93 research outputs found

    3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives

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    Considering sustainable development of cities implies investigating cities in a holistic way taking into account many interrelations between various urban or environmental issues. 3D city models are increasingly used in different cities and countries for an intended wide range of applications beyond mere visualization. Could these 3D City models be used to integrate urban and environmental knowledge? How could they be improved to fulfill such role? We believe that enriching the semantics of current 3D city models, would extend their functionality and usability; therefore, they could serve as integration platforms of the knowledge related to urban and environmental issues allowing a huge and significant improvement of city sustainable management and development. But which elements need to be added to 3D city models? What are the most efficient ways to realize such improvement / enrichment? How to evaluate the usability of these improved 3D city models? These were the questions tackled by the COST Action TU0801 “Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development”. This book gathers various materials developed all along the four year of the Action and the significant breakthroughs

    Digital Techniques for Documenting and Preserving Cultural Heritage

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    This book presents interdisciplinary approaches to the examination and documentation of material cultural heritage, using non-invasive spatial and spectral optical technologies

    Digital Techniques for Documenting and Preserving Cultural Heritage

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    In this unique collection the authors present a wide range of interdisciplinary methods to study, document, and conserve material cultural heritage. The methods used serve as exemplars of best practice with a wide variety of cultural heritage objects having been recorded, examined, and visualised. The objects range in date, scale, materials, and state of preservation and so pose different research questions and challenges for digitization, conservation, and ontological representation of knowledge. Heritage science and specialist digital technologies are presented in a way approachable to non-scientists, while a separate technical section provides details of methods and techniques, alongside examples of notable applications of spatial and spectral documentation of material cultural heritage, with selected literature and identification of future research. This book is an outcome of interdisciplinary research and debates conducted by the participants of the COST Action TD1201, Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage, 2012–16 and is an Open Access publication available under a CC BY-NC-ND licence.https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mip_arc_cdh/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Assessing the Quality of the Steps to Reproduce in Bug Reports

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    A major problem with user-written bug reports, indicated by developers and documented by researchers, is the (lack of high) quality of the reported steps to reproduce the bugs. Low-quality steps to reproduce lead to excessive manual effort spent on bug triage and resolution. This paper proposes Euler, an approach that automatically identifies and assesses the quality of the steps to reproduce in a bug report, providing feedback to the reporters, which they can use to improve the bug report. The feedback provided by Euler was assessed by external evaluators and the results indicate that Euler correctly identified 98% of the existing steps to reproduce and 58% of the missing ones, while 73% of its quality annotations are correct.Comment: In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '19), August 26-30, 2019, Tallinn, Estoni

    Integration of heritage buildings and sites in their surroundings - Public report

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    This public report provides an overview of the problems raised by the management of heritage buildings and sites (HBs/sites) in their surroundings. A multidisciplinary team comprising conservation professionals, art historians, archaeologists, architects, biologists, civil engineers and information technology experts have joined forces within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology1 Action TD1406 - i2MHB (Innovation in Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings) to provide their expertise and experience on the risks to which HBs/ sites are exposed (urban development, infrastructure works, demographical changes, natural and technological hazards, bio-deterioration, lack of cultural heritage education and technical knowledge and skills, etc.). Traditional and new approaches to manage the principal risks are then developed. Nine representative European HBs/sites are used to illustrate the different problems raised and to offer possible solutions. The report ends with a number of recommendations to better integrate HBs/sites in their surroundings. This report is addressed to policy makers at the local, regional and national governments; economical and industrial players; research and education stakeholders; and, the public to the preservation and valorisation of HBs/sites in their surroundings. We hope that readers will find tentative answers to their question(s) on the difficulties encountered by the management of HBs/sites in their surroundings. Further reading is available through the references and the online literature provided

    Fuzzy natural language similarity measures through computing with words

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    A vibrant area of research is the understanding of human language by machines to engage in conversation with humans to achieve set goals. Human language is naturally fuzzy by nature, with words meaning different things to different people, depending on the context. Fuzzy words are words with a subjective meaning, typically used in everyday human natural language dialogue and often ambiguous and vague in meaning and dependent on an individual’s perception. Fuzzy Sentence Similarity Measures (FSSM) are algorithms that can compare two or more short texts which contain fuzzy words and return a numeric measure of similarity of meaning between them. The motivation for this research is to create a new FSSM called FUSE (FUzzy Similarity mEasure). FUSE is an ontology-based similarity measure that uses Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets to model relationships between categories of human perception-based words. Four versions of FUSE (FUSE_1.0 – FUSE_4.0) have been developed, investigating the presence of linguistic hedges, the expansion of fuzzy categories and their use in natural language, incorporating logical operators such as ‘not’ and the introduction of the fuzzy influence factor. FUSE has been compared to several state-of-the-art, traditional semantic similarity measures (SSM’s) which do not consider the presence of fuzzy words. FUSE has also been compared to the only published FSSM, FAST (Fuzzy Algorithm for Similarity Testing), which has a limited dictionary of fuzzy words and uses Type-1 Fuzzy Sets to model relationships between categories of human perception-based words. Results have shown FUSE is able to improve on the limitations of traditional SSM’s and the FAST algorithm by achieving a higher correlation with the average human rating (AHR) compared to traditional SSM’s and FAST using several published and gold-standard datasets. To validate FUSE, in the context of a real-world application, versions of the algorithm were incorporated into a simple Question & Answer (Q&A) dialogue system (DS), referred to as FUSION, to evaluate the improvement of natural language understanding. FUSION was tested on two different scenarios using human participants and results compared to a traditional SSM known as STASIS. Results of the DS experiments showed a True rating of 88.65% compared to STASIS with an average True rating of 61.36%. Results showed that the FUSE algorithm can be used within real world applications and evaluation of the DS showed an improvement of natural language understanding, allowing semantic similarity to be calculated more accurately from natural user responses. The key contributions of this work can be summarised as follows: The development of a new methodology to model fuzzy words using Interval Type-2 fuzzy sets; leading to the creation of a fuzzy dictionary for nine fuzzy categories, a useful resource which can be used by other researchers in the field of natural language processing and Computing with Words with other fuzzy applications such as semantic clustering. The development of a FSSM known as FUSE, which was expanded over four versions, investigating the incorporation of linguistic hedges, the expansion of fuzzy categories and their use in natural language, inclusion of logical operators such as ‘not’ and the introduction of the fuzzy influence factor. Integration of the FUSE algorithm into a simple Q&A DS referred to as FUSION demonstrated that FSSM can be used in a real-world practical implementation, therefore making FUSE and its fuzzy dictionary generalisable to other applications

    Knowledge Communities in Online Education and (Visual) Knowledge Management: 19. Workshop GeNeMe‘16 as part of IFKAD 2016: Proceedings of 19th Conference GeNeMe

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    Communities in New Media started in 1998 as a workshop series at TU Dresden, and since then has annually dealt with online communities at the interface between several disciplines such as education and economics, computer science, social and communication sciences, and more. (See Köhler, Kahnwald & Schoop, 2015). The workshop is traditionally a forum for interdisciplinary dialogue between science and business and serves to share experiences and knowledge among participants from different disciplines, organisations, and institutions. In addition to the core themes of knowledge management and communities (in the chapters of the same name), the main focus of the conference is also on the support of knowledge and learning processes in the field of (media-assisted) higher education. This is complemented by an informational perspective when it comes to more functional and methodological approaches - use cases, workflows, and automation in knowledge management. In addition, systems and approaches for feedback, exchange, and ideas are presented. With the focus of knowledge media design and visual research as well as creative processes, this time there is also a highlight on visual aspects of knowledge management and mediation. For IFKAD 2016, three GeNeMe tracks were accepted which focus on the interface of knowledge communities and knowledge management as well as knowledge media design in science, business, or education. In this conference volume you will find detailed information about these three tracks: -- Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management -- Knowledge Communities II: Online Education -- Visual Knowledge Management [From the Preface.]:Preface IX Vorwort XIII Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management 1 Process Learning Environments 1 Two Steps to IT Transparency: A Practitioner’s Approach for a Knowledge Based Analysis of Existing IT Landscapes in SME 13 Social Media and Sustainable Communication. Rethinking the Role of Research and Innovation Networks 26 Consolidating eLearning in a Higher Education Institution: An Organisational Issue integrating Didactics, Technology, and People by the Means of an eLearning Strategy 39 How to treat the troll? An empirical analysis of counterproductive online behavior, personality traits and organizational behavior 51 Knowledge Communities II: Online Education 64 Sifa-Portfolio – a Continuing Education Concept for Specialists on Industrial Safety Combining Formal and Informal Learning 64 Analysing eCollaboration: Prioritisation of Monitoring Criteria for Learning Analytics in the Virtual Classroom 78 Gamifying Higher Education. Beyond Badges, Points and Leaderboards 93 Virtual International Learning Experience in Formal Higher Education – A Case Study from Jordan 105 Migration to the Flipped Classroom – Applying a Scalable Flipped Classroom Arrangement 117 MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology 131 A Survey on Knowledge Management in Universities in the QS Rankings: E-learning and MOOCs 144 Visual Knowledge Media 157 Generating implications for design in practice: How different stimuli are retrieved and transformed to generate ideas 157 Behind the data – preservation of the knowledge in CH Visualisations 170 Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets 184 Visual media as a tool to acquire soft skills — cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet 196 Graphing Meeting Records - An Approach to Visualize Information in a Multi Meeting Context 209 HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history 221 Ideagrams: A digital tool for observing ideation processes 234 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis 251Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien hat 1998 als Workshop-Reihe an der TU Dresden begonnen und seither jĂ€hrlich das Thema Online-Communities an der Schnittstelle mehrerer Disziplinen wie Informatik, Bildungs- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Informatik sowie Sozial-und Kommunikationswissenschaft u.a.m. thematisiert (vgl. Köhler, Kahnwald & Schoop, 2015). Der Workshop ist traditionell ein Forum fĂŒr den interdisziplinĂ€ren Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft und dient dazu, Erfahrungen und Wissen unter den Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, Organisationen und Institutionen zu teilen. Die inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte der Konferenz widmen sich neben den Kernthemen Wissensmanagement und Communities (in den gleichnamigen Kapiteln) auch der UnterstĂŒtzung von Wissens- und Lernprozessen im Bereich der (mediengestĂŒtzten) Hochschullehre. ErgĂ€nzt wird diese eher organisationswissenschaftliche durch eine informatorische Perspektive, wenn es um stĂ€rker funktionale bzw. auch methodische AnsĂ€tze geht – Use Cases, Workflows und Automatisierung im Wissensmanagement. DarĂŒber hinaus werden Systeme und AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr Feedback, Austausch und Ideenfindung vorgestellt. Mit den Schwerpunkten der Wissensmediengestaltung und visuellen Forschungs- sowie Kreativprozessen wird diesmal auch ein Schlaglicht auf visuelle Aspekte von Wissensmanagement und -vermittlung geworfen. FĂŒr die IFKAD 2016 wurden drei GeNeMe-Tracks angenommen, die sich auf das Interface von Wissensgemeinschaften und Wissensmanagement sowie die Wissensmediengestaltung in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft oder Bildung konzentrieren. Im vorliegenden Tagungsband finden Sie detaillierte Informationen zu diesen drei Tracks: -- Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management -- Knowledge Communities II: Online Education -- Visual Knowledge Management [Aus dem Vorwort.]:Preface IX Vorwort XIII Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management 1 Process Learning Environments 1 Two Steps to IT Transparency: A Practitioner’s Approach for a Knowledge Based Analysis of Existing IT Landscapes in SME 13 Social Media and Sustainable Communication. Rethinking the Role of Research and Innovation Networks 26 Consolidating eLearning in a Higher Education Institution: An Organisational Issue integrating Didactics, Technology, and People by the Means of an eLearning Strategy 39 How to treat the troll? An empirical analysis of counterproductive online behavior, personality traits and organizational behavior 51 Knowledge Communities II: Online Education 64 Sifa-Portfolio – a Continuing Education Concept for Specialists on Industrial Safety Combining Formal and Informal Learning 64 Analysing eCollaboration: Prioritisation of Monitoring Criteria for Learning Analytics in the Virtual Classroom 78 Gamifying Higher Education. Beyond Badges, Points and Leaderboards 93 Virtual International Learning Experience in Formal Higher Education – A Case Study from Jordan 105 Migration to the Flipped Classroom – Applying a Scalable Flipped Classroom Arrangement 117 MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology 131 A Survey on Knowledge Management in Universities in the QS Rankings: E-learning and MOOCs 144 Visual Knowledge Media 157 Generating implications for design in practice: How different stimuli are retrieved and transformed to generate ideas 157 Behind the data – preservation of the knowledge in CH Visualisations 170 Building a Wiki resource on digital 3D reconstruction related knowledge assets 184 Visual media as a tool to acquire soft skills — cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet 196 Graphing Meeting Records - An Approach to Visualize Information in a Multi Meeting Context 209 HistStadt4D – A four dimensional access to history 221 Ideagrams: A digital tool for observing ideation processes 234 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis 25
