12,149 research outputs found

    How will the Internet of Things enable Augmented Personalized Health?

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    Internet-of-Things (IoT) is profoundly redefining the way we create, consume, and share information. Health aficionados and citizens are increasingly using IoT technologies to track their sleep, food intake, activity, vital body signals, and other physiological observations. This is complemented by IoT systems that continuously collect health-related data from the environment and inside the living quarters. Together, these have created an opportunity for a new generation of healthcare solutions. However, interpreting data to understand an individual's health is challenging. It is usually necessary to look at that individual's clinical record and behavioral information, as well as social and environmental information affecting that individual. Interpreting how well a patient is doing also requires looking at his adherence to respective health objectives, application of relevant clinical knowledge and the desired outcomes. We resort to the vision of Augmented Personalized Healthcare (APH) to exploit the extensive variety of relevant data and medical knowledge using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to extend and enhance human health to presents various stages of augmented health management strategies: self-monitoring, self-appraisal, self-management, intervention, and disease progress tracking and prediction. kHealth technology, a specific incarnation of APH, and its application to Asthma and other diseases are used to provide illustrations and discuss alternatives for technology-assisted health management. Several prominent efforts involving IoT and patient-generated health data (PGHD) with respect converting multimodal data into actionable information (big data to smart data) are also identified. Roles of three components in an evidence-based semantic perception approach- Contextualization, Abstraction, and Personalization are discussed

    Automatic Generation of Personalized Recommendations in eCoaching

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    Denne avhandlingen omhandler eCoaching for personlig livsstilsstøtte i sanntid ved bruk av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi. Utfordringen er å designe, utvikle og teknisk evaluere en prototyp av en intelligent eCoach som automatisk genererer personlige og evidensbaserte anbefalinger til en bedre livsstil. Den utviklede løsningen er fokusert på forbedring av fysisk aktivitet. Prototypen bruker bærbare medisinske aktivitetssensorer. De innsamlede data blir semantisk representert og kunstig intelligente algoritmer genererer automatisk meningsfulle, personlige og kontekstbaserte anbefalinger for mindre stillesittende tid. Oppgaven bruker den veletablerte designvitenskapelige forskningsmetodikken for å utvikle teoretiske grunnlag og praktiske implementeringer. Samlet sett fokuserer denne forskningen på teknologisk verifisering snarere enn klinisk evaluering.publishedVersio

    An Advanced Conceptual Diagnostic Healthcare Framework for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disorders

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    The data mining along with emerging computing techniques have astonishingly influenced the healthcare industry. Researchers have used different Data Mining and Internet of Things (IoT) for enrooting a programmed solution for diabetes and heart patients. However, still, more advanced and united solution is needed that can offer a therapeutic opinion to individual diabetic and cardio patients. Therefore, here, a smart data mining and IoT (SMDIoT) based advanced healthcare system for proficient diabetes and cardiovascular diseases have been proposed. The hybridization of data mining and IoT with other emerging computing techniques is supposed to give an effective and economical solution to diabetes and cardio patients. SMDIoT hybridized the ideas of data mining, Internet of Things, chatbots, contextual entity search (CES), bio-sensors, semantic analysis and granular computing (GC). The bio-sensors of the proposed system assist in getting the current and precise status of the concerned patients so that in case of an emergency, the needful medical assistance can be provided. The novelty lies in the hybrid framework and the adequate support of chatbots, granular computing, context entity search and semantic analysis. The practical implementation of this system is very challenging and costly. However, it appears to be more operative and economical solution for diabetes and cardio patients.Comment: 11 PAGE

    Innovative Business Model for Smart Healthcare Insurance

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    Information revolution and technology growth have made a considerable contribution to restraining the cost expansion and empowering the customer. They disrupted most business models in different industries. The customer-centric business model has pervaded the different sectors. Smart healthcare has made an enormous shift in patient life and raised their expectations of healthcare services quality. Healthcare insurance is an essential business in the healthcare sector; patients expect a new business model to meet their needs and enhance their wellness. This research develops a holistic smart healthcare architecture based on the recent development of information and communications technology. Then develops a disruptive healthcare insurance business model that adapts to this architecture and classifies the patient according to their technology needs. Finally, and implementing a prototype of a system that matches and suits the healthcare recipient condition to the proper healthcare insurance policy by applying Web Ontology Language (OWL) and rule-based reasoning model using SWRL using Protég

    Semantic lifting and reasoning on the personalised activity big data repository for healthcare research

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    The fast growing markets of smart health monitoring devices and mobile applications provide opportunities for common citizens to have capability for understanding and managing their own health situations. However, there are many challenges for data engineering and knowledge discovery research to enable efficient extraction of knowledge from data that is collected from heterogonous devices and applications with big volumes and velocity. This paper presents research that initially started with the EC MyHealthAvatar project and is under continual improvement following the project’s completion. The major contribution of the work is a comprehensive big data and semantic knowledge discovery framework which integrates data from varied data resources. The framework applies hybrid database architecture of NoSQL and RDF repositories with introductions for semantic oriented data mining and knowledge lifting algorithms. The activity stream data is collected through Kafka’s big data processing component. The motivation of the research is to enhance the knowledge management, discovery capabilities and efficiency to support further accurate health risk analysis and lifestyle summarisation

    An Ontology-Based Framework for a Telehealthcare System to Foster Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle in Older Adults

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    In recent years, telehealthcare systems (TSs) have become more and more widespread, as they can contribute to promoting the continuity of care and managing chronic conditions efficiently. Most TSs and nutrition recommendation systems require much information to return appropriate suggestions. This work proposes an ontology-based TS, namely HeNuALs, aimed at fostering a healthy diet and an active lifestyle in older adults with chronic pathologies. The system is built on the formalization of users' health conditions, which can be obtained by leveraging existing standards. This allows for modeling different pathologies via reusable knowledge, thus limiting the amount of information needed to retrieve nutritional indications from the system. HeNuALs is composed of (1) an ontological layer that stores patients and their data, food and its characteristics, and physical activity-related data, enabling the inference a series of suggestions based on the effects of foods and exercises on specific health conditions; (2) two applications that allow both the patient and the clinicians to access the data (with different permissions) stored in the ontological layer; and (3) a series of wearable sensors that can be used to monitor physical exercise (provided by the patient application) and to ensure patients' safety. HeNuALs inferences have been validated considering two different use cases. The system revealed the ability to determine suggestions for healthy, adequate, or unhealthy dishes for a patient with respiratory disease and for a patient with diabetes mellitus. Future work foresees the extension of the HeNuALs knowledge base by exploiting automatic knowledge retrieval approaches and validation of the whole system with target users
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