1,015 research outputs found

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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    Improving water network management by efficient division into supply clusters

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    El agua es un recurso escaso que, como tal, debe ser gestionado de manera eficiente. Así, uno de los propósitos de dicha gestión debiera ser la reducción de pérdidas de agua y la mejora del funcionamiento del abastecimiento. Para ello, es necesario crear un marco de trabajo basado en un conocimiento profundo de la redes de distribución. En los casos reales, llegar a este conocimiento es una tarea compleja debido a que estos sistemas pueden estar formados por miles de nodos de consumo, interconectados entre sí también por miles de tuberías y sus correspondientes elementos de alimentación. La mayoría de las veces, esas redes no son el producto de un solo proceso de diseño, sino la consecuencia de años de historia que han dado respuesta a demandas de agua continuamente crecientes con el tiempo. La división de la red en lo que denominaremos clusters de abastecimiento, permite la obtención del conocimiento hidráulico adecuado para planificar y operar las tareas de gestión oportunas, que garanticen el abastecimiento al consumidor final. Esta partición divide las redes de distribución en pequeñas sub-redes, que son virtualmente independientes y están alimentadas por un número prefijado de fuentes. Esta tesis propone un marco de trabajo adecuado en el establecimiento de vías eficientes tanto para dividir la red de abastecimiento en sectores, como para desarrollar nuevas actividades de gestión, aprovechando esta estructura dividida. La propuesta de desarrollo de cada una de estas tareas será mediante el uso de métodos kernel y sistemas multi-agente. El spectral clustering y el aprendizaje semi-supervisado se mostrarán como métodos con buen comportamiento en el paradigma de encontrar una red sectorizada que necesite usar el número mínimo de válvulas de corte. No obstante, sus algoritmos se vuelven lentos (a veces infactibles) dividiendo una red de abastecimiento grande.Herrera Fernández, AM. (2011). Improving water network management by efficient division into supply clusters [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11233Palanci

    Deep Image Retrieval: A Survey

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    In recent years a vast amount of visual content has been generated and shared from various fields, such as social media platforms, medical images, and robotics. This abundance of content creation and sharing has introduced new challenges. In particular, searching databases for similar content, i.e.content based image retrieval (CBIR), is a long-established research area, and more efficient and accurate methods are needed for real time retrieval. Artificial intelligence has made progress in CBIR and has significantly facilitated the process of intelligent search. In this survey we organize and review recent CBIR works that are developed based on deep learning algorithms and techniques, including insights and techniques from recent papers. We identify and present the commonly-used benchmarks and evaluation methods used in the field. We collect common challenges and propose promising future directions. More specifically, we focus on image retrieval with deep learning and organize the state of the art methods according to the types of deep network structure, deep features, feature enhancement methods, and network fine-tuning strategies. Our survey considers a wide variety of recent methods, aiming to promote a global view of the field of instance-based CBIR.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Minimising Human Annotation for Scalable Person Re-Identification

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    PhDAmong the diverse tasks performed by an intelligent distributed multi-camera surveillance system, person re-identification (re-id) is one of the most essential. Re-id refers to associating an individual or a group of people across non-overlapping cameras at different times and locations, and forms the foundation of a variety of applications ranging from security and forensic search to quotidian retail and health care. Though attracted rapidly increasing academic interests over the past decade, it still remains a non-trivial and unsolved problem for launching a practical reid system in real-world environments, due to the ambiguous and noisy feature of surveillance data and the potentially dramatic visual appearance changes caused by uncontrolled variations in human poses and divergent viewing conditions across distributed camera views. To mitigate such visual ambiguity and appearance variations, most existing re-id approaches rely on constructing fully supervised machine learning models with extensively labelled training datasets which is unscalable for practical applications in the real-world. Particularly, human annotators must exhaustively search over a vast quantity of offline collected data, manually label cross-view matched images of a large population between every possible camera pair. Nonetheless, having the prohibitively expensive human efforts dissipated, a trained re-id model is often not easily generalisable and transferable, due to the elastic and dynamic operating conditions of a surveillance system. With such motivations, this thesis proposes several scalable re-id approaches with significantly reduced human supervision, readily applied to practical applications. More specifically, this thesis has developed and investigated four new approaches for reducing human labelling effort in real-world re-id as follows: Chapter 3 The first approach is affinity mining from unlabelled data. Different from most existing supervised approaches, this work aims to model the discriminative information for reid without exploiting human annotations, but from the vast amount of unlabelled person image data, thus applicable to both semi-supervised and unsupervised re-id. It is non-trivial since the human annotated identity matching correspondence is often the key to discriminative re-id modelling. In this chapter, an alternative strategy is explored by specifically mining two types of affinity relationships among unlabelled data: (1) inter-view data affinity and (2) intra-view data affinity. In particular, with such affinity information encoded as constraints, a Regularised Kernel Subspace Learning model is developed to explicitly reduce inter-view appearance variations and meanwhile enhance intra-view appearance disparity for more discriminative re-id matching. Consequently, annotation costs can be immensely alleviated and a scalable re-id model is readily to be leveraged to plenty of unlabelled data which is inexpensive to collect. Chapter 4 The second approach is saliency discovery from unlabelled data. This chapter continues to investigate the problem of what can be learned in unlabelled images without identity labels annotated by human. Other than affinity mining as proposed by Chapter 3, a different solution is proposed. That is, to discover localised visual appearance saliency of person appearances. Intuitively, salient and atypical appearances of human are able to uniquely and representatively describe and identify an individual, whilst also often robust to view changes and detection variances. Motivated by this, an unsupervised Generative Topic Saliency model is proposed to jointly perform foreground extraction, saliency detection, as well as discriminative re-id matching. This approach completely avoids the exhaustive annotation effort for model training, and thus better scales to real-world applications. Moreover, its automatically discovered re-id saliency representations are shown to be semantically interpretable, suitable for generating useful visual analysis for deployable user-oriented software tools. Chapter 5 The third approach is incremental learning from actively labelled data. Since learning from unlabelled data alone yields less discriminative matching results, and in some cases there will be limited human labelling resources available for re-id modelling, this chapter thus investigate the problem of how to maximise a model’s discriminative capability with minimised labelling efforts. The challenges are to (1) automatically select the most representative data from a vast number of noisy/ambiguous unlabelled data in order to maximise model discrimination capacity; and (2) incrementally update the model parameters to accelerate machine responses and reduce human waiting time. To that end, this thesis proposes a regression based re-id model, characterised by its very fast and efficient incremental model updates. Furthermore, an effective active data sampling algorithm with three novel joint exploration-exploitation criteria is designed, to make automatic data selection feasible with notably reduced human labelling costs. Such an approach ensures annotations to be spent only on very few data samples which are most critical to model’s generalisation capability, instead of being exhausted by blindly labelling many noisy and redundant training samples. Chapter 6 The last technical area of this thesis is human-in-the-loop learning from relevance feedback. Whilst former chapters mainly investigate techniques to reduce human supervision for model training, this chapter motivates a novel research area to further minimise human efforts spent in the re-id deployment stage. In real-world applications where camera network and potential gallery size increases dramatically, even the state-of-the-art re-id models generate much inferior re-id performances and human involvements at deployment stage is inevitable. To minimise such human efforts and maximise re-id performance, this thesis explores an alternative approach to re-id by formulating a hybrid human-computer learning paradigm with humans in the model matching loop. Specifically, a Human Verification Incremental Learning model is formulated which does not require any pre-labelled training data, therefore scalable to new camera pairs; Moreover, the proposed model learns cumulatively from human feedback to provide an instant improvement to re-id ranking of each probe on-the-fly, thus scalable to large gallery sizes. It has been demonstrated that the proposed re-id model achieves significantly superior re-id results whilst only consumes much less human supervision effort. For facilitating a holistic understanding about this thesis, the main studies are summarised and framed into a graphical abstract as shown in Figur

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computing

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    dissertationImage segmentation is the problem of partitioning an image into disjoint segments that are perceptually or semantically homogeneous. As one of the most fundamental computer vision problems, image segmentation is used as a primary step for high-level vision tasks, such as object recognition and image understanding, and has even wider applications in interdisciplinary areas, such as longitudinal brain image analysis. Hierarchical models have gained popularity as a key component in image segmentation frameworks. By imposing structures, a hierarchical model can efficiently utilize features from larger image regions and make optimal inference for final segmentation feasible. We develop a hierarchical merge tree (HMT) model for image segmentation. Motivated by the application in large-scale segmentation of neuronal structures in electron microscopy (EM) images, our model provides a compact representation of region merging hypotheses and utilizes higher order information for efficient segmentation inference. Taking advantage of supervised learning, our model is free from parameter tuning and outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional EM image data sets without any change. We also extend HMT to the hierarchical merge forest (HMF) model. By identifying region correspondences, HMF utilizes inter-section information to correct intra-section errors and improves 2D EM segmentation accuracy. HMT is a generic segmentation model. We demonstrate this by applying it to natural image segmentation problems. We propose a constrained conditional model formulation with a globally optimal inference algorithm for HMT and an iterative merge tree sampling algorithm that significantly improves its performance. Experimental results show our approach achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for object-independent image segmentation. Finally, we propose a semi-supervised HMT (SSHMT) model to reduce the high demand for labeled data by supervised learning. We introduce a differentiable unsupervised loss term that enforces consistent boundary predictions and develop a Bayesian learning model that combines supervised and unsupervised information. We show that with a very small amount of labeled data, SSHMT consistently performs close to the supervised HMT with full labeled data sets and significantly outperforms HMT trained with the same labeled subsets

    Semi-supervised and unsupervised kernel-based novelty detection with application to remote sensing images

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    The main challenge of new information technologies is to retrieve intelligible information from the large volume of digital data gathered every day. Among the variety of existing data sources, the satellites continuously observing the surface of the Earth are key to the monitoring of our environment. The new generation of satellite sensors are tremendously increasing the possibilities of applications but also increasing the need for efficient processing methodologies in order to extract information relevant to the users' needs in an automatic or semi-automatic way. This is where machine learning comes into play to transform complex data into simplified products such as maps of land-cover changes or classes by learning from data examples annotated by experts. These annotations, also called labels, may actually be difficult or costly to obtain since they are established on the basis of ground surveys. As an example, it is extremely difficult to access a region recently flooded or affected by wildfires. In these situations, the detection of changes has to be done with only annotations from unaffected regions. In a similar way, it is difficult to have information on all the land-cover classes present in an image while being interested in the detection of a single one of interest. These challenging situations are called novelty detection or one-class classification in machine learning. In these situations, the learning phase has to rely only on a very limited set of annotations, but can exploit the large set of unlabeled pixels available in the images. This setting, called semi-supervised learning, allows significantly improving the detection. In this Thesis we address the development of methods for novelty detection and one-class classification with few or no labeled information. The proposed methodologies build upon the kernel methods, which take place within a principled but flexible framework for learning with data showing potentially non-linear feature relations. The thesis is divided into two parts, each one having a different assumption on the data structure and both addressing unsupervised (automatic) and semi-supervised (semi-automatic) learning settings. The first part assumes the data to be formed by arbitrary-shaped and overlapping clusters and studies the use of kernel machines, such as Support Vector Machines or Gaussian Processes. An emphasis is put on the robustness to noise and outliers and on the automatic retrieval of parameters. Experiments on multi-temporal multispectral images for change detection are carried out using only information from unchanged regions or none at all. The second part assumes high-dimensional data to lie on multiple low dimensional structures, called manifolds. We propose a method seeking a sparse and low-rank representation of the data mapped in a non-linear feature space. This representation allows us to build a graph, which is cut into several groups using spectral clustering. For the semi-supervised case where few labels of one class of interest are available, we study several approaches incorporating the graph information. The class labels can either be propagated on the graph, constrain spectral clustering or used to train a one-class classifier regularized by the given graph. Experiments on the unsupervised and oneclass classification of hyperspectral images demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches