79 research outputs found

    GridVine: an Infrastructure for Peer Information Management

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    GridVine is a semantic overlay infrastructure based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) access structure. Built following the principle of data independence, it separates a logical layer — in which data, schemas, and schema mappings are managed — from a physical layer consisting of a structured P2P network supporting decentralized indexing, key load-balancing, and efficient routing. The system is decentralized, yet fosters semantic interoperability through pair-wise schema mappings and query reformulation. GridVine’s heterogeneous but semantically related information sources can be queried transparently using iterative query reformulation. The authors discuss a reference implementation of the system and several mechanisms for resolving queries collaboratively

    Préserver la vie privée des individus grâce aux Systèmes Personnels de Gestion des Données

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    Riding the wave of smart disclosure initiatives and new privacy-protection regulations, the Personal Cloud paradigm is emerging through a myriad of solutions offered to users to let them gather and manage their whole digital life. On the bright side, this opens the way to novel value-added services when crossing multiple sources of data of a given person or crossing the data of multiple people. Yet this paradigm shift towards user empowerment raises fundamental questions with regards to the appropriateness of the functionalities and the data management and protection techniques which are offered by existing solutions to laymen users. Our work addresses these questions on three levels. First, we review, compare and analyze personal cloud alternatives in terms of the functionalities they provide and the threat models they target. From this analysis, we derive a general set of functionality and security requirements that any Personal Data Management System (PDMS) should consider. We then identify the challenges of implementing such a PDMS and propose a preliminary design for an extensive and secure PDMS reference architecture satisfying the considered requirements. Second, we focus on personal computations for a specific hardware PDMS instance (i.e., secure token with mass storage of NAND Flash). In this context, we propose a scalable embedded full-text search engine to index large document collections and manage tag-based access control policies. Third, we address the problem of collective computations in a fully-distributed architecture of PDMSs. We discuss the system and security requirements and propose protocols to enable distributed query processing with strong security guarantees against an attacker mastering many colluding corrupted nodes.Surfant sur la vague des initiatives de divulgation restreinte de données et des nouvelles réglementations en matière de protection de la vie privée, le paradigme du Cloud Personnel émerge à travers une myriade de solutions proposées aux utilisateurs leur permettant de rassembler et de gérer l'ensemble de leur vie numérique. Du côté positif, cela ouvre la voie à de nouveaux services à valeur ajoutée lors du croisement de plusieurs sources de données d'un individu ou du croisement des données de plusieurs personnes. Cependant, ce changement de paradigme vers la responsabilisation de l'utilisateur soulève des questions fondamentales quant à l'adéquation des fonctionnalités et des techniques de gestion et de protection des données proposées par les solutions existantes aux utilisateurs lambda. Notre travail aborde ces questions à trois niveaux. Tout d'abord, nous passons en revue, comparons et analysons les alternatives de cloud personnel au niveau des fonctionnalités fournies et des modèles de menaces ciblés. De cette analyse, nous déduisons un ensemble général d'exigences en matière de fonctionnalité et de sécurité que tout système personnel de gestion des données (PDMS) devrait prendre en compte. Nous identifions ensuite les défis liés à la mise en œuvre d'un tel PDMS et proposons une conception préliminaire pour une architecture PDMS étendue et sécurisée de référence répondant aux exigences considérées. Ensuite, nous nous concentrons sur les calculs personnels pour une instance matérielle spécifique du PDMS (à savoir, un dispositif personnel sécurisé avec un stockage de masse de type NAND Flash). Dans ce contexte, nous proposons un moteur de recherche plein texte embarqué et évolutif pour indexer de grandes collections de documents et gérer des politiques de contrôle d'accès basées sur des étiquettes. Troisièmement, nous abordons le problème des calculs collectifs dans une architecture entièrement distribuée de PDMS. Nous discutons des exigences d'architectures système et de sécurité et proposons des protocoles pour permettre le traitement distribué des requêtes avec de fortes garanties de sécurité contre un attaquant maîtrisant de nombreux nœuds corrompus

    A schema-based peer-to-peer infrastructure for digital library networks

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    Privacy Aware Parallel Computation of Skyline Sets Queries from Distributed Databases

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    A skyline query finds objects that are not dominated by another object from a given set of objects. Skyline queries help us to filter unnecessary information efficiently and provide us clues for various decision making tasks. However, we cannot use skyline queries in privacy aware environment, since we have to hide individual's records values even though there is no ID information. Therefore, we considered skyline sets queries. The skyline set query returns skyline sets from all possible sets, each of which is composed of some objects in a database. With the growth of network infrastructure data are stored in distributed databases. In this paper, we expand the idea to compute skyline sets queries in parallel fashion from distributed databases without disclosing individual records to others. The proposed method utilizes an agent-based parallel computing framework that can efficiently compute skyline sets queries and can solve the privacy problems of skyline queries in distributed environment. The computation of skyline sets is performed simultaneously in all databases which increases parallelism and reduces the computation time

    Emergent semantics in distributed knowledge management

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    Organizations and enterprises have developed complex data and information exchange systems that are now vital for their daily operations. Currently available systems, however, face a major challenge. On todays global information infrastructure, data semantics is more and more context- and time-dependent, and cannot be fixed once and for all at design time. Identifying emerging relationships among previously unrelated information items (e.g., during data interchange) may dramatically increase their business value. This chapter introduce and discuss the notion of Emergent Semantics (ES), where both the representation of semantics and the discovery of the proper interpretation of symbols are seen as the result of a selforganizing process performed by distributed agents, exchanging symbols and adaptively developing the proper interpretation via multi-party cooperation and conflict resolution. Emergent data semantics is dynamically dependent on the collective behaviour of large communities of agents, which may have different and even conflicting interests and agendas. This is a research paradigm interpreting semantics from a pragmatic prospective. The chapter introduce this notion providing a discussion on the principles, research area and current state of the art

    Schema matching in a peer-to-peer database system

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 112-118).Peer-to-peer or P2P systems are applications that allow a network of peers to share resources in a scalable and efficient manner. My research is concerned with the use of P2P systems for sharing databases. To allow data mediation between peers' databases, schema mappings need to exist, which are mappings between semantically equivalent attributes in different peers' schemas. Mappings can either be defined manually or found semi-automatically using a technique called schema matching. However, schema matching has not been used much in dynamic environments, such as P2P networks. Therefore, this thesis investigates how to enable effective semi-automated schema matching within a P2P network

    Integrating and querying linked datasets through ontological rules

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    The Web of Linked Open Data has developed from a few datasets in 2007 into a large data space containing billions of RDF triples published and stored in hundreds of independent datasets, so as to form the so called Linked Open Data Cloud. This information cloud, ranging over a wide set of data domains, poses a challenge when it comes to reconciling heterogeneous schemas or vocabularies adopted by data publishers. Motivated by this challenge, in this thesis was address the problem of integrating and querying multiple heterogeneous Linked Data sets through ontological rules. Firstly, we propose a formalisation of the notion of a peer-to-peer Linked Data integration system, where the mappings between peers comprise schema-level mappings and equality constraints between different IRIs; we call this formalism an RDF Peer System(RPS). We show that the semantics of the mappings preserve tractability of answering Basic Graph Pattern (BGP) SPARQL queries against the data stored in the RDF sources and the set of constraints given by the RPS mappings. Then, we address the problem of SPARQL query rewriting under RPSs and we show that it is not possible to rewrite an input BGP SPARQL query into a SPARQL 1.0 query under general RPSs, as the RPS peer mappings are not first-order-rewritable rules; this is a major drawback of general RPSs since data materialisation is required to exploit their full semantics. With the adoption of the more recent standard SPARQL 1.1 and its property paths we are able to extend the expressivity of the target language beyond first-order by including regular expressions in the body of the target SPARQL queries, that is, by expressing conjunctive two-way regular path queries (C2RPQs). Following this idea, in the second part of the thesis we step away from the language of RPSs to conduct a study on C2RPQ-rewritability under a broader ontology language. We define [ELHI`inh] (harmless linear ELHI), an ontology language that generalises both the DL-Lite[R] and linear ELH description logics. We prove the rewritability of instance queries (queries with a single atom in their body) under [ELHI`inh] knowledge bases with C2RPQs as the target language, presenting a query rewriting algorithm that makes use of non-deterministic finite-state automata. Following from that, we propose a query rewriting algorithm for answering conjunctive queries under [ELHI`inh] knowledge bases, with C2RPQs as the target language. Since C2RPQs can be straightforwardly expressed in SPARQL 1.1 by means of property paths, we believe that our approach is directly applicable to real-world querying settings. Lastly, we undertake a complexity analysis for query answering under [ELHI`inh]. We analyse the computational cost of query answering in terms of both data complexity (where the ontology and the query are fixed and the data alone is a variable input)and combined complexity (where query, ontology and data all constitute the variable input). We show that answering instance queries under [ELHI`inh] is NLogSpace-complete for data complexity and in PTime for combined complexity; we also show that answering CQs under [ELHI`inh] is NLogSpace-complete for data complexity and NP-complete for combined complexity

    Κατανεμημένη αποτίμηση επερωτήσεων και συλλογιστική για το μοντέλο RDF σε δίκτυα ομοτίμων κόμβων

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    Με το ενδιαφέρον για τις εφαρμογές του Σημασιολογικού Ιστού να αυξάνεται ραγδαία, το μοντέλο RDF και RDFS έχει γίνει ένα από τα πιο ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενα μοντέλα δεδομένων για την αναπαράσταση και την ενσωμάτωση δομημένης πληροφορίας στον Ιστό. Το πλήθος των διαθέσιμων πηγών πληροφορίας RDF συνεχώς αυξάνεται με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχει μια επιτακτική ανάγκη για τη διαχείριση RDF δεδομένων. Σε αυτή τη διατριβή επικεντρωνόμαστε στην κατανεμημένη διαχείριση RDF δεδομένων σε δίκτυα ομότιμων κόμβων. Σχεδιάζουμε και υλοποιούμε το σύστημα Atlas, ένα πλήρως κατανεμημένο σύστημα για την αποθήκευση RDF και RDFS δεδομένων, την αποτίμηση και βελτιστοποίηση επερωτήσεων στη γλώσσα SPARQL και τη συλλογιστική στο μοντέλο RDFS. Το σύστημα Atlas χρησιμοποιεί κατανεμημένους πίνακες κατακερματισμού, μια δημοφιλή περίπτωση δικτύων ομότιμων κόμβων. Αρχικά, αναλύουμε κατανεμημένους αλγόριθμους για συλλογιστική RDFS χρησιμοποιώντας κατανεμημένους πίνακες κατακερματισμού. Υλοποιηούμε διάφορες παραλλαγές των αλγορίθμων προς τα εμπρός αλυσίδα εκτέλεσης και προς τα πίσω αλυσίδα εκτέλεσης καθώς και έναν αλγόριθμο που χρησιμοποιεί την τεχνική μετασχηματισμού των κανόνων σε μαγικό σύνολο. Αποδεικνύουμε θεωρητικά την ορθότητα των αλγορίθμων αυτών και προσφέρουμε μια συγκριτική μελέτη τόσο αναλυτικά όσο και πειραματικά. Παράλληλα, προτείνουμε αλγορίθμους και τεχνικές για την αποτίμηση και τη βελτιστοποίηση επερωτήσεων στη γλώσσα SPARQL για RDF δεδομένα που είναι αποθηκευμένα σε κατανεμημένους πίνακες κατακερματισμού. Οι τεχνικές βελτιστοποίησης βασίζονται σε εκτιμήσεις επιλεκτικότητας και έχουν στόχο τη μείωση του χρόνου απόκρισης της επερώτησης καθώς και της κατανάλωσης εύρους ζώνης του δικτύου. Η εκτεταμένη πειραματική αξιολόγηση των μεθόδων βελτιστοποίησης γίνεται σε μια τοπική συστάδα υπολογιστών χρησιμοποιώντας ένα ευρέως διαδεδομένο σημείο αναφοράς μετρήσεων.With the interest in Semantic Web applications rising rapidly, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and its accompanying vocabulary description language, RDF Schema (RDFS), have become one of the most widely used data models for representing and integrating structured information in the Web. With the vast amount of available RDF data sources on the Web increasing rapidly, there is an urgent need for RDF data management. In this thesis, we focus on distributed RDF data management in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. More specifically, we present results that advance the state-of-the-art in the research area of distributed RDF query processing and reasoning in P2P networks. We fully design and implement a P2P system, called Atlas, for the distributed query processing and reasoning of RDF and RDFS data. Atlas is built on top of distributed hash tables (DHTs), a commonly-used case of P2P networks. Initially, we study RDFS reasoning algorithms on top of DHTs. We design and develop distributed forward and backward chaining algorithms, as well as an algorithm which works in a bottom-up fashion using the magic sets transformation technique. We study theoretically the correctness of our reasoning algorithms and prove that they are sound and complete. We also provide a comparative study of our algorithms both analytically and experimentally. In the experimental part of our study, we obtain measurements in the realistic large-scale distributed environment of PlanetLab as well as in the more controlled environment of a local cluster. Moreover, we propose algorithms for SPARQL query processing and optimization over RDF(S) databases stored on top of distributed hash tables. We fully implement and evaluate a DHT-based optimizer. The goal of the optimizer is to minimize the time for answering a query as well as the bandwidth consumed during the query evaluation. The optimization algorithms use selectivity estimates to determine the chosen query plan. Our algorithms and techniques have been extensively evaluated in a local cluster

    Designing Data Spaces

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    This open access book provides a comprehensive view on data ecosystems and platform economics from methodical and technological foundations up to reports from practical implementations and applications in various industries. To this end, the book is structured in four parts: Part I “Foundations and Contexts” provides a general overview about building, running, and governing data spaces and an introduction to the IDS and GAIA-X projects. Part II “Data Space Technologies” subsequently details various implementation aspects of IDS and GAIA-X, including eg data usage control, the usage of blockchain technologies, or semantic data integration and interoperability. Next, Part III describes various “Use Cases and Data Ecosystems” from various application areas such as agriculture, healthcare, industry, energy, and mobility. Part IV eventually offers an overview of several “Solutions and Applications”, eg including products and experiences from companies like Google, SAP, Huawei, T-Systems, Innopay and many more. Overall, the book provides professionals in industry with an encompassing overview of the technological and economic aspects of data spaces, based on the International Data Spaces and Gaia-X initiatives. It presents implementations and business cases and gives an outlook to future developments. In doing so, it aims at proliferating the vision of a social data market economy based on data spaces which embrace trust and data sovereignty

    Enabling Things to Talk

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    Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet); Business IT Infrastructure; Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing; Operations Management; Software Engineering; Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems; Business Information Systems; Ubiquitous Computing; Reference Architecture; Spatio-Temporal Systems; Smart Objects; Supply Chain Management; IoT; SCM; Web Applications; Internet of Things; Smart Homes; RFI