9 research outputs found

    On graph equivalences preserved under extensions

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    Let R be an equivalence relation on graphs. By the strengthening of R we mean the relation R' such that graphs G and H are in the relation R' if for every graph F, the union of the graphs G and F is in the relation R with the union of the graphs H and F. We study strengthenings of equivalence relations on graphs. The most important case that we consider concerns equivalence relations defined by graph properties. We obtain results on the strengthening of equivalence relations determined by the properties such as being a k-connected graph, k-colorable, hamiltonian and planar

    A Polynomial Reduction of Forks Into Logic Programs

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    Financiado para publicaciĆ³n en acceso aberto: Universidade da CoruƱa/CISUG[Abstract] In this research note we present additional results for an earlier published paper [1]. There, we studied the problem of projective strong equivalence (PSE) of logic programs, that is, checking whether two logic programs (or propositional formulas) have the same behaviour (under the stable model semantics) regardless of a common context and ignoring the effect of local auxiliary atoms. PSE is related to another problem called strongly persistent forgetting that consists in keeping a programā€™s behaviour after removing its auxiliary atoms, something that is known to be not always possible in Answer Set Programming. In [1], we introduced a new connective ā€˜|ā€™ called fork and proved that, in this extended language, it is always possible to forget auxiliary atoms, but at the price of obtaining a result containing forks. We also proved that forks can be translated back to logic programs introducing new hidden auxiliary atoms, but this translation was exponential in the worst case. In this note we provide a new polynomial translation of arbitrary forks into regular programs that allows us to prove that brave and cautious reasoning with forks has the same complexity as that of ordinary (disjunctive) logic programs and paves the way for an efficient implementation of forks. To this aim, we rely on a pair of new PSE invariance properties.We wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions that have helped to improve the paper. This work was partially supported by MICINN, Spain, grant PID2020-116201GB-I00, Xunta de Galicia, Spain, grant GPC ED431B 2019/03, Universidade da CoruƱa/CISUG, Spain, (funding for open access charge) and National Science Foundation, USA, grant NSF Nebraska EPSCoR 95-3101-0060-402Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2019/03USA. National Science Foundation; EPSCoR 95-3101-0060-40

    Strong Equivalence of Logic Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms

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    Abstract. Logic programs with abstract constraint atoms provide a unifying framework for studying logic programs with various kinds of constraints. Establishing strong equivalence between logic programs is a key property for program maintenance and optimization, and for guaranteeing the same behavior for a revised original program in any context. In this paper, we study strong equivalence of logic programs with abstract constraint atoms. We first give a general characterization of strong equivalence based on a new definition of program reduct for logic programs with abstract constraints. Then we consider a particular kind of program revision-constraint replacements addressing the question: under what conditions can a constraint in a program be replaced by other constraints, so that the resulting program is strongly equivalent to the original one

    Query inseparability for ALC ontologies

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    We investigate the problem whether two ALC ontologies are indistinguishable (or inseparable) by means of queries in a given signature, which is fundamental for ontology engineering tasks such as ontology versioning, modularisation, update, and forgetting. We consider both knowledge base (KB) and TBox inseparability. For KBs, we give model-theoretic criteria in terms of (finite partial) homomorphisms and products and prove that this problem is undecidable for conjunctive queries (CQs), but 2ExpTime-complete for unions of CQs (UCQs). The same results hold if (U)CQs are replaced by rooted (U)CQs, where every variable is connected to an answer variable. We also show that inseparability by CQs is still undecidable if one KB is given in the lightweight DL EL and if no restrictions are imposed on the signature of the CQs. We also consider the problem whether two ALC TBoxes give the same answers to any query over any ABox in a given signature and show that, for CQs, this problem is undecidable, too. We then develop model-theoretic criteria for HornALC TBoxes and show using tree automata that, in contrast, inseparability becomes decidable and 2ExpTime-complete, even ExpTime-complete when restricted to (unions of) rooted CQs