8 research outputs found

    Integration Framework of Technological Paradigms Towards a Distributed Semantic Web based on Process Management

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/gecontec/article/view/2367La necesidad de generar nuevos paradigmas en la ingeniería de software, requiere del desarrollo de modelos y metodologías que integren adecuadamente las innovaciones, los servicios personalizados y las tecnologías informáticas con el fin de facilitar la interactividad y el acceso a la información vital para las organizaciones. La presente contribución plantea una propuesta de integración de tecnologías para la implantación de aplicaciones web semánticas basada en procesos. Se realiza un estudio exhaustivo de los diferentes paradigmas tecnológicos a integrar, así como las herramientas y estándares que las soportan. Los puntos convergentes de áreas tales como, la gestión de procesos y reglas de negocios, la arquitectura orientada a servicio y las ontologías, pueden facilitar una estrategia en la creación de aplicaciones web y a la vez garantizar la permanencia de los principios para los cuales fueron creados cada uno de estos paradigmas. Los resultados de esta investigación reafirman que es posible tal integración en un solo sistema web de gestión del conocimiento, la información y los procesos de una organización o negocio. Se logra establecer una pauta tecnológica para implementar un sitio web, donde el núcleo central está conformado por los modelos ontológicos y el modelado de procesos de negocio, que comparten información y servicios web, descrito por los primeros e invocado por los segundos.The need of generating new paradigms in software engineering requires the development of models and methodologies used properly innovations, personalized services and software to integrate different models that facilitate interactivity and access to vital information for organizations technologies. This paper bring to account a proposition for the integration of technologies for implementing semantic web applications. An exhaustive study of the different possible technological paradigms to integrate, as well as tools and standards that support it is performed. The converging points of these areas in creating web applications can assist a strategy to ensure the permanence of the principles of each paradigm for which they were created. The results of this research confirm that such integration is possible in a single web site for the knowledge, information and processes management of an organization or business unit. It is possible to establish a technological guideline to implement a website, where the central core is built with ontological models and business process modeling, which share information and web services, described by the first one and invoked by the latter.Universidad Pablo de Olavid


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    Explaining the design of organizational processes is a paramount issue because the processes specify the knowledge of how the organization works. For this reason, the need to create capacities for the timely detection, planning and execution of analysis projects and design of processes oriented to innovation is imposed, which is complex to systematize, due to the dynamics of change to which organizations are subjected to. In the scientific literature, 10 principles have been synthesized that impact on the components of the work system for the innovation of organizational processes. The research aims to expose the results of a literature review conducted to assess the compliance with such principles in methodological and technological solutions that are oriented to process innovation. From the study of 3633 bibliographical references it has been verified that no solution is in conformity with the totality of the principles, evidencing deficiencies that impact on the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the design of the organizational processes.Explicitar el diseño de los procesos de la organización posee gran importancia debido a que los procesos especifican el conocimiento de cómo la organización funciona. Por tal motivo, se impone la necesidad de crear capacidades para la detección oportuna, planificación y ejecución de proyectos de análisis y diseño de procesos orientados a la innovación, lo que es complejo de sistematizar, a causa de la dinámica de cambio a la que se ven sometidas las organizaciones. En la literatura científica se han sintetizado 10 principios que impactan en los componentes del sistema de trabajo para la innovación de procesos organizacionales. La investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los resultados de la revisión bibliográfica realizada sobre el grado de cumplimiento de los principios en las soluciones metodológicas y tecnológicas que se orientan a la innovación de procesos. A partir del estudio de 3633 referencias bibliográficas se comprueba que ninguna solución está en conformidad con la totalidad de los principios, evidenciando carencias que impactan en la eficacia, eficiencia y sostenibilidad del diseño de los procesos organizacionales

    Metodología para la evaluación y comparación de marcos de trabajo de arquitectura empresarial

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    Enterprise architecture, as an integrating discipline, has been gaining in relevance both in the academic world and in the business world. For its practical application, it uses frameworks, which are the constructs largely responsible for the success of the discipline. These models bring practical utility to enterprise architectures but have the drawback of their diversity. In this paper, a methodology is developed for the evaluation and selection of enterprise architecture frameworks that, starting from the critical analysis of various methods, proposes a comprehensive approach based on selection filters. Using documentary analysis techniques to identify the available methods and through the analysis, grouping and discrimination of criteria, the final methodological proposal is reached. The proposal, made up of 23 criteria grouped into two selection filters, constitutes a formal methodological approach to what should be an adequate framework, always taking into account the evaluator's own needs. The proposal, in addition to integrating multiple initiatives at the international level, stands as a versatile success to deal not only with uncertainty when choosing a framework for a specific solution, but it is also useful to venture into the implementation of maturity models, to select best practices for architecture point solutions and for inclusion in an enterprise architect's basic toolbox.La arquitectura empresarial, en su carácter de disciplina integradora, ha ido ganando en relevancia tanto en el mundo académico como en el mundo empresarial. Para su aplicación práctica se sirve de los marcos de trabajo, que son en gran parte los constructos responsables del éxito de la disciplina. Más allá de su utilidad práctica, los marcos de trabajo tienen el inconveniente de su proliferación en los últimos años. Su actual variedad, lejos de ayudar, está siendo una limitante de peso para su aplicación práctica. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental, desarrollar una metodología para la evaluación y selección de marcos de trabajo de arquitectura empresarial que, basándose en las mejores prácticas internacionales, constituya una propuesta integral para la práctica arquitectónica. La investigación, de tipo cualitativa, utiliza fundamentalmente el análisis documental y parte del análisis crítico de un grupo de métodos de evaluación de marcos de trabajo hasta llegar a una propuesta conformada por 23 criterios y 2 filtros de selección. La propuesta metodológica resultante se erige como un acierto versátil para tratar no solo la incertidumbre al escoger un marco de trabajo, sino que es útil para incursionar en la implementación de modelos de madurez, para soluciones puntuales de arquitectura y para incluirse en la caja de herramientas básicas de un arquitecto empresarial

    Generic analysis support for understanding, evaluating and comparing enterprise architecture models

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    Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is one mean to deal with the increasing complexity of today’s IT landscapes. Architectural models are used within EAM to describe the business processes, the used applications, the required infrastructure as well as the dependencies between them. The creation of those models is expensive, since the whole organization and therewith a large amount of data has to be considered. It is important to make use of these models and reuse them for planning purposes and decision making. The models are a solid foundation for various kinds of analyses that support the understanding, evaluation and comparisons of them. Analyses can approximate the effects of the retirement of an application or of a server failure. It is also possible to quantify the models using metrics like the IT coverage of business processes or the workload of a server. The generation of views sets the focus on a specific aspect of the model. An example is the limitation to the processes and applications of a specific organization unit. Architectural models can also be used for planning purposes. The development of a target architecture is supported by identifying weak points and evaluating planning scenarios. Current approaches for EAM analysis are typically isolated ones, addressing only a limited subset of the different analysis goals. An integrated approach that covers the different information demands of the stakeholders is missing. Additionally, the analysis approaches are highly dependent on the utilized meta model. This is a serious problem since the EAM domain is characterized by a large variety of frameworks and meta models. In this thesis, we propose a generic framework that supports the different analysis activities during EAM. We develop the required techniques for the specification and execution of analyses, independently from the utilized meta model. An analysis language is implemented for the definition and customization of the analyses according to the current needs of the stakeholder. Thereby, we focus on reuse and a generic definition. We utilize a generic representation format to be able to abstract from the great variety of used meta models in the EAM domain. The execution of the analyses is done with Semantic Web Technologies and data-flow based model analysis. The framework is applied for the identification of weak points as well as the evaluation of planning scenarios regarding consistency of changes and goal fulfillment. Two methods are developed for these tasks, as well as respective analysis support is identified and implemented. These are, for example, a change impact analysis, specific metrics or the scoping of the architectural model according to different aspects. Finally, the coverage of the framework regarding existing EA analysis approaches is determined with a scenario-based evaluation. The applicability and relevance of the language and of the proposed methods is proved within three large case studies

    Scalable integration of uncertainty reasoning and semantic web technologies

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    In recent years formal logical standards for knowledge representation to model real world knowledge and domains and make them accessible for computers gained a lot of trac- tion. They provide an expressive logical framework for modeling, consistency checking, reasoning, and query answering, and have proven to be versatile methods to capture knowledge of various fields. Those formalisms and methods focus on specifying knowl- edge as precisely as possible. At the same time, many applications in particular on the Semantic Web have to deal with uncertainty in their data; and handling uncertain knowledge is crucial in many real- world domains. However, regular logic is unable to capture the real-world properly due to its inherent complexity and uncertainty, all the while handling uncertain or incomplete information is getting more and more important in applications like expert system, data integration or information extraction. The overall objective of this dissertation is to identify scenarios and datasets where methods that incorporate their inherent uncertainty improve results, and investigate approaches and tools that are suitable for the respective task. In summary, this work is set out to tackle the following objectives: 1. debugging uncertain knowledge bases in order to generate consistent knowledge graphs to make them accessible for logical reasoning, 2. combining probabilistic query answering and logical reasoning which in turn uses these consistent knowledge graphs to answer user queries, and 3. employing the aforementioned techniques to the problem of risk management in IT infrastructures, as a concrete real-world application. We show that in all those scenarios, users can benefit from incorporating uncertainty in the knowledge base. Furthermore, we conduct experiments that demonstrate the real- world scalability of the demonstrated approaches. Overall, we argue that integrating uncertainty and logical reasoning, despite being theoretically intractable, is feasible in real-world application and warrants further research

    Vereinigung von detaillierten Teilmodellen in einer flexiblen Enterprise Architecture zur übergreifenden Analyse: Ableitung des Bedarfs an Handlungen für einen durch Kennzahlen beschriebenen Untersuchungskontext

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    Modelle haben sich zu Dokumentationszwecken bewährt, existieren in der Praxis aber oftmals losgelöst voneinander. Durch die wachsende Komplexität in den Unternehmen reicht jedoch eine getrennte Betrachtung nicht mehr aus. Das Zusammenspiel der Unternehmensbestandteile muss bei Entscheidungen berücksichtigt werden. Eine Enterprise Architecture (EA) eignet sich zur Herstellung einer übergreifenden Sichtweise. Wobei hauptsächlich aggregierte Inhalte enthalten sind, die manuell erstellt werden. Damit ist die EA ein weiteres Datensilo. Durch das Fehlen detaillierter Informationen in der EA sind außerdem die Möglichkeiten einer ganzheitlichen Analyse begrenzt. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt daher ein Gesamtkonzept, um Detailinhalte zu vernetzen und übergreifende Analysen zu ermöglichen. Insbesondere werden auch Datenwerte (z.B. Kosten) einbezogen. Eine Indirektstufe kann die Teilmodelle lose verknüpfen. Zugleich dient ein einfaches EA-Vokabular als neutrale Begriffsschicht. Mithilfe der Technologien des Semantic Web entsteht so eine integrierte Datenbasis. Sie positioniert sich als Ebene oberhalb der Datenquellen. Anschließend kann eine übergreifende Analyse erfolgen, in der alle Inhalte kombiniert werden. Zur Konkretisierung des Ansatzes fokussiert sich die Arbeit auf die Ableitung des Bedarfs an Handlungen. Mit der Importance-Performance-Analyse wird ein Verfahren aus dem Qualitätsmanagement von Dienstleistungen entliehen und auf die EA-Analyse übertragen. Die Berechnung basiert auf flexibel zu beschreibenden Kennzahlen, bei deren Definition das EA-Vokabular verwendet wird. Als Ergebnis werden Gesamtratings für alle Untersuchungsobjekte ausgewiesen. Sie sagen etwas über einen Handlungsbedarf und die Dringlichkeit aus. Auch die Analyse basiert auf Technologien des Semantic Web. Als Nachweis der Realisierbarkeit wurde der Ansatz in einem Prototyp umgesetzt. Außerdem wird ein praxisnaher Anwendungsfall einer Digitalisierungsinitiative bei einer Versicherung skizziert