19 research outputs found

    Local Pruning for Information Dissemination in Dynamic Networks for Solving the Idempotent Semiring Algebraic Path Problem

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    We present a method, inspired from routing in dynamic data networks, to solve the Semiring Algebraic Path Problem (SAPP) for dynamic graphs. The method can be used in dynamic networks such as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, where the network link states are highly dynamic. The algorithm makes use of broadcasting as primary mechanism to recompute the SAPP solution. The solution suffers from broadcast storm problems, and we propose a selective broadcasting mechanism that reduces the broadcast storm. We call this method local pruning and prove its correctness


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    In this dissertation, we introduce a new topology control problem for rule- based link-state routing in autonomous networks. In this context, topology control is a mechanism to reduce the broadcast storm problem associated with link-state broadcasts. We focus on a class of topology control mechanisms called local-pruning mechanisms. Topology control by local pruning is an interesting multi-agent graph optimization problem, where every agent/router/station has access to only its local neighborhood information. Every agent selects a subset of its incident link-state in- formation for broadcast. This constitutes the pruned link-state information (pruned graph) for routing. The objective for every agent is to select a minimal subset of the local link-state information while guaranteeing that the pruned graph preserves desired paths for routing. In topology control for rule-based link-state routing, the pruned link-state information must preserve desired paths that satisfy the rules of routing. The non- triviality in these problems arises from the fact that the pruning agents have access to only their local link-state information. Consequently, rules of routing must have some property, which allows specifying the global properties of the routes from the local properties of the graph. In this dissertation, we illustrate that rules described as algebraic path problem in idempotent semirings have these necessary properties. The primary contribution of this dissertation is identifying a policy for pruning, which depends only on the local neighborhood, but guarantees that required global routing paths are preserved in the pruned graph. We show that for this local policy to ensure loop-free pruning, it is sufficient to have what is called an inflatory arc composition property. To prove the sufficiency, we prove a version of Bellman's optimality principle that extends to path-sets and minimal elements of partially ordered sets. As a motivating example, we present a stable path topology control mecha- nism, which ensures that the stable paths for routing are preserved after pruning. We show, using other examples, that the generic pruning works for many other rules of routing that are suitably described using idempotent semirings

    Distributed Topology Control for Stable Path Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce the stable path topology control problem for routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). We formulate the problem as a constrained multiagent optimization problem with only local neighborhood information. We develop and prove local pruning strategies that solve this problem. We also introduce the notion of distorted pruning, which offers a systematic method to trade path stability off against the hop count metric. Finally, we quantify the performance of our pruning algorithms using several simulation scenarios

    Distributed Topology Control for Stable Path Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce the stable path topology control problem for routing in mobile multi-hop networks. We formulate the topology control problem of selective link-state broadcast as a graph pruning problem with restricted local neighborhood information. We develop a multi-agent optimiza- tion framework where the decision policies of each agent are restricted to local policies on incident edges and independent of the policies of the other agents. We show that under a condition called the positivity condition, these independent local policies preserve the stable routing paths globally. We then provide an efficient algorithm to compute an optimal local policy that yields a minimal pruned graph, which we call the Stable Path Topology Control (SPTC) algorithm. Using simulations, we demonstrate that this algorithm, when used with the popular ETX metric, outperforms topology control mechanisms commonly used for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Security and Energy Efficiency in Resource-Constrained Wireless Multi-hop Networks

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    In recent decades, there has been a huge improvement and interest from the research community in wireless multi-hop networks. Such networks have widespread applications in civil, commercial and military applications. Paradigms of this type of networks that are critical for many aspects of human lives are mobile ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, which are used for monitoring buildings and large agricultural areas, and vehicular networks with applications in traffic monitoring and regulation. Internet of Things (IoT) is also envisioned as a multi-hop network consisting of small interconnected devices, called ``things", such as smart meters, smart traffic lights, thermostats etc. Wireless multi-hop networks suffer from resource constraints, because all the devices have limited battery, computational power and memory. Battery level of these devices should be preserved in order to ensure reliability and communication across the network. In addition, these devices are not a priori designed to defend against sophisticated adversaries, which may be deployed across the network in order to disrupt network operation. In addition, the distributed nature of this type of networks introduces another limitation to protocol performance in the presence of adversaries. Hence, the inherit nature of this type of networks poses severe limitations on designing and optimizing protocols and network operations. In this dissertation, we focus on proposing novel techniques for designing more resilient protocols to attackers and more energy efficient protocols. In the first part of the dissertation, we investigate the scenario of multiple adversaries deployed across the network, which reduce significantly the network performance. We adopt a component-based and a cross-layer view of network protocols to make protocols secure and resilient to attacks and to utilize our techniques across existing network protocols. We use the notion of trust between network entities to propose lightweight defense mechanisms, which also satisfy performance requirements. Using cryptographic primitives in our network scenario can introduce significant computational overhead. In addition, behavioral aspects of entities are not captured by cryptographic primitives. Hence, trust metrics provide an efficient security metric in these scenarios, which can be utilized to introduce lightweight defense mechanisms applicable to deployed network protocols. In the second part of the dissertation, we focus on energy efficiency considerations in this type of networks. Our motivation for this work is to extend network lifetime, but at the same time maintain critical performance requirements. We propose a distributed sleep management framework for heterogeneous machine-to-machine networks and two novel energy efficient metrics. This framework and the routing metrics are integrated into existing routing protocols for machine-to-machine networks. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach in terms of increasing network lifetime and maintaining packet delivery ratio. Furthermore, we propose a novel multi-metric energy efficient routing protocol for dynamic networks (i.e. mobile ad-hoc networks) and illustrate its performance in terms of network lifetime. Finally, we investigate the energy-aware sensor coverage problem and we propose a novel game theoretic approach to capture the tradeoff between sensor coverage efficiency and energy consumption

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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