19 research outputs found

    Efficient and Effective Handling of Exceptions in Java Points-To Analysis

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    A joint points-to and exception analysis has been shown to yield benefits in both precision and performance. Treating exceptions as regular objects, however, incurs significant and rather unexpected overhead. We show that in a typical joint analysis most of the objects computed to flow in and out of a method are due to exceptional control-flow and not normal call-return control-flow. For instance, a context-insensitive analysis of the Antlr benchmark from the DaCapo suite computes 4-5 times more objects going in or out of a method due to exceptional control-flow than due to normal control-flow. As a consequence, the analysis spends a large amount of its time considering exceptions. We show that the problem can be addressed both e ectively and elegantly by coarsening the representation of exception objects. An interesting find is that, instead of recording each distinct exception object, we can collapse all exceptions of the same type, and use one representative object per type, to yield nearly identical precision (loss of less than 0.1%) but with a boost in performance of at least 50% for most analyses and benchmarks and large space savings (usually 40% or more)

    Dead code elimination based pointer analysis for multithreaded programs

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    This paper presents a new approach for optimizing multitheaded programs with pointer constructs. The approach has applications in the area of certified code (proof-carrying code) where a justification or a proof for the correctness of each optimization is required. The optimization meant here is that of dead code elimination. Towards optimizing multithreaded programs the paper presents a new operational semantics for parallel constructs like join-fork constructs, parallel loops, and conditionally spawned threads. The paper also presents a novel type system for flow-sensitive pointer analysis of multithreaded programs. This type system is extended to obtain a new type system for live-variables analysis of multithreaded programs. The live-variables type system is extended to build the third novel type system, proposed in this paper, which carries the optimization of dead code elimination. The justification mentioned above takes the form of type derivation in our approach.Comment: 19 page

    Structural Analysis: Shape Information via Points-To Computation

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    This paper introduces a new hybrid memory analysis, Structural Analysis, which combines an expressive shape analysis style abstract domain with efficient and simple points-to style transfer functions. Using data from empirical studies on the runtime heap structures and the programmatic idioms used in modern object-oriented languages we construct a heap analysis with the following characteristics: (1) it can express a rich set of structural, shape, and sharing properties which are not provided by a classic points-to analysis and that are useful for optimization and error detection applications (2) it uses efficient, weakly-updating, set-based transfer functions which enable the analysis to be more robust and scalable than a shape analysis and (3) it can be used as the basis for a scalable interprocedural analysis that produces precise results in practice. The analysis has been implemented for .Net bytecode and using this implementation we evaluate both the runtime cost and the precision of the results on a number of well known benchmarks and real world programs. Our experimental evaluations show that the domain defined in this paper is capable of precisely expressing the majority of the connectivity, shape, and sharing properties that occur in practice and, despite the use of weak updates, the static analysis is able to precisely approximate the ideal results. The analysis is capable of analyzing large real-world programs (over 30K bytecodes) in less than 65 seconds and using less than 130MB of memory. In summary this work presents a new type of memory analysis that advances the state of the art with respect to expressive power, precision, and scalability and represents a new area of study on the relationships between and combination of concepts from shape and points-to analyses

    Modular interpretation of heterogeneous modeling diagrams into synchronous equations using static single assignment

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    The ANR project SPACIFY develops a domain-specific programming environment, Synoptic, to engineer embedded software for space applications. Synoptic is an Eclipse-based modeling environment which supports all aspects of aerospace software design. As such, it is a domain-specific environment consisting of heterogeneous modeling and programming principles defined in collaboration with the industrial partners and end users of the project : imperative synchronous programs, data-flow diagrams, mode automata, blocks, components, scheduling, mapping and timing. This article focuses on the essence and distinctive features of its behavioral or programming aspects : actions, flows and automata, for which we use the code generation infrastructure of the synchronous modeling environment SME. It introduces an efficient method for transforming a hierarchy of blocks consisting of actions (sequential Esterel-like programs), data-flow diagrams (to connect and time modules) and mode automata (to schedule or mode blocks) into a set of synchronous equations. This transformation minimizes the needed state variables and block synchronizations. It consists of an inductive static-single assignment transformation algorithm across a hierarchy of blocks that produces synchronous equations. The impact of this new transformation technique is twofold. With regards to code generation objectives, it minimizes the needed resynchronization of each block in the system with respects to its parents, potentially gaining substantial performance from way less synchronizations. With regards to verification requirements, it minimizes the number of state variables across a hierarchy of automata and hence maximizes model checking performances

    Probabilistic Points-to Analysis for Java

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    Abstract. Probabilistic points-to analysis is an analysis technique for defining the probabilities on the points-to relations in programs. It provides the compiler with some optimization chances such as speculative dead store elimination, speculative redundancy elimination, and speculative code scheduling. Although several static probabilistic points-to analysis techniques have been developed for C language, they cannot be applied directly to Java because they do not handle the classes, objects, inheritances and invocations of virtual methods. In this paper, we propose a context-insensitive and flow-sensitive probabilistic points-to analysis for Java (JPPA) for statically predicting the probability of points-to relations at all program points (i.e., points before or after statements) of a Java program. JPPA first constructs an interprocedural control flow graph (ICFG) for a Java program, whose edges are labeled with the probabilities calculated by an algorithm based on a static branch prediction approach, and then calculates the probabilistic points-to relations of the program based upon the ICFG. We have also developed a tool called Lukewarm to support JPPA and conducted an experiment to compare JPPA with a traditional context-insensitive and flow-sensitive points-to analysis approach. The experimental results show that JPPA is a precise and effective probabilistic points-to analysis technique for Java

    Implementing sparse flow-sensitive Andersen analysis

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    Andersen's analysis is the most influential pointer analysis known so far. This paper, which contains parts of the author's upcoming PhD thesis, for the first time presents a flow-sensitive version of that analysis. We prove that the flow-sensitive version still has the same cubic complexity. Thus, the higher precision comes without loss of asymptotic scalability. This contradicts common wisdom of flow-sensitivity being substantially more expensive. Compared to other flow-sensitive pointer analyses, we have no expensive data-flow problem on the CFG. Instead, we simply propagate pointer targets along data-flow relations which we determine during the analysis. Our analysis in fact combines the computation of the interprocedural SSA data-flow representation and the uncovering of pointer targets. It also integrates the computation of control-flow relations. The analysis thus presents a new, sparse approach for the flow-sensitive solution of the central problems for data-flow based program analyses. This paper also presents two extensions for higher precision. The first extension shows how the analysis can detect strong updates without increasing the complexity. The second extension describes a context-sensitive version which excludes unrealizable paths. Together this yields the first analysis of that precision which only has a complexity of n^4. This is a substantial improvement over the previous n^6 bound found by Landi. Thus, in summary this report describes several theoretical advances in the field of flow-sensitive pointer analysis. It also provides details on the algorithms used for incremental SSA construction and context-sensitive pointer propagation

    Flow-sensitive type-based heap cloning

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    By respecting program control-flow, flow-sensitive pointer analysis promises more precise results than its flow-insensitive counterpart. However, existing heap abstractions for C and C++ flow-sensitive pointer analyses model the heap by creating a single abstract heap object for each memory allocation. Two runtime heap objects which originate from the same allocation site are imprecisely modelled using one abstract object, which makes them share the same imprecise points-to sets and thus reduces the benefit of analysing heap objects flow-sensitively. On the other hand, equipping flow-sensitive analysis with context-sensitivity, whereby an abstract heap object would be created (cloned) per calling context, can yield a more precise heap model, but at the cost of uncontrollable analysis overhead when analysing larger programs. This paper presents TypeClone, a new type-based heap model for flow-sensitive analysis. Our key insight is to differentiate concrete heap objects lazily using type information at use sites within the program control-flow (e.g., when accessed via pointer dereferencing) for programs which conform to the strict aliasing rules set out by the C and C++ standards. The novelty of TypeClone lies in its lazy heap cloning: an untyped abstract heap object created at an allocation site is killed and replaced with a new object (i.e. a clone), uniquely identified by the type information at its use site, for flow-sensitive points-to propagation. Thus, heap cloning can be performed within a flow-sensitive analysis without the need for context-sensitivity. Moreover, TypeClone supports new kinds of strong updates for flow-sensitive analysis where heap objects are filtered out from imprecise points-to relations at object use sites according to the strict aliasing rules. Our method is neither strictly superior nor inferior to context-sensitive heap cloning, but rather, represents a new dimension that achieves a sweet spot between precision and efficiency. We evaluate our analysis by comparing TypeClone with state-of-the-art sparse flow-sensitive points-to analysis using the 12 largest programs in GNU Coreutils. Our experimental results also confirm that TypeClone is more precise than flow-sensitive pointer analysis and is able to, on average, answer over 15% more alias queries with a no-alias result

    Compacting points-to sets through object clustering

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    Inclusion-based set constraint solving is the most popular technique for whole-program points-to analysis whereby an analysis is typically formulated as repeatedly resolving constraints between points-to sets of program variables. The set union operation is central to this process. The number of points-to sets can grow as analyses become more precise and input programs become larger, resulting in more time spent performing unions and more space used storing these points-to sets. Most existing approaches focus on improving scalability of precise points-to analyses from an algorithmic perspective and there has been less research into improving the data structures behind the analyses. Bit-vectors as one of the more popular data structures have been used in several mainstream analysis frameworks to represent points-to sets. To store memory objects in bit-vectors, objects need to mapped to integral identifiers. We observe that this object-to-identifier mapping is critical for a compact points-to set representation and the set union operation. If objects in the same points-to sets (co-pointees) are not given numerically close identifiers, points-to resolution can cost significantly more space and time. Without data on the unpredictable points-to relations which would be discovered by the analysis, an ideal mapping is extremely challenging. In this paper, we present a new approach to inclusion-based analysis by compacting points-to sets through object clustering. Inspired by recent staged analysis where an auxiliary analysis produces results approximating a more precise main analysis, we formulate points-to set compaction as an optimisation problem solved by integer programming using constraints generated from the auxiliary analysis's results in order to produce an effective mapping. We then develop a more approximate mapping, yet much more efficiently, using hierarchical clustering to compact bit-vectors. We also develop an improved representation of bit-vectors (called core bit-vectors) to fully take advantage of the newly produced mapping. Our approach requires no algorithmic change to the points-to analysis. We evaluate our object clustering on flow sensitive points-to analysis using 8 open-source programs (>3.1 million lines of LLVM instructions) and our results show that our approach can successfully improve the analysis with an up to 1.83Ă— speed up and an up to 4.05Ă— reduction in memory usage