32 research outputs found

    Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation

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    Computational creativity seeks to understand computational mechanisms that can be characterized as creative. The creation of new concepts is a central challenge for any creative system. In this article, we outline different approaches to computational concept creation and then review conceptual representations relevant to concept creation, and therefore to computational creativity. The conceptual representations are organized in accordance with two important perspectives on the distinctions between them. One distinction is between symbolic, spatial and connectionist representations. The other is between descriptive and procedural representations. Additionally, conceptual representations used in particular creative domains, such as language, music, image and emotion, are reviewed separately. For every representation reviewed, we cover the inference it affords, the computational means of building it, and its application in concept creation.Peer reviewe

    Automatic aspect extraction in information retrieval diversity

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    In this master thesis we describe a new automatic aspect extraction algorithm by incorporating relevance information to the dynamics of the Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis. An utility-biased likelihood statistical framework is described to formalize the incorporation of prior relevance information to the dynamics of the algorithm intrinsically. Moreover, a general abstract algorithm is presented to incorporate any arbitrary new feature variables to the analysis. A tempering procedure is inferred for this general algorithm as an entropic regularization of the utility-biased likelihood functional and a geometric interpretation of the algorithm is described, showing the intrinsic changes in the information space of the problem produced when di erent sources of prior utility estimations are provided over the same data. The general algorithm is applied to several information retrieval, recommendation and personalization tasks. Moreover, a set of post-processing aspect lters is presented. Some characteristics of the aspect distributions such as sparsity or low entropy are identi ed to enhance the overall diversity attained by the diversi cation algorithm. Proposed lters assure that the nal aspect space has those properties, thus leading to better diversity levels. An experimental setup over TREC web track 09-12 data shows that the algorithm surpasses classic pLSA as an aspect extraction tool for the search diversi cation. Additional theoretical applications of the general procedure to information retrieval, recommendation and personalization tasks are given, leading to new relevanceaware models incorporating several variables to the latent semantic analysis. Finally the problem of optimizing the aspect space size for diversi cation is addressed. Analytical formulas for the dependency of diversity metrics on the choice of an automatically extracted aspect space are given under a simpli ed generative model for the relation between system aspects and evaluation true aspects. An experimental analysis of this dependence is performed over TREC web track data using pLSA as aspect extraction algorithm

    Recommender systems in industrial contexts

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    This thesis consists of four parts: - An analysis of the core functions and the prerequisites for recommender systems in an industrial context: we identify four core functions for recommendation systems: Help do Decide, Help to Compare, Help to Explore, Help to Discover. The implementation of these functions has implications for the choices at the heart of algorithmic recommender systems. - A state of the art, which deals with the main techniques used in automated recommendation system: the two most commonly used algorithmic methods, the K-Nearest-Neighbor methods (KNN) and the fast factorization methods are detailed. The state of the art presents also purely content-based methods, hybridization techniques, and the classical performance metrics used to evaluate the recommender systems. This state of the art then gives an overview of several systems, both from academia and industry (Amazon, Google ...). - An analysis of the performances and implications of a recommendation system developed during this thesis: this system, Reperio, is a hybrid recommender engine using KNN methods. We study the performance of the KNN methods, including the impact of similarity functions used. Then we study the performance of the KNN method in critical uses cases in cold start situation. - A methodology for analyzing the performance of recommender systems in industrial context: this methodology assesses the added value of algorithmic strategies and recommendation systems according to its core functions.Comment: version 3.30, May 201

    Representation Learning for Natural Language Processing

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    This open access book provides an overview of the recent advances in representation learning theory, algorithms and applications for natural language processing (NLP). It is divided into three parts. Part I presents the representation learning techniques for multiple language entries, including words, phrases, sentences and documents. Part II then introduces the representation techniques for those objects that are closely related to NLP, including entity-based world knowledge, sememe-based linguistic knowledge, networks, and cross-modal entries. Lastly, Part III provides open resource tools for representation learning techniques, and discusses the remaining challenges and future research directions. The theories and algorithms of representation learning presented can also benefit other related domains such as machine learning, social network analysis, semantic Web, information retrieval, data mining and computational biology. This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, researchers, lecturers, and industrial engineers, as well as anyone interested in representation learning and natural language processing

    Clustering of scientific fields by integrating text mining and bibliometrics.

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    De toenemende verspreiding van wetenschappelijke en technologische publicaties via het internet, en de beschikbaarheid ervan in grootschalige bibliografische databanken, leiden tot enorme mogelijkheden om de wetenschap en technologie in kaart te brengen. Ook de voortdurende toename van beschikbare rekenkracht en de ontwikkeling van nieuwe algoritmen dragen hiertoe bij. Belangrijke uitdagingen blijven echter bestaan. Dit proefschrift bevestigt de hypothese dat de nauwkeurigheid van zowel het clusteren van wetenschappelijke kennisgebieden als het classificeren van publicaties nog verbeterd kunnen worden door het integreren van tekstontginning en bibliometrie. Zowel de tekstuele als de bibliometrische benadering hebben voor- en nadelen, en allebei bieden ze een andere kijk op een corpus van wetenschappelijke publicaties of patenten. Enerzijds is er een schat aan tekstinformatie aanwezig in dergelijke documenten, anderzijds vormen de onderlinge citaties grote netwerken die extra informatie leveren. We integreren beide gezichtspunten en tonen hoe bestaande tekstuele en bibliometrische methoden kunnen verbeterd worden. De dissertatie is opgebouwd uit drie delen: Ten eerste bespreken we het gebruik van tekstontginningstechnieken voor informatievergaring en voor het in kaart brengen van kennis vervat in teksten. We introduceren en demonstreren het raamwerk voor tekstontginning, evenals het gebruik van agglomeratieve hiërarchische clustering. Voorts onderzoeken we de relatie tussen enerzijds de performantie van het clusteren en anderzijds het gewenste aantal clusters en het aantal factoren bij latent semantische indexering. Daarnaast beschrijven we een samengestelde, semi-automatische strategie om het aantal clusters in een verzameling documenten te bepalen. Ten tweede behandelen we netwerken die bestaan uit citaties tussen wetenschappelijke documenten en netwerken die ontstaan uit onderlinge samenwerkingsverbanden tussen auteurs. Dergelijke netwerken kunnen geanalyseerd worden met technieken van de bibliometrie en de grafentheorie, met als doel het rangschikken van relevante entiteiten, het clusteren en het ontdekken van gemeenschappen. Ten derde tonen we de complementariteit aan van tekstontginning en bibliometrie en stellen we mogelijkheden voor om beide werelden op correcte wijze te integreren. De performantie van ongesuperviseerd clusteren en van classificeren verbetert significant door het samenvoegen van de tekstuele inhoud van wetenschappelijke publicaties en de structuur van citatienetwerken. Een methode gebaseerd op statistische meta-analyse behaalt de beste resultaten en overtreft methoden die enkel gebaseerd zijn op tekst of citaties. Onze geïntegreerde of hybride strategieën voor informatievergaring en clustering worden gedemonstreerd in twee domeinstudies. Het doel van de eerste studie is het ontrafelen en visualiseren van de conceptstructuur van de informatiewetenschappen en het toetsen van de toegevoegde waarde van de hybride methode. De tweede studie omvat de cognitieve structuur, bibliometrische eigenschappen en de dynamica van bio-informatica. We ontwikkelen een methode voor dynamisch en geïntegreerd clusteren van evoluerende bibliografische corpora. Deze methode vergelijkt en volgt clusters doorheen de tijd. Samengevat kunnen we stellen dat we voor de complementaire tekst- en netwerkwerelden een hybride clustermethode ontwerpen die tegelijkertijd rekening houdt met beide paradigma's. We tonen eveneens aan dat de geïntegreerde zienswijze een beter begrip oplevert van de structuur en de evolutie van wetenschappelijke kennisgebieden.SISTA;

    Tag based Bayesian latent class models for movies : economic theory reaches out to big data science

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    For the past 50 years, cultural economics has developed as an independent research specialism. At its core are the creative industries and the peculiar economics associated with them, central to which is a tension that arises from the notion that creative goods need to be experienced before an assessment can be made about the utility they deliver to the consumer. In this they differ from the standard private good that forms the basis of demand theory in economic textbooks, in which utility is known ex ante. Furthermore, creative goods are typically complex in composition and subject to heterogeneous and shifting consumer preferences. In response to this, models of linear optimization, rational addiction and Bayesian learning have been applied to better understand consumer decision- making, belief formation and revision. While valuable, these approaches do not lend themselves to forming verifiable hypothesis for the critical reason that they by-pass an essential aspect of creative products: namely, that of novelty. In contrast, computer sciences, and more specifically recommender theory, embrace creative products as a study object. Being items of online transactions, users of creative products share opinions on a massive scale and in doing so generate a flow of data driven research. Not limited by the multiple assumptions made in economic theory, data analysts deal with this type of commodity in a less constrained way, incorporating the variety of item characteristics, as well as their co-use by agents. They apply statistical techniques supporting big data, such as clustering, latent class analysis or singular value decomposition. This thesis is drawn from both disciplines, comparing models, methods and data sets. Based upon movie consumption, the work contrasts bottom-up versus top-down approaches, individual versus collective data, distance measures versus the utility-based comparisons. Rooted in Bayesian latent class models, a synthesis is formed, supported by the random utility theory and recommender algorithm methods. The Bayesian approach makes explicit the experience good nature of creative goods by formulating the prior uncertainty of users towards both movie features and preferences. The latent class method, thus, infers the heterogeneous aspect of preferences, while its dynamic variant- the latent Markov model - gets around one of the main paradoxes in studying creative products: how to analyse taste dynamics when confronted with a good that is novel at each decision point. Generated by mainly movie-user-rating and movie-user-tag triplets, collected from the Movielens recommender system and made available as open data for research by the GroupLens research team, this study of preference patterns formation for creative goods is drawn from individual level data

    Graph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

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    Deep learning has become the dominant approach in coping with various tasks in Natural LanguageProcessing (NLP). Although text inputs are typically represented as a sequence of tokens, there isa rich variety of NLP problems that can be best expressed with a graph structure. As a result, thereis a surge of interests in developing new deep learning techniques on graphs for a large numberof NLP tasks. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview onGraph Neural Networks(GNNs) for Natural Language Processing. We propose a new taxonomy of GNNs for NLP, whichsystematically organizes existing research of GNNs for NLP along three axes: graph construction,graph representation learning, and graph based encoder-decoder models. We further introducea large number of NLP applications that are exploiting the power of GNNs and summarize thecorresponding benchmark datasets, evaluation metrics, and open-source codes. Finally, we discussvarious outstanding challenges for making the full use of GNNs for NLP as well as future researchdirections. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive overview of Graph NeuralNetworks for Natural Language Processing.Comment: 127 page

    A new technique for intelligent web personal recommendation

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    Personal recommendation systems nowadays are very important in web applications because of the available huge volume of information on the World Wide Web, and the necessity to save users’ time, and provide appropriate desired information, knowledge, items, etc. The most popular recommendation systems are collaborative filtering systems, which suffer from certain problems such as cold-start, privacy, user identification, and scalability. In this thesis, we suggest a new method to solve the cold start problem taking into consideration the privacy issue. The method is shown to perform very well in comparison with alternative methods, while having better properties regarding user privacy. The cold start problem covers the situation when recommendation systems have not sufficient information about a new user’s preferences (the user cold start problem), as well as the case of newly added items to the system (the item cold start problem), in which case the system will not be able to provide recommendations. Some systems use users’ demographical data as a basis for generating recommendations in such cases (e.g. the Triadic Aspect method), but this solves only the user cold start problem and enforces user’s privacy. Some systems use users’ ’stereotypes’ to generate recommendations, but stereotypes often do not reflect the actual preferences of individual users. While some other systems use user’s ’filterbots’ by injecting pseudo users or bots into the system and consider these as existing ones, but this leads to poor accuracy. We propose the active node method, that uses previous and recent users’ browsing targets and browsing patterns to infer preferences and generate recommendations (node recommendations, in which a single suggestion is given, and batch recommendations, in which a set of possible target nodes are shown to the user at once). We compare the active node method with three alternative methods (Triadic Aspect Method, Naïve Filterbots Method, and MediaScout Stereotype Method), and we used a dataset collected from online web news to generate recommendations based on our method and based on the three alternative methods. We calculated the levels of novelty, coverage, and precision in these experiments, and we found that our method achieves higher levels of novelty in batch recommendation while achieving higher levels of coverage and precision in node recommendations comparing to these alternative methods. Further, we develop a variant of the active node method that incorporates semantic structure elements. A further experimental evaluation with real data and users showed that semantic node recommendation with the active node method achieved higher levels of novelty than nonsemantic node recommendation, and semantic-batch recommendation achieved higher levels of coverage and precision than non-semantic batch recommendation

    Stream-dashboard : a big data stream clustering framework with applications to social media streams.

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    Data mining is concerned with detecting patterns of data in raw datasets, which are then used to unearth knowledge that might not have been discovered using conventional querying or statistical methods. This discovered knowledge has been used to empower decision makers in countless applications spanning across many multi-disciplinary areas including business, education, astronomy, security and Information Retrieval to name a few. Many applications generate massive amounts of data continuously and at an increasing rate. This is the case for user activity over social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. This flow of data has been termed, appropriately, a Data Stream, and it introduced a set of new challenges to discover its evolving patterns using data mining techniques. Data stream clustering is concerned with detecting evolving patterns in a data stream using only the similarities between the data points as they arrive without the use of any external information (i.e. unsupervised learning). In this dissertation, we propose a complete and generic framework to simultaneously mine, track and validate clusters in a big data stream (Stream-Dashboard). The proposed framework consists of three main components: an online data stream clustering algorithm, a component for tracking and validation of pattern behavior using regression analysis, and a component that uses the behavioral information about the detected patterns to improve the quality of the clustering algorithm. As a first component, we propose RINO-Streams, an online clustering algorithm that incrementally updates the clustering model using robust statistics and incremental optimization. The second component is a methodology that we call TRACER, which continuously performs a set of statistical tests using regression analysis to track the evolution of the detected clusters, their characteristics and quality metrics. For the last component, we propose a method to build some behavioral profiles for the clustering model over time, that can be used to improve the performance of the online clustering algorithm, such as adapting the initial values of the input parameters. The performance and effectiveness of the proposed framework were validated using extensive experiments, and its use was demonstrated on a challenging real word application, specifically unsupervised mining of evolving cluster stories in one pass from the Twitter social media streams