in order to be the family of the last coefficients of any induced semivalues. As a consequence of this fact, we give two characterizations of each semivalue defined on cooperative games with a finite set of players: one, among all semivalues; another, among all solution concepts on cooperative games.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Semivalues: power, potential and multilinear extensions

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    The notions of power and potential, both defined for any semivalue, give rise to two endomorphisms of the vector space of all cooperative games on a given player set. Several properties of these linear mappings are stated and their action on unanimity games is emphasized. We also relate in both cases the multilinear extension of the image game to the multilinear extension of the original game

    On the Complexity of the Inverse Semivalue Problem for Weighted Voting Games

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    Weighted voting games are a family of cooperative games, typically used to model voting situations where a number of agents (players) vote against or for a proposal. In such games, a proposal is accepted if an appropriately weighted sum of the votes exceeds a prespecified threshold. As the influence of a player over the voting outcome is not in general proportional to her assigned weight, various power indices have been proposed to measure each player's influence. The inverse power index problem is the problem of designing a weighted voting game that achieves a set of target influences according to a predefined power index. In this work, we study the computational complexity of the inverse problem when the power index belongs to the class of semivalues. We prove that the inverse problem is computationally intractable for a broad family of semivalues, including all regular semivalues. As a special case of our general result, we establish computational hardness of the inverse problem for the Banzhaf indices and the Shapley values, arguably the most popular power indices.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201


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    In this paper we revise the probabilistic foundations of the theory of the measurement of 'voting power' either as success or decisiveness. For an assessment of these features two inputs are claimed to be necessary: the voting procedure and the voters' behavior. We propose a simple model in which the voters' behavior is summarized by a probability distribution over all vote configurations. This basic model, at once simpler and more general that other probabilistic models, provides a clear conceptual common basis to reinterpret coherently from a unified point of view di.erent power indices and some related game theoretic notions, as well as a wider perspective for a dispassionate assessment of the power indices themselves, their merits and their limitations.Voting rules, voting power, decisiveness, success, power indices