256 research outputs found

    Utilizing traceable software artifacts to improve bug localization

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    Die Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen ist eine komplexe Aufgabe. Qualitätssicherung versucht auftretenden Softwarefehler (bugs) in Systemen zu vermeiden, jedoch können Fehler nie ausgeschlossen werden. Sobald ein Softwarefehler entdeckt wird, wird typischerweise ein Fehlerbericht (bug report) erstellt. Dieser dient als Ausgangspunkt für den Entwickler den Fehler im Quellcode der Software zu finden und zu beheben (bug fixing). Fehlerberichte sowie weitere Softwareartefakte, z.B. Anforderungen und der Quellcode selbst, werden in Software Repositories abgelegt. Diese erlauben die Artefakte mit trace links zur Nachvollziehbarkeit (traceability) zu verknüpfen. Oftmals ist die Erstellung der trace links im Entwicklungsprozess vorgeschrieben. Dazu zählen u.a. die Luftfahrt- und Automobilindustrie, sowie die Entwicklung von medizinischen Geräten. Das Auffinden von Softwarefehlern in großen Systemen mit tausenden Artefakten ist eine anspruchsvolle, zeitintensive und fehleranfällige Aufgabe, welche eine umfangreiche Projektkenntnis erfordert. Deswegen wird seit Jahren aktiv an der Automatisierung dieses Prozesses geforscht. Weiterhin wird die manuelle Erstellung und Pflege von trace links als Belastung empfunden und sollte weitgehend automatisiert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Algorithmus zum Auffinden von Softwarefehlern vorgestellt, der aktiv die erstellten trace links ausnutzt. Die Artefakte und deren Beziehungen dienen zur Erstellung eines Nachvollziehbarkeitsgraphen, welcher analysiert wird um fehlerhafte Quellcodedateien anhand eines Fehlerberichtes zu finden. Jedoch muss angenommen werden, dass nicht alle notwendigen trace links zwischen den Softwareartefakten eines Projektes erstellt wurden. Deswegen wird ein vollautomatisierter, projektunabhängiger Ansatz vorgestellt, der diese fehlenden trace links erstellt (augmentation). Die Grundlage zur Entwicklung dieses Algorithmus ist der typische Entwicklungsprozess eines Softwareprojektes. Die entwickelten Ansätze wurden mit mehr als 32.000 Fehlerberichten von 27 Open-Source Projekten evaluiert und die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einbeziehung von traceability signifikant das Auffinden von Fehlern im Quellcode verbessert. Weiterhin kann der entwickelte Augmentation Algorithmus zuverlässig fehlende trace links erstellen.The development of software systems is a very complex task. Quality assurance tries to prevent defects – software bugs – in deployed systems, but it is impossible to avoid bugs all together, especially during development. Once a bug is observed, typically a bug report is written. It guides the responsible developer to locate the bug in the project's source code, and once found to fix it. The bug reports, along with other development artifacts such as requirements and the source code are stored in software repositories. The repositories also allow to create relationships – trace links – among contained artifacts. Establishing this traceability is demanded in many domains, such as safety related ones like the automotive and aviation industry, or in development of medical devices. However, in large software systems with thousands of artifacts, especially source code files, manually locating a bug is time consuming, error-prone, and requires extensive knowledge of the project. Thus, automating the bug localization process is actively researched since many years. Further, manually creating and maintaining trace links is often considered as a burden, and there is the need to automate this task as well. Multiple studies have shown, that traceability is beneficial for many software development tasks. This thesis presents a novel bug localization algorithm utilizing traceability. The project's artifacts and trace links are used to create a traceability graph. This graph is then analyzed to locate defective source code files for a given bug report. Since the existing trace link set of a project is possibly incomplete, another algorithm is prosed to augment missing links. The algorithm is fully automated, project independent, and derived from a project's development workflow. An evaluation on more than 32,000 bug reports from 27 open-source projects shows, that incorporating traceability information into bug localization significantly improves the bug localization performance compared to two state of the art algorithms. Further, the trace link augmentation approach reliably constructs missing links and therefore simplifies the required trace maintenance

    Groupware design : principles, prototypes, and systems

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    Computers are valuable tools for a wide range of work tasks. A substantial limitation on their value, however, is the predominant focus on enhancing the work of individuals. This fails to account for the issues of collaboration that affect almost all work. Research into computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) aims to eliminate this deficiency, but the promise of computer systems for group work has not been met. This thesis presents four design principles that promote the development of successful groupware. The principles identify the particular problems encountered by groupware, and provide guidelines and strategies to avoid, overcome, or minimise their impact. Derived from several sources, the major influence on the principles development is an investigation into the relationship between factors affecting groupware failure. They are stimulated by observations of groupware use, and by design insights arising from the development of two groupware applications and their prototypes: Mona and TELEFREEK. Mona provides conversation-based email management. Several groupware applications allow similar functionality, but the design principles result in Mona using different mechanisms to achieve its user-support. TELEFREEK provides a platform for accessing computer-supported communication and collaboration facilities. It attends to the problems of initiating interaction, and supports an adaptable and extendible set of "social awareness" assistants. TELEFREEK offers a broader range of facilities than other groupware, and avoids the use of prohibitively high-bandwidth communication networks. TELEFREEK demonstrates that much can be achieved through current and widely accessible technology. Together, Mona and TELEFREEK forcefully demonstrate the use of the design principles, and substantiate the claim of their utility

    Adaptive hypertext and hypermedia : workshop : proceedings, 3rd, Sonthofen, Germany, July 14, 2001 and Aarhus, Denmark, August 15, 2001

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    This paper presents two empirical usability studies based on techniques from Human-Computer Interaction (HeI) and software engineering, which were used to elicit requirements for the design of a hypertext generation system. Here we will discuss the findings of these studies, which were used to motivate the choice of adaptivity techniques. The results showed dependencies between different ways to adapt the explanation content and the document length and formatting. Therefore, the system's architecture had to be modified to cope with this requirement. In addition, the system had to be made adaptable, in addition to being adaptive, in order to satisfy the elicited users' preferences

    Adaptive hypertext and hypermedia : workshop : proceedings, 3rd, Sonthofen, Germany, July 14, 2001 and Aarhus, Denmark, August 15, 2001

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    This paper presents two empirical usability studies based on techniques from Human-Computer Interaction (HeI) and software engineering, which were used to elicit requirements for the design of a hypertext generation system. Here we will discuss the findings of these studies, which were used to motivate the choice of adaptivity techniques. The results showed dependencies between different ways to adapt the explanation content and the document length and formatting. Therefore, the system's architecture had to be modified to cope with this requirement. In addition, the system had to be made adaptable, in addition to being adaptive, in order to satisfy the elicited users' preferences

    A Survey of GPT-3 Family Large Language Models Including ChatGPT and GPT-4

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    Large language models (LLMs) are a special class of pretrained language models obtained by scaling model size, pretraining corpus and computation. LLMs, because of their large size and pretraining on large volumes of text data, exhibit special abilities which allow them to achieve remarkable performances without any task-specific training in many of the natural language processing tasks. The era of LLMs started with OpenAI GPT-3 model, and the popularity of LLMs is increasing exponentially after the introduction of models like ChatGPT and GPT4. We refer to GPT-3 and its successor OpenAI models, including ChatGPT and GPT4, as GPT-3 family large language models (GLLMs). With the ever-rising popularity of GLLMs, especially in the research community, there is a strong need for a comprehensive survey which summarizes the recent research progress in multiple dimensions and can guide the research community with insightful future research directions. We start the survey paper with foundation concepts like transformers, transfer learning, self-supervised learning, pretrained language models and large language models. We then present a brief overview of GLLMs and discuss the performances of GLLMs in various downstream tasks, specific domains and multiple languages. We also discuss the data labelling and data augmentation abilities of GLLMs, the robustness of GLLMs, the effectiveness of GLLMs as evaluators, and finally, conclude with multiple insightful future research directions. To summarize, this comprehensive survey paper will serve as a good resource for both academic and industry people to stay updated with the latest research related to GPT-3 family large language models.Comment: Preprint under review, 58 page

    Supporting Scientific Research Through Machine and Deep Learning: Fluorescence Microscopy and Operational Intelligence Use Cases

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    Although the debate of what data science is has a long history and has not reached a complete consensus yet, Data Science can be summarized as the process of learning from data. Guided by the above vision, this thesis presents two independent data science projects developed in the scope of multidisciplinary applied research. The first part analyzes fluorescence microscopy images typically produced in life science experiments, where the objective is to count how many marked neuronal cells are present in each image. Aiming to automate the task for supporting research in the area, we propose a neural network architecture tuned specifically for this use case, cell ResUnet (c-ResUnet), and discuss the impact of alternative training strategies in overcoming particular challenges of our data. The approach provides good results in terms of both detection and counting, showing performance comparable to the interpretation of human operators. As a meaningful addition, we release the pre-trained model and the Fluorescent Neuronal Cells dataset collecting pixel-level annotations of where neuronal cells are located. In this way, we hope to help future research in the area and foster innovative methodologies for tackling similar problems. The second part deals with the problem of distributed data management in the context of LHC experiments, with a focus on supporting ATLAS operations concerning data transfer failures. In particular, we analyze error messages produced by failed transfers and propose a Machine Learning pipeline that leverages the word2vec language model and K-means clustering. This provides groups of similar errors that are presented to human operators as suggestions of potential issues to investigate. The approach is demonstrated on one full day of data, showing promising ability in understanding the message content and providing meaningful groupings, in line with previously reported incidents by human operators

    Training Datasets for Machine Reading Comprehension and Their Limitations

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    Neural networks are a powerful model class to learn machine Reading Comprehen- sion (RC), yet they crucially depend on the availability of suitable training datasets. In this thesis we describe methods for data collection, evaluate the performance of established models, and examine a number of model behaviours and dataset limita- tions. We first describe the creation of a data resource for the science exam QA do- main, and compare existing models on the resulting dataset. The collected ques- tions are plausible – non-experts can distinguish them from real exam questions with 55% accuracy – and using them as additional training data leads to improved model scores on real science exam questions. Second, we describe and apply a distant supervision dataset construction method for multi-hop RC across documents. We identify and mitigate several dataset assembly pitfalls – a lack of unanswerable candidates, label imbalance, and spurious correlations between documents and particular candidates – which often leave shallow predictive cues for the answer. Furthermore we demonstrate that se- lecting relevant document combinations is a critical performance bottleneck on the datasets created. We thus investigate Pseudo-Relevance Feedback, which leads to improvements compared to TF-IDF-based document combination selection both in retrieval metrics and answer accuracy. Third, we investigate model undersensitivity: model predictions do not change when given adversarially altered questions in SQUAD2.0 and NEWSQA, even though they should. We characterise affected samples, and show that the phe- nomenon is related to a lack of structurally similar but unanswerable samples during training: data augmentation reduces the adversarial error rate, e.g. from 51.7% to 20.7% for a BERT model on SQUAD2.0, and improves robustness also in other settings. Finally we explore efficient formal model verification via Interval Bound Propagation (IBP) to measure and address model undersensitivity, and show that using an IBP-derived auxiliary loss can improve verification rates, e.g. from 2.8% to 18.4% on the SNLI test set
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