11 research outputs found

    A Non-Null Annotation Inferencer for Java Bytecode

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    We present a non-null annotations inferencer for the Java bytecode language. We previously proposed an analysis to infer non-null annotations and proved it soundness and completeness with respect to a state of the art type system. This paper proposes extensions to our former analysis in order to deal with the Java bytecode language. We have implemented both analyses and compared their behaviour on several benchmarks. The results show a substantial improvement in the precision and, despite being a whole-program analysis, production applications can be analyzed within minutes

    Soundly Handling Static Fields: Issues, Semantics and Analysis

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    Although in most cases class initialization works as expected, some static fields may be read before being initialized, despite being initialized in their corresponding class initializer. We propose an analysis which compute, for each program point, the set of static fields that must have been initialized and discuss its soundness. We show that such an analysis can be directly applied to identify the static fields that may be read before being initialized and to improve the precision while preserving the soundness of a null-pointer analysis.Comment: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation (BYTECODE 2009

    Nullable Type Inference

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    International audienceWe present type inference algorithms for nullable types in ML-like programming languages. Starting with a simple system, presented as an algorithm, whose only interest is to introduce the formalism that we use, we replace unification by subtyping constraints and obtain a more interesting system. We state the usual properties for both systems

    Result Certification of Static Program Analysers with Automated Theorem Provers

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    International audienceThe automation of the deductive approach to program veri- fication crucially depends on the ability to efficiently infer and discharge program invariants. In an ideal world, user-provided invariants would be strengthened by incorporating the result of static analysers as untrusted annotations and discharged by automated theorem provers. However, the results of object-oriented analyses are heavily quantified and cannot be discharged, within reasonable time limits, by state-of-the-art auto- mated theorem provers. In the present work, we investigate an original approach for verifying automatically and efficiently the result of certain classes of object-oriented static analyses using off-the-shelf automated theorem provers. We propose to generate verification conditions that are generic enough to capture, not a single, but a family of analyses which encompasses Java bytecode verification and Fähndrich and Leino type- system for checking null pointers. For those analyses, we show how to generate tractable verification conditions that are still quantified but fall in a decidable logic fragment that is reducible to the Effectively Propositional logic. Our experiments confirm that such verification conditions are efficiently discharged by off-the-shelf automated theorem provers

    Secure the Clones

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    International audienceExchanging mutable data objects with untrusted code is a delicate matter because of the risk of creating a data space that is accessible by an attacker. Consequently, secure programming guidelines for Java stress the importance of using defensive copying before accepting or handing out references to an internal mutable object. However, implementation of a copy method (like clone()) is entirely left to the programmer. It may not provide a sufficiently deep copy of an object and is subject to overriding by a malicious sub-class. Currently no language-based mechanism supports secure object cloning. This paper proposes a type-based annotation system for defining modular copy policies for class-based object-oriented programs. A copy policy specifies the maximally allowed sharing between an object and its clone. We present a static enforcement mechanism that will guarantee that all classes fulfil their copy policy, even in the presence of overriding of copy methods, and establish the semantic correctness of the overall approach in Coq. The mechanism has been implemented and experimentally evaluated on clone methods from several Java libraries

    Magic-sets for localised analysis of Java bytecode

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    Static analyses based on denotational semantics can naturally modelfunctional behaviours of the code in a compositionaland completely context and flow sensitive way. But theyonly model the functional, ie., input/output behaviour of a program P,not enough if one needs P's internal behaviours,ie., from the input to some internal program points.This is, however, a frequent requirement for a useful staticanalysis. In this paper, weovercome this limitation, for the case of mono-threaded Java bytecode,with a technique used up to nowfor logic programs only. Namely, we define a programtransformation that adds new "magic" blocks of code to theprogram P, whose functional behaviours are the internal behaviours of P.We prove the transformation correct wrt. an operationalsemantics and define an equivalent denotational semantics, devised forabstract interpretation, whosedenotations for the magic blocks are hence the internal behavioursof P. We implement our transformationand instantiate it with abstract domains modellingsharing of two variables, non-cyclicity of variables,nullness of variables, class initialisation informationand size of the values bound to program variables.We get a static analyser for full mono-threaded Java bytecode that is faster andscales better than another operational pair-sharing analyser.It has the same speed but is more precisethan a constraint-based nullness analyser. It makes a polyhedralsize analysis of Java bytecode scale up to 1300 methods in a coupleof minutes and a zone-based size analysis scale to still largerapplications

    Semantic Foundations and Inference of Non-null Annotations

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    This paper proposes a semantics-based automatic null pointer analysis for inferring non-null annotations of fields in object-oriented programs. The analysis is formulated for a minimalistic OO language and is expressed as a constraint-based abstract interpretation of the program which for each field of a class infers whether the field is definitely non-null or possibly null after object initialization. The analysis is proved correct with respect to an operational semantics of the minimalistic OO language. This correctness proof has been machine checked using the Coq proof assistant. We also prove the analysis complete with respect to the non-null type system proposed by FĂ€hndrich and Leino, in the sense that for every typable program the analysis is able to prove the absence of null dereferences without any hand-written annotations. Experiments with a prototype implementation of the analysis show that the inference is feasible for large programs