6 research outputs found

    Hyper-dependence, hyper-ageing properties and analogies between them: a semigroup-based approach

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    In previous papers, evolution of dependence and ageing, for vectors of non-negative random variables, have been separately considered. Some analogies between the two evolutions emerge however in those studies. In the present paper, we propose a unified approach, based on semigroup arguments, explaining the origin of such analogies and relations among properties of stochastic dependence and ageing

    Evolution of the Dependence of Residual Lifetimes

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    We investigate the dependence properties of a vector of residual lifetimes by means of the copula associated with the conditional distribution function. In particular, the evolution of positive dependence properties (like quadrant dependence and total positivity) are analyzed and expressions for the evolution of measures of association are given

    Threshold copulas and positive dependence

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    Starting with a notion of positive dependence View the MathML source and with the family of the lower threshold copulas Ct associated with a bivariate distribution having copula C, we define different notions of positive dependence for C, reflecting the dependence properties of the copulas Ct for some t. Then, we analyze some structural aspects of lower threshold copulas and of the given definitions. Furthermore we consider several specific cases arising from relevant special choices of View the MathML source (e.g., PQD, LTD, TP2 and PLR). Our analysis, in particular, allows us to present a number of relevant examples and counter-examples, which can be useful in the study of the tail dependence for a bivariate distribution

    Aging functions and multivariate notions of NBU and IFR

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    For d≥2, let X=(X1, …, Xd) be a vector of exchangeable continuous lifetimes with joint survival function F\overline{F}. For such models, we study some properties of multivariate aging of F\overline{F} that are described by means of the multivariate aging function BFB_{\overline{F}}, which is a useful tool for describing the level curves of F\overline{F}. Specifically, the attention is devoted to notions that generalize the univariate concepts of New Better than Used and Increasing Failure Rate. These multivariate notions are satisfied by random vectors whose components are conditionally independent and identically distributed having univariate conditional survival function that is New Better than Used (respectively, Increasing Failure Rate). Furthermore, they also have an interpretation in terms of comparisons among conditional survival functions of residual lifetimes, given a same history of observed survivals

    Interactions between ageing and risk properties in the analysis of burn-in problems

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    Several relevant problems in reliability can be looked at as problems of risk management and of decisions in the face of uncertainty. However, in this frame, the so-called burn-in problem can be seen as a problem of risk taking par excellence. In this paper, we in particular point out some aspects concerning interactions between the probabilistic model for lifetimes and considerations of an economic kind. As one of the features of our work, we hinge on some unexplored connections between ageing properties of a one-dimensional survival function Formula and risk-aversion-type properties of the function u(t) = bG(t), b > 0, when the latter is seen as a utility function